How about the recovery market of Oriental Mom after childbirth? How much does it cost to open a store

2024-05-17 08:57:31 Source: Dongfang mother recovers after childbirth
  • Business scope: beauty
  • Number of stores: 2000
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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Female friends who have given birth are in a very weak state and need careful conditioning before they can return to their normal state. With the improvement of people's living conditions, people are more inclined to choose post natal recovery centers to help mothers get scientific and comprehensive care and recovery. Let's take a look at the recovery market of Oriental mothers after childbirth, OK? How much does it cost to open a store?

 Dongfang Mama joined in after childbirth

How about the recovery market of Oriental mother after childbirth

Since the country launched the policy of encouraging fertility, the treasure mothers in life have welcomed two or three treasures one after another. The increasing number of newborn babies has first benefited the mother and baby market, because confinement after childbirth is an indispensable link. However, today's mothers have high requirements for health and body shape. Therefore, choosing the brand of Oriental Mothers for postpartum recovery can meet the needs of modern women for health care and beauty. The market prospect is broad.

How much does it cost for Dongfang Mom to recover after childbirth

The cost of Dongfang Mama's post natal revival is not high, which will not bring too heavy economic burden to entrepreneurs. This is determined by the comprehensive consideration of brand operators. Because the economic development level of different cities and regions is different, and the economic strength of each entrepreneur is also different, the headquarters has launched a flexible franchise model, such as entrepreneurs who choose a small business model, Prepare a start-up fund of about 100000 yuan to successfully join and open stores

 Dongfang mother recovers after childbirth

The project of Dongfang Mama's recovery after childbirth

The enterprise launched six main projects to the franchise stores, including hundreds of characteristic services, including post natal recovery projects, pre pregnancy conditioning projects, post natal physical conditioning projects, private maintenance projects, post natal physical recovery projects, Bian stone health sub health adjustment projects, post natal beauty projects, post natal sequelae projects, post natal breast care, menopause conditioning projects, etc., with mature and perfect technology, It has brought amazing health effects.

Is it good for Oriental Mom's postpartum recovery market? How much does it cost to open a store? The cost of opening a store needs flexible analysis. The operation mode of a small franchise store and a large store will inevitably produce different costs, which requires entrepreneurs to act within their capabilities, choose a suitable store scale for operation, and make adequate preparations at the same time.

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 Dongfang Mama joined in after childbirth
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