What are the charges for the service of postpartum recovery of Jiaoyang Landuo

2024-05-17 13:29:29 Source: Postnatal recovery of Jiaoyanglanduo
  • Business scope: Postpartum recovery&age reduction center
  • Number of stores: 1300
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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After the post natal recovery industry entered the market, it brought a good experience to the puerpera, broke the traditional confinement, and was favored by the majority of consumers. Jiaoyang Landuo Post natal Recovery is a chain brand store. It meets the physical recovery needs of every puerpera with diversified services, and also solves more physical problems of postpartum mothers with professional technology. Therefore, it has won the reputation of consumers and improved the brand's influence. So, what are the post natal recovery services of Jiaoyang Lando? How about the charge?

 Jiaoyang Landuo resumed joining after childbirth

What are the post natal recovery services of Jiaoyang Landuo

Jiaoyang Landuo Postnatal Recovery Center is a professional service organization focusing on the physical and mental health of postpartum mothers. The brand provides a series of professional postpartum recovery services to help new mothers quickly recover to their original state. At present, there are many brand service projects, including postpartum fat reduction: provide personalized fat reduction programs for postpartum mothers, including aerobic exercise, yoga, Pilates, etc., to help new mothers quickly recover their slim figure. Postnatal health care, according to the physical characteristics of new mothers, provides personalized health care programs, including traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, nutrition guidance, etc., to help new mothers recover their health. Psychological counseling: provide professional psychological counseling services for new mothers who may have psychological problems, help them adjust their mentality and meet new life challenges.

 Postnatal recovery of Jiaoyanglanduo

How about the charge for recovery after delivery of Jiaoyang Landuo

The charging standard of Jiaoyang Landuo Postnatal Recovery Center is relatively reasonable, which is in line with the consumption level of most families. The specific charging standards will vary according to different service items. For example, basic post natal recovery services usually cost hundreds to 1000 yuan, while high-grade personalized services can cost thousands to tens of thousands of yuan. In addition, according to the consumption level of different regions, the charging standards will also vary.

What are the post natal recovery services of Jiaoyang Landuo? How about the charge? The service items for postpartum recovery of Jiaoyang Landuo are diversified, which can meet the different needs of pregnant women. In addition, if the charges for the brand are reasonable, the brand will launch more packages and preferential activities according to the market situation, so as to attract more consumers.

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 Jiaoyang Landuo resumed joining after childbirth
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