How about joining Jingshi Lingcaibao

2017-09-11 16:03:28 Source: Jingshiling Jewelry
  • Business Scope: Jewelry
  • Number of stores: 550
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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In this In the era of "beauty is everything", people's aesthetic needs have been greatly expanded. When a person dressed simply walks with a person dressed in beautiful clothes and jewels, your eyes stay longer on who? Of course, they are very well-dressed people. Such aesthetics determines the sales market of the jewelry industry. According to the statistics of Gem Industry Association, the total sales of gemstones in China has exceeded With 320 billion yuan, colored gemstones have become a new trend of fashion in the market! Then the outstanding brands in Caibao industry Joined Jingshi Lingcaibao How about it?

 Crystal Stone Lingcai Treasure

   Jingshi Lingcaibao's brand positioning is accurate

   Jingshiling, a Caibao brand representing the fashion, personality, love and protection of urban women. Colorful gemstones formed over hundreds of millions of years are used, The jewelry designer with ingenuity combines the essence of eastern and western cultures to polish the qualified products of Caibao, which are deeply influenced by its unique design, exquisite workmanship and elegant and luxurious style Urban fashion women aged 20-45 love it.

 Crystal Stone Lingcai Treasure

   Jingshi Lingcaibao has advantages in joining

   1. Brand precipitation in 13 years With 13 years of brand accumulation, more than 500 franchised stores have spread all over the better business districts in the first tier cities across the country, international airport stores have been fully launched, and the American international lottery stores have set sail in their golden age!

   2. Mature supply chain system Cooperate with Brazil, South Africa, Argentina, Afghanistan, Tanzania and other rare and precious gem mineral source enterprises in the world, and cooperate deeply with India's large cutting companies to create a mature, strong and perfect supply chain system of color jewelry in the industry from raw stone development, design to processing.

   3. Advanced information advantages Cooperate with Haiding Group for better retail informatization to customize ERP system, manage and operate informatization, and become the first in the industry.

   4. Strong operational advantages 13 years of successful operation experience, good reputation for store sales and 60% sales growth.

   5. Strong capital advantage We have reached strategic cooperation with Minsheng Bank, an industry with wisdom and vision, and obtained huge capital support.

   6. Design advantages of Sign up with the international design master team, from series products to customized products, and the products will sell well.

   7. Strong promotion advantages Huge amount of money has been spent on signing with Carina Lau, and tens of millions of yuan is spent on online and offline promotion every year.

 Crystal Stone Lingcai Treasure

   8. Huge channel advantages More than 200 national mainstream business centers have been settled in Wanda, Zhengjia, Vanke, Ginza, Yintai, etc.

   9. Perfect training system With 13 years of operation experience, it has built a national business school of Caibao industry, formed a perfect training system, and delivered sales management talents to terminal stores.

   10. Big member data system Perfect member management system, share 1 million members, quickly grasp consumer information, stabilize customers, and ensure the continuous stability of the store!

   11. Stars unanimously approve Carina Lau, the star of the pop star, speaks for her with passion, grace and grace, which are unanimously recognized by all the stars!

   12. Product growth advantages Jingshi Lingcaibao, a new wealth field with smart choice value in the next 20 years, can steadily control 30% of the market growth rate!

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  • Thousands of public praise
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  •  Advantage 1: 100% certification
  •  Advantage 2: Big name league
  •  Advantage 3: Lightning recovery
  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
 Joined Jingshiling Jewelry
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