Thanks to the care and patience of Belan, the children's homework speed has soared

2024-06-13 10:51:39 Source: Belan trusteeship
  • Scope of business: After school services for primary school students
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 50~100 ten thousand
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I home My son, he is smart and cute, but there is a problem that my father and I have a headache , is The speed of doing homework is extremely slow. He can always delay the task that could be completed in one hour to three hours or even longer. We tried various methods, from patient guidance to serious education, but the effect was not obvious. Every time he mentioned it, he always Under the excuse of "slow work and meticulous work", we can't laugh or cry.

In order to help him get rid of this bad habit, we decided to ask for help. After multiple understanding, we chose Belan pro Joining Datong Ancient Han Campus I heard that The learning atmosphere is very good. In just one month, we were surprised by the changes of our children. His work speed is obviously accelerated. The work that used to take several hours to complete can now be completed efficiently within the specified time. He is also very satisfied with his progress and often proudly shows us his work results.

We know that these changes are inseparable Belan pro Primary school trusteeship Datong Ancient Han Campus The teachers' hard work and careful guidance. They not only focus on children's learning situation , more concerned about children's learning attitudes and habits. Via correct They successfully helped children overcome the bad habit of procrastination and cultivate good learning habits and self-discipline.

Here, I would like to Belan pro Trusteeship Datong Ancient Han Campus Our teachers expressed their heartfelt thanks. It's your heart And patience So that our children can move forward on the right path and become more excellent and confident people. I believe that under your guidance, more children will be able to get rid of bad habits and welcome a better future.

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 Belan Private Trusteeship
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