How to join Daben Well? Is it recognized by the market

2024-05-17 08:27:03 Source: Dabin Well
  • Business scope: Western food
  • Number of stores: 60
  • Single store investment: 50~100 ten thousand
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After the improvement of the quality of life, people have a higher pursuit of food. Traditional food can no longer meet consumers' taste buds. After entering the domestic market, Japanese and Korean cuisine brings consumers a different food experience with its unique taste. With the increase of market demand, more and more international delicacies enter the domestic market, which sets off a consumption trend. Daben Well is a famous Japanese and Korean cuisine brand, with a variety of food series and considerate services, which has gained qualified reputation and evaluation, and also attracted the attention of some entrepreneurs. How to join Daben Well? Is it recognized by the market?

 Joined by Daben Well

How to join Daben Well

1. Interested operators shall conduct preliminary project consultation and understanding by telephone, and submit the franchise application to the headquarters after determining the franchise intention, waiting for the qualification review of the headquarters.

2. Qualified operators are invited to the company headquarters for field investigation and face-to-face project negotiation with market investment promotion personnel.

3. Both parties reach an agreement without objection, sign a franchise contract, pay the franchise fees, and establish a franchise cooperation relationship.

4. The company sends marketing specialists to assist franchise stores in opening the whole process, so that franchise stores can open successfully within the specified time.

Is Daben Well recognized by the market

Since the establishment of the brand, the company has carefully selected a variety of ingredients with authentic Japanese taste, challenging the taste buds of diners, and a large number of diners come into the store every day for consumption. The store adopts Japanese Hefeng decoration style, which is suitable for the dining needs of the young generation. Gather Japanese food and snacks, mainly including fried string, drinks, Shouxi Shao, etc., and become the leading brand in the industry with a strong supply chain and fast update speed.

 Dabin Well

Brand characteristics of Daben Well

In order to meet the dining needs of more people, the company has launched four operation modes, namely, single point, package, meal and take away, without worrying about the passenger flow. Set up a large food material processing base, purchase and distribute food materials required by franchise restaurants in a unified way, supply them directly by manufacturers, strictly control the quality of food materials from the source. Unique product taste and strong market competitiveness.

How to join Daben Well? Is it recognized by the market? The company provides franchisees with butler tracking services to solve various problems on the way of entrepreneurship. The whole set of technology teaching, theory and practice are combined, and entrepreneurial Xiaobai doesn't have to worry about store operation problems. A variety of stores, with more or less expenses, meet the entrepreneurial needs of different groups.

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  • Franchise certification
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  • Thousands of public praise
  • Gold medal customer service
  •  Advantage 1: 100% certification
  •  Advantage 2: Big name league
  •  Advantage 3: Lightning recovery
  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
 Joined by Daben Well
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