Children learn art Huanya Maple Leaf Art Education to share parents' worries

2022-09-07 18:00:41 Source: Maple Leaf Art Education in Huanya
  • Business scope: eloquence art dance taekwork
  • Number of stores: 700
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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With the implementation and development of quality education, students in the new era are required to develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically in an all-round way. More and more parents choose to let their children learn art, which can not only promote the improvement of comprehensive quality and ability, but also meet new educational needs. Therefore, there are many art education and training institutions in the market. Different art brands offer different courses, and there are also certain differences in education concepts, business positioning, teaching services, etc. Parents need to make serious choices for their children. Children learn art, and Maple Leaf Art Education around Asia shares parents' worries.

 Huanya Maple Leaf Art Education

Introduction to Huanya Maple Leaf Art Education Brand

Huanya Maple Leaf Art Education is a well-known chain brand of middle and high level art education in China. It is committed to providing full subject art education training for children aged 4-16 years old, and is committed to making children get better art education. The brand has independently developed a complete curriculum system, including Childlike Art, Maple Leaf Taekwondo, Mountain Spring Calligraphy, Zhibo Technology Robot, Maple Leaf Folk Dance, Maple Leaf Piano, Star Dance League Hip Hop Dance, etc. The professional curriculum system, colorful art life, use art to inspire children's wisdom, let children enjoy the joy of learning art, and promote the improvement of comprehensive ability.

 Maple Leaf Art Education in Huanya

Advantages of Maple Leaf Art Education in Huanya

When joining Huanya Maple Leaf Art Education, the headquarters will provide a full set of operation management manual support for the franchise school, and the standardized operation mode will make it easier to operate. The headquarters has established a wired online and offline supervision service system, and professional supervisors conduct inspection and supervision irregularly to understand the actual operation of the store and help solve problems encountered in the operation process. In order to enhance the influence of the campus in the market, the headquarters provides a platform for grading and competition to provide opportunities for children to show and share qualifications and honors.

Children learn art, and Maple Leaf Art Education around Asia shares parents' worries. After years of market development, Huanya Maple Leaf Art Education has opened more than 700 campuses nationwide, accumulated a lot of experience in running schools, and formed a standardized operation mode. For entrepreneurs who pay attention to brands, they can run schools without experience. The headquarters provides full custody services to comprehensively solve problems in teaching, management, market expansion, campus operation, etc.

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  •  Advantage 1: 100% certification
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  •  Advantage 3: Lightning recovery
  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
 Huanya Maple Leaf Art Education
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