• Inherit the traditional Chinese cooking skills and techniques, and combine with innovative technology to produce delicious food.
  • Cater to the fast-paced dining habits of modern people, serve with high frequency, turn the table quickly, and do not wait.
  • There is no need for large stores, residential areas, schools, office buildings, pedestrian streets, where people open more.
  • Choose pig tibia, and each pig will produce six ribs.
  • The geographical location of rice from Heilongjiang accumulated temperature zone, 122 ° 58 ′ - 124 ° E, 48 ° 8-46 ° 3 N
  • Abide by the laws of nature, choose ecological rice, kelp, ribs, pickled cabbage, fresh and delicious.
  • Independent research and development of the intelligent rice cooker, simplifying the process, one button operation, thousands of stores.
  • Follow the ancient food concept, just to return to the essence of ingredients, full of real taste.
  • A variety of tastes are suitable for both young and old.
  • Intelligent machine, one button operation, several minutes of meals.
  • Online and offline, double line orders, business is not limited.
  • The delivery of materials and packages is the only way for thousands of stores, without the need to hire a chef.
  • Fast food has a high turnover rate, one after another.
  • Give away the technical formula, production process, flow and production method of the product.
  • One to one technical guidance, easy to operate, easy to learn and understand, 3-7 days of graduation.
  • The headquarters will continue to develop new dishes to maintain the competitiveness of the store.
  • With one-on-one support and nanny service, Xiaobai can also be a boss.
  • Provide store image design, opening publicity planning and design for the store free of charge.
  • The headquarters is equipped with all professional intelligent equipment and microcomputer management.
  • The planning team will customize the operation plan and promotion scheme according to the actual situation.
  • Tailored store image suitable for you, unified design of headquarters, stronger brand sense.
  • The headquarters puts brand advertisements to promote terminal sales and enhance brand awareness.
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