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  •  Interview | Li Ying of Samite Ceramics: focusing on the exploration of youth, internationalization and artistry

    Interview | Li Ying of Samite Ceramics: focusing on the exploration of youth, internationalization and artistry

    From April 18 to April 22, 2024 Foshan Tanzhou Ceramics Exhibition was held in Foshan Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, China. As the "vane of China's ceramics industry", the event attracted more than 600 well-known ceramic brands. This international trade exchange stage provides an excellent window for exhibitors to link the upstream and downstream resources of the global ceramic industry chain, and has become the first place for new ceramic products, new technologies and new design trends in the world. During the exhibition, Samet's "Climbing the Peak, Seeking Art" theme hall, which integrates classic art elements, made a brilliant debut. The pavilion deconstructs and integrates the vitality of young generations and oriental art heritage from a modern international perspective, attracting countless visitors to stop to enjoy and experience in depth. The reporter had an exclusive conversation with Ms. Li Ying, President of the Samite Design Institute, and conducted a detailed in-depth interview on a series of topics such as how the Samite brand drives brand growth through design concept innovation, product logic optimization and design power, revealing the innovative thinking and practice path of Samite in the ceramic industry—— The following is the interview record - Youju Vision: please introduce the design concept of this exhibition hall. Li Ying: The core concept of Samet's exhibition hall planning and design is around "climbing the peak to find art", which is the guiding theme of the overall exhibition arrangement. Samite brand adheres to the young, international and timely positioning, and tries to shape the brand image through this youthful route. Therefore, when selecting partners, we focus on those creative talents who are highly compatible with the brand and also have a distinctive sense of the times. In the facade design of this booth, we especially cooperated with Mr. Ling Yundeng. The appearance of this booth makes full use of the exuberant vitality elements contained in Mr. Ling Yundeng's paintings, and integrates them into the design of the entire facade. Moreover, in order to further enhance the visual effect and highlight the brand characteristics, we skillfully combined the original art works with the unique glaze process of Samet, such as adding shiny glaze decoration, highlighting the texture of trees in the picture and the standing sense of the internal round sphere. At the same time, we also transformed the paintings of Mr. Ling Yundeng into digital art, extracted core elements from the paintings, and created a positive growth mood. The whole picture shows a strong sense of dynamic beauty. At the same time, a mirror is placed above it to accurately reflect the dynamic image played by the LED screen, thus forming a visual effect of two dimensions intertwined. This is a design concept we call "two-way rush", which means that whether with consumers or designers, There is a process of close interaction and co creation. Youju's vision: In the past two years, the consumption level has been focusing on emotional value. How do you view the current phenomenon of emotional value consumption? Li Ying: In fact, emotional reaction is a sustenance for people to face uncertainty and anxiety, which carries the hope of injecting more relaxation and comfort into their daily life. At present, the pressure of social life is increasing day by day. Whether it is the post-70s, post-80s, post-90s or the post zero group just entering the workplace, their expectations and needs for life are different, and the careful construction of emotional space and the feedback it brings are crucial. Observing modern social phenomena, people increasingly yearn for outdoor activities, such as picnic parties, and the public has a high degree of enthusiasm for relaxation experience in life. In view of this, we have fully considered modern people's demand for a relaxed and harmonious emotional environment in the process of product development. The current product line mainly adopts the soft colors from the earth, abandoning the overly bright and flamboyant color matching in the past, and returning to the quiet and elegant earth color system. For example, the color selection of our floor materials focuses on being calm but not abrupt, making tile and rock slab as the basic background color of the indoor space, playing a role of setting off rather than grabbing sight, and always making the residents the main body of the space. Secondly, home furnishings are also regarded as important roles. Furniture should be integrated into and adapt to the tone of the overall space, and choose elegant style, which can not only reflect the harmonious atmosphere of the entire space, but also reflect the personal taste and emotional appeal of residents. Our goal is to create a space design that can meet the needs of contemporary people for emotional stability and calm in life, ensure that every product can resonate with the inner world of modern people, and jointly build an ideal relaxed living environment. Youju Vision: As the head of the New Pearl Design Institute, can you explain how the Samite, Guanzhu and other brands under New Pearl differ in design concept and design style? Li Ying: Each brand of the Group has different design concepts due to different positioning. Specifically, Guanzhu brand is committed to creating a pure and strong Chinese national fashion style. Its design direction is obviously inclined to explore and carry forward the flavor of Chinese traditional culture, and its product line covers a wide range of products with strong comprehensive integration of various types of products. In contrast, the Samite brand focuses on the exploration of youth, internationalization and artistry. This is why Samet actively seeks to cooperate with many contracted artists, whose participation can add unique artistic charm to the brand. The reason why these artists are willing to join hands with us is precisely because their artistic concepts and the spiritual connotation of the brand of Samite fit each other. Horizon of excellence: how does Samite effectively serve the designer community and ensure the perfect implementation of the design concept of the product? Li Ying: In the past, the ceramic industry was generally regarded as an industry that only sells materials. Now it is obviously not enough to stay on the level of selling materials. Therefore, Samite is gradually moving towards the path of systematic delivery, which covers the process from design research to the selection of new green environmental protection materials, including but not limited to various environmental protection building materials such as ceramic tiles, rock slabs, SPC floors and ecological stones. The construction of a complete space often requires the comprehensive use of multiple materials, such as the floor can be paved with ceramic tiles, the wall try to use SPC wallboard, and the ceiling can use integrated ceiling, supplemented by inorganic paint, and the cabinet door can be made of plates. The important role of designers is to integrate these diverse materials and make them a harmonious and unified whole. In addition, we attach particular importance to the interaction link, because if the interaction design is not handled properly, it is like an error in the last "one kilometer", which will directly affect the user experience. On the 30th anniversary of the founding of the company, the chairman of New Pearl proposed to be committed to becoming a solution provider for building surface systematization and building surface decoration systematization. We must fully open up and improve this systematic solution, so as to truly meet the actual needs of designers, end users and project parties, rather than just providing a single building materials product. We aim to provide a complete set of system solutions to effectively address the needs of many customers in the field of building decoration.

  •  Different tiles at Tanzhou Exhibition! Go together with Jin Yitao on the journey of "Chasing the Light"

    Different tiles at Tanzhou Exhibition! Go together with Jin Yitao on the journey of "Chasing the Light"

    On April 18, the annual feast of the ceramic tile industry, the 2024 Foshan (Tanzhou) International Ceramics Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "Tanzhou Exhibition"), was grandly opened in the Tanzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center. As the largest professional ceramics exhibition in Asia, the first exhibition of rock plates, and the first exhibition of new ceramic materials, more than 600 well-known upstream and downstream enterprises at home and abroad appeared on the first day of the opening, Present the most popular, trendy and cutting-edge products and technologies to the industry and consumers. The Tanzhou Exhibition of Jinyitao Ceramic Tile "Chasing the Light" Hall 2024 takes "different" as the theme, and it can also be seen that there are great differences in the various ceramic tile brand booths. At the exhibition, the reporter from Youju Vision interviewed Wang Xiayang, the general manager of Jinyitao Ceramic Tile Empowerment Center, who started to explain to us that this year's Jinyitao brand positioning and upgrading coincided with the theme of the exhibition, It also explains the action and significance of Jin Yitao in product technology innovation and designer. In the face of market competition intensification, consumer demand upgrading and other difficulties, Jinyitao ceramic tiles continue to improve their competitiveness through brand, product, channel, service and other upgrades, and constantly meet the needs of the market and consumers. Wang Xiayang, General Manager of Jinyitao Tile Empowerment Center, was interviewed by Youju Horizon -- The following is the interview record -- [Youju Horizon]: The theme of this exhibition in Tanzhou is "different". How do you understand this theme? How does this theme fit in with our corporate culture, brand culture, corporate vision, etc? [Wang Xiayang]: The theme of our exhibition is different tiles. This year is the 20th anniversary of Jinyitao. Taking this opportunity, we have achieved the third upgrade of our brand positioning, from the earliest [Jinyitao tiles, thoughtful tiles] to [textured, more high-end], and in the next ten years, Our brand positioning will be "Jinyitao Ceramic Tiles, Different Tiles", which is very consistent with the "We Are Different" of this Tanzhou Ceramic Exhibition. We talk about the core of Jinyitao brand, which is usually presented with a pie chart. The core is Jinyitao brand, and the external layer is different products, different brands, different services and specific presentation forms, Form intuitive visual materials to be put into the country, strengthen brand awareness and memory, and convey the brand's unique and different selling points to consumers. At the same time, Jin Yitao is an enterprise with a strong sense of sports. In our course, we have done a tour of the English Premier League giants Chelsea in China, established the first golf club in the industry, and brought our different tiles to the Shanghai World Expo and the Guangzhou Asian Games venues. The country has always advocated a strong sports country. We dare not say that our enterprises will be able to make a strong country, but at least in this part, we can do our best to make a small contribution to the road of becoming a strong country. [Horizon of Excellent Living]: At present, the whole industry is in a relatively homogeneous era, and the cost of customer acquisition is gradually increasing. Has Jin Yitao been affected? How do you maintain the competitive advantage of your brand and product strength? [Wang Xiayang]: The competition has always been on and never stopped. The industry was shuffling many years ago, and has never stopped today. The competition has always been there, but no matter how the market changes and whether the competition is fierce or not, we have always maintained the state of fast walking and running. I believe that God will surely care for our running children. In addition, we are not walking on one leg. We do global marketing on the whole channel to attract customers, whether from our store platform, home decoration company platform, our tooling platform, the new retail platform, etc., from different platforms and footholds, we will do the drainage through a very systematic global marketing. We always think on the demand level of the market. We are always where the consumers are, so we never feel that the customers have disappeared. The customers must always be there, and the demand always exists. We dare not be arrogant and say that we are not affected. In fact, it depends on whether we become fast enough. As long as we are on the way of innovation, we believe that we will always stay on the table. [Youju Vision]: When we came to the exhibition today, we saw many products that were loved and concerned by consumers, and also found some different technology displays. Could Mr. Wang simply introduce them to us? [Wang Xiayang]: The first one is wood grain brick. Jinyitao has always been the representative of wood grain brick in the industry. We have been insisting on doing platform content for many years. In the past two years, we have done a lot of grass planting, light French style, medium local style and other styles to promote users through Little Red Book, which will have a great driving effect on our entire product. There are enough grass planting in the new retail sector, which will push us back to have a small outbreak in the same category. The second exhibition of wood grain brick products is our unique core technology in the world. The exclusive technology of art metal jointly developed by us and Taolixi Company can be seen in this exhibition, which is as unique as luxury goods. The third is that it has been sought after by the industry in recent years, and everyone is eager to imitate our candy glaze technology. This product focuses on the smart and shiny feeling, making sweet candy feeling on the basis of matt. More shows a kind of girl's feelings, everyone's pursuit of a sweet life. The fourth core part of the candy glaze product diagram is our real stone glaze process. If the candy glaze pursues sweet shine, the real stone glaze process is a reliable sense of compaction. Regardless of all comprehensive processes, from abrasion resistance to skid resistance to stain resistance, it is the most powerful and affordable of all products, and it is our flagship product. [Youju Vision]: What do you think of the relationship between household brands and designers? What actions have we taken to establish the brand and the relationship with designers? [Wang Xiayang]: Jin Yitao has put forward two concepts since its inception. The first concept is the overall space solution. Twenty years ago, we did not regard our products as bricks. Twenty years ago, Jin Yitao's products were called spaces. We put forward the overall solution. The second concept is called "design is also productivity". These two concepts are not only two independent sentences, but also extremely related. We have put forward an overall solution, taking space as the product name, which is not what we want to do. It needs someone to help show it, which needs to establish a close relationship with the home decoration designer. The product may not be understood by ordinary consumers and may not be used, so it is necessary to find more professional people to use it well and bring it to consumers. In many cases, we and designers are mutually successful, we need their promotion, and they also need our products to help complete better works. Designers also pursue the sense of novelty, so we have always been interdependent. For many years, we have always respected and cared for design. But we don't rely too much on design. After all, all channels are doing the same thing, so we have been upgrading in dealing with designers. In recent years, we have done the highest standard designer activity in the whole industry - KD 511. On April 11, a new event was launched in Beijing. It has been held for six years and has now completed four seasons. Each season has three to four issues. The designers invited are the best home decoration designers in China. Each time, the number of people is about 500 to 600. In the event, the most top tutors in the world or in China are invited to teach. In this matter, we pursue three goals. First, we hope that terminal designers can be proud to participate in KD 511. Secondly, it can attract more famous tutors and is proud to come to class on this platform. Finally, I hope that more cities will be proud to host KD511. KD511 activity KV

  •  Boss Electrical Appliances Liu Chao | Convergence Gather the Momentum and Work Together to Create a New Blue Ocean for Home Furnishing

    Boss Electrical Appliances Liu Chao | Convergence Gather the Momentum and Work Together to Create a New Blue Ocean for Home Furnishing

    From focusing on consumption upgrading to one-stop resource sharing and integration, Liu Chao, as the initiator of the Home Furnishing Creator Alliance, has promoted the owners of electrical appliances to break through the shackles between different business types with more than 100 core enterprise executives, realized the optimal allocation of resources, and also brought consumers a more pleasant and convenient consumption experience. With his forward-looking thinking and strategic actions, Lead China's home furnishing industry to a new stage of development.

  •  Le Mai Shijing Zeng Zhiwen: break through the application of Shijing materials in the whole house, and go all out to enter the packaged goods market

    Le Mai Shijing Zeng Zhiwen: break through the application of Shijing materials in the whole house, and go all out to enter the packaged goods market

    On March 27, 2024, the highly anticipated 13th China Guangzhou Custom Home Furnishing Exhibition was grandly opened in Poly World Trade Expo. This grand event in the home furnishing industry gathered many industry leaders and innovative forces. Among them, Lemai Stone Crystal, the leader of the new type of stone crystal materials, came on the scene with the first appearance of "stone crystal packaging", attracting the attention of many people inside and outside the industry. In the past, Le Mai Stone Crystal has been deeply involved in the field of floor and wall panels, and won wide recognition in the market with its excellent stone crystal materials. Now, Le Mai Stone Crystal has announced that it has successfully achieved a technological breakthrough in the application of stone crystal materials to the whole house, and has comprehensively entered the whole decoration market, which will undoubtedly set off an important change in the home building materials industry. At the exhibition site, Youju Vision had the honor to invite Zeng Zhiwen, the helmsman of Le Mai Shijing and the chairman of the board of directors of Cainafono Wood Industry (China) Co., Ltd., to share in depth the overall layout of the enterprise. Zeng Zhiwen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chenafuno Wood Industry (China) Co., Ltd., the world's first stone crystal new material, made every effort to enter the whole packaging industry. Director Zeng said that Le Mai Stone Crystal was not blindly following the trend and hastily threw himself into the whole packaging industry. It is derived from the deep research and development and breakthrough of stone crystal. As early as 2016, LeMall has taken the lead in launching stone crystal materials in the world. Now it has achieved remarkable success in the field of flooring and wallboard. Its sales in the European and American markets are growing rapidly, and now it has occupied about 30% of the floor material market. In recent years, Le Mai has gradually tried to expand the new environment-friendly material Shijing to a wider field of building decoration materials, and successfully solved the technical and application problems last year. After practical verification, Shijing materials can be used in floors, walls, ceilings, bathrooms, cabinets, wardrobes, bay windows, stairs and other spaces and components, realizing the whole room applicability. Director Zeng told Youju Vision that LeMall did not pack for the purpose of packaging, but decided to enter the packaging industry based on the excellent performance of Shijing, a new environment-friendly material. In this exhibition, LeMall launched this innovative material for the first time in the world, just to introduce it to the world. At the Guangzhou Custom Home Furnishing Exhibition, Youju's vision saw the effect of stone crystal materials in kitchen, living room, children's room, bathroom, cloakroom, bedroom and other different home scenes, which is enough to reflect the extensive application of LeMall stone crystal products, and also verified the huge development space of the whole house decoration of LeMall stone crystal. 100% waterproof+100% environmental protection helps LeMall Shijing whole house decoration strategy Zeng Dong said that Shijing decoration products have very strong rigid demand for consumers. It is reported that the main raw material of stone crystal is natural limestone widely distributed all over the world. It is mixed with polymer resin crystal during production, and then extruded through certain high temperature and pressure. No glue is added in the whole process, which can achieve zero formaldehyde, environmental protection, pollution-free, and high stability. The stone crystal material can achieve 100% environmental protection and 100% waterproof. These two outstanding characteristics enable the stone crystal material to play an outstanding role in many places with strict waterproof requirements, such as bathroom cabinets, balcony cabinets, basement decoration and cabinets. Therefore, whether from the perspective of environmental protection and formaldehyde free, or from the perspective of waterproof and durable, it can meet the strong rigid demand of consumers, especially in the wardrobe and children's room, its formaldehyde free advantage is particularly obvious. Referring to the strategy and goal of Le Mai Shijing to enter the whole house decoration market, Zeng Dong said that the first goal set is market share. Traditional packaged products mostly use wood materials, including particle board, particleboard, wood floor, etc., which have serious glue problems and formaldehyde pollution. At the same time, they can not effectively waterproof, so they are prone to termite, mildew and other problems, and the stone crystal materials completely solve these problems. Le Mai firmly believes that in the near future, stone crystal materials will enter thousands of households. It's like six years ago when Musk proposed that electric vehicles should replace fuel vehicles, many people thought his idea was unrealistic. However, six years later today, when we see the share and influence of electric vehicles in the market, we will find that Musk's idea is not empty talk. Similarly, Le Mai's plan is to hope that stone crystal materials can occupy at least 30% of the market share of traditional materials. This is the goal of LeMall and the direction LeMall is striving for. Le Mai believes that as long as we continue to provide high-quality products and services to meet the real needs of consumers, this goal will be achieved. The advantages are unique by nature. At present, LeMall has many production bases around the world, located in the United States, Vietnam, etc., and also has production bases in China. In the future, Le Mai plans to further expand and establish new production bases in Mexico and Turkey. LeMall's products have been sold all over the world, and the market response is warm. Zeng Dong said that the competition in the whole house customized and packaged industry is fierce at present, and many brands have joined the war, making the whole industry present a scene of deep suffering. However, just like the changes experienced by the fuel vehicle industry, when electric vehicles came to the fore, they did not compete directly with fuel vehicles, but opened up a new market with their own advantages. The same is true for stone crystal materials. The two core advantages of zero formaldehyde and 100% waterproof make it unnecessary to fight a price war with traditional packaging enterprises. Materials that can truly achieve zero formaldehyde will have huge market potential. In addition, stone crystal materials can almost reproduce the texture of various materials, especially in modeling, color, functionality and other aspects, which have significant advantages in rolling traditional materials. Le Mai believes that in the next 10 to 15 years, stone crystal materials will overturn the use habits of the entire customization industry and become the mainstream products in the market. To this end, LeMall is looking for agents worldwide to jointly promote this innovative material. At present, agency negotiations have been carried out with many countries, and plans to promote the concept of "Lamett House" worldwide, emphasizing the two characteristics of stone crystal materials, namely, formaldehyde free and 100% waterproof. In the domestic market, LeMall will plan product sales by establishing a dealer system. LeMall believes that with the unique advantages of products and broad market demand, it will be able to achieve great success in the domestic and foreign markets. High quality products and perfect services lead the stone crystal packaging market. Zeng Dong told Youju that stone crystal materials have shown strong rigid demand in the market by virtue of its excellent performance attributes. Le Mai firmly believes that more customized enterprises can be attracted to join and promoted by making more people understand and experience the advantages of this material without too much layout. At present, this positive atmosphere is gradually forming. In terms of providing services to consumers, LeMall will rely on the dealer network to ensure that every consumer can receive professional and considerate services. LeMall is most proud of the product materials themselves. In order to show confidence and commitment to consumers, LeMall will provide quality assurance services beyond the conventional ones. Generally, in the market, the warranty period of materials may be 1 year, 2 years, or even 10 years for free maintenance. Considering the excellent performance of stone crystal materials, LeMall will provide a longer warranty commitment. In the next 15 years, LeMall will provide free maintenance services for any natural damage caused by material problems. Whether online or offline, LeMall will strictly control product quality to ensure that every consumer can buy truly reliable and durable products. At the same time, LeMall also welcomes consumers to give feedback and suggestions at any time after purchase, so that we can constantly optimize our products and services to better meet consumers' needs. LeMall will win the trust and support of consumers with high-quality products, perfect services and beyond the conventional warranty commitments. "We believe that as time goes by, this material will occupy an increasingly important position in the market and become the new favorite of the whole decoration industry." Precise positioning opens a good life for quality living. When talking about the advantages of stone crystal materials, Chairman Zeng especially emphasized the characteristics of stone crystal materials, which can be said to completely solve the pain of waiting for ventilation for a long time after traditional decoration. Although Le Mai's products may not be able to achieve extremely low prices like other packaged goods enterprises, the value of high-end products is not only reflected in the price. The examples of high-end products such as Mercedes Benz, Tesla electric vehicles and smart phones all prove this. Although their prices are relatively high, they have won widespread recognition and love of consumers with their excellent performance and quality. Similarly, Le Mai's products also have unique advantages and values. In addition to its core advantages such as formaldehyde free, ready to install and live, Le Mai's products also have outstanding performance in shape, color, functionality, etc. These advantages make Le Mai's products very competitive in the market. In the future, LeMall will continue to do a good job in market education and consumer guidance. Through publicity and promotion, more consumers will understand and realize the advantages and values of our Shijing, and constantly improve products and services to meet consumers' needs and expectations. It is believed that LeMall will succeed in the market by virtue of the excellent performance and quality of its products, as well as its in-depth understanding and precise positioning of the market.

  •  Exclusive Interview | Haolaike Liu Sixiang: Adhere to the concept of big home development to create a new image of high-end brand

    Exclusive Interview | Haolaike Liu Sixiang: Adhere to the concept of big home development to create a new image of high-end brand

    From March 27 to 30, the highly anticipated 13th Guangzhou Customized Home Furnishing Exhibition and Guangzhou Whole Customized Home Furnishing Exhibition were held in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo. As the largest, most comprehensive, most popular and professional customized home furnishing expo in China, this exhibition is not only a grand gathering in the home furnishing industry, but also an excellent platform for insight into the development trend of the customized industry. In this home furnishing feast, the leading brand of customized home furnishing, Hulaike, which has attracted much attention from both inside and outside the industry, made a stunning appearance in the exhibition with a new brand strategy. It is reported that 2024 will be a key year for the overall upgrading of the brand strategy of Hulaike, and this exhibition will also be the first show after the upgrading of its brand strategy. At the exhibition site, the reporter had the honor to interview Liu Sixiang, the general manager of marketing of Hulaike, and discussed with him in depth about the strategic upgrading of Hulaike brand, the release of new products, and the strategic development alliance of Big Home—— The following is a transcript of the interview - Youju Vision: It is understood that this is the first show of the exhibition after the upgrading of the brand strategy of Hulaike. Can you tell us what kind of brand image Hulaike hopes to create? Liu Sixiang: In 2024, Holak will have a deep insight into the quality consumption trend, usher in a comprehensive upgrade of the strategy, focus on quality consumers, create a good quality home for consumers with high-quality products, and lead the new trend of quality life. In terms of products, Holak emphasizes that it focuses on providing quality customers with attractive and cost-effective products. These products are not only outstanding in appearance and quality, but also competitive in price, meeting consumers' pursuit of high-quality life. In terms of service, Holleker is committed to providing first-class services matching its products to ensure that consumers can enjoy high-quality service experience in the process of purchase, installation and use. This consistent brand image enables consumers to have the same experience at home with the high-quality products they see in stores, and the services they contact also maintain a high level of quality. Youju Vision: What new products and new processes will appear in this exhibition? Liu Sixiang: In this exhibition, Holak also showed a series of new products and innovative processes. It includes four series of new products - blues series, mousse series, oriental Qingyi series, Monet series, which have their own characteristics and cover a variety of styles, such as new Chinese style, French style, and new national style. These series have won many international awards, and their appearance design has won many awards such as the German IF Design Award. In terms of process innovation, Holak demonstrated its unique technical strength and launched the original formaldehyde purification bamboo board with bamboo and wood fiber as the base material. In terms of bamboo board material, Holak adopts an innovative processing method, which makes bamboo board have the advantages of moisture-proof, deformation resistance and no odor in performance, thus improving the environmental protection of products. At the same time, the company also pays attention to social responsibility and sustainable development. The bamboo board material used comes from bamboo. Bamboo has a fast growth cycle, does not damage vegetation, and its manufacturing process is low-carbon and environmentally friendly. In addition, bamboo grows in poor mountain areas, so its use will also help bring economic benefits to these areas and help the cause of poverty alleviation. This customized exhibition is the first show of the exhibition after the upgrading of the brand of Hollaker, bringing a high-quality life immersion experience to the vast number of merchants and media. The high-end brand image and high-quality products of Hollaker are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and its strength leads the new trend of quality home furnishing. Horizon of excellent living: Recently your company announced the establishment of a strategic development alliance for big home furnishing. What is the motivation and goal behind the formal establishment of a strategic alliance for big home furnishing between Hollaker and Chivas&Xilinmen&Boss Appliances&Jiumu&Good Wife? Liu Sixiang: Haolaike has always adhered to the development concept of big home. The purpose of the establishment of the strategic development alliance for big home furnishing by Holak this time is to give full play to their professional advantages, gather the strength of many brands to create a new ecology for the development of big home furnishing, steadily promote the big home furnishing strategy, provide consumers with integrated overall home furnishing service solutions, and achieve efficient win-win results. Youju Vision: How will Hollaker exert its power on dealer channels in 2024, and what are its plans? Liu Sixiang: First of all, in terms of dealer assistance, we pay attention to all-round support. In addition to the traditional store decoration subsidies, we pay more attention to the operational efficiency and market potential of stores. For stores with excellent market data performance, we will provide greater support to help them achieve better performance. At the same time, we also pay attention to the development of other sales channels, such as handbag, home decoration, new retail, and provide targeted support for dealers in these channels. Taking new retail as an example, we provide free traffic support to dealers to help them directly obtain passenger flow and solve the problem of traffic scarcity. In terms of investment promotion strategy, our goal this year is not to pursue quantity, but to pay more attention to the quality and strength of dealers. Since the layout of major cities has been completed, our current investment orientation is mainly blank markets and fragmented markets in key markets. In the process of investment promotion, we pay more attention to the compatibility between dealers and our strategy to ensure the common development of both sides. In terms of dealer assistance and investment promotion strategy, Holak always puts quality first and strives to provide dealers with the best support and cooperation opportunities. We believe that only by working hand in hand with high-quality dealers can we achieve win-win and development for both sides.

  •  An exclusive interview with Xiang Hui, a child in the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University -- The innovative design of industry, education and research helps the upgrading of rabbit baby products and leads to the rejuvenation of home design

    An exclusive interview with Xiang Hui, a child in the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University -- The innovative design of industry, education and research helps the upgrading of rabbit baby products and leads to the rejuvenation of home design

    On March 28, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University, a grand theme roadshow was held at the 13th CCHF Guangzhou Custom Home Furnishing Exhibition. Since its inception in 2014, the competition has continued to forge ahead and innovate, and has developed into an excellent platform for young designers to show their talents and exchange ideas. With the full support of South China Agricultural University and Guangdong Ecological Engineering Vocational College, the event, together with Guangdong Light Industry Vocational and Technical College and Guangdong Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Vocational and Technical College, injected a rich academic atmosphere and practical experience into the celebration. At the event site, many association leaders, leaders and teachers of various colleges and universities, leaders of BabyRabbit Company and more than 200 students gathered together to review the glorious history of the competition in the past ten years and look forward to the future development prospects. The reporter also had the honor to visit the scene and interviewed Tong Xianghui, the director of the product center of Dehua Baby Rabbit Home Furnishing Company, to exchange the original intention and influence of the design contest, as well as the customized brand rejuvenation layout of the whole house of Baby Rabbit—— The following is an interview record - Tong Xianghui, Director of the Product Center of Dehua Rabbit Baby Home Furnishing Company, Youju's vision: Nanjing Forestry University's "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Furnishing Design Competition has set off a wave of production, education and research in the home furnishing industry. For Rabbit Baby, what kind of help has the design competition played in product innovation? What is the impact on the industry? Tong Xianghui: Through the cooperation with students in the school, we can collect more innovative product designs, which provide valuable reference for our company's R&D and design. Without the constraints of the enterprise framework, the students' ideas are more open, and sometimes even seem to be somewhat unconstrained. But it is these novel ideas that can promote the design ideas of our entire industry forward. In fact, the situation of the whole industry is similar to that of our company, which is limited by the inherent framework. If we want to better meet the needs of young consumers, we need to rely on young people in society or schools. They are young customers themselves, and they know the needs of young consumers well, so they can jump out of the conventional thinking and create works closer to the preferences of young people. Youju Vision: The brand concept of "Rabbit Baby, Know More about Young Lifestyle" is comprehensively conveyed to the public by the exhibition of Rabbit Baby Whole House Customization. The brand positioning is aimed at young consumer groups. What is the planning and layout of Rabbit Baby Whole House Customization in terms of brand rejuvenation at present? Tong Xianghui: Rabbit Baby has set up a special department to deeply study the lifestyle of young consumers. Through sufficient market research, we found that the mainstream consumers of full house customization are about 25-35 years old, ranging from the post-95s to the post-00s. As the main consumer of the new generation, their lifestyle has changed significantly. Therefore, we take "exploring the N-way of a better life" as the tone of the whole brand upgrade, start product design and development from the aspects of young consumer groups' daily life habits, product use pain points, appearance cost performance ratio, etc., and carry out Puding product research and development with young consumer groups as the main target, with high quality High income consumer groups carry out innovation of light and high definition products, and comprehensively upgrade their products through VI, SI and other comprehensive standards, so as to create a more advanced and young product experience. In the future, Bunny Baby Whole House Customization will continue to deeply study the lifestyle of contemporary young consumers, and strive to personalize their product needs. On the basis of accurate market research, we develop new products according to their lifestyle. This year, 5 new products will be launched for the whole house customization of bunny, including 3 in the spring press conference and 2 in the autumn. At the same time, in the direction of research and development, targeted research and development of competitive products that can meet the preferences of young consumers, with high cost performance and online appearance.

  •  An exclusive interview with Shen Hong in the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University -- Continuously optimizing the talent training mechanism to create a talent team that matches the corporate culture

    An exclusive interview with Shen Hong in the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University -- Continuously optimizing the talent training mechanism to create a talent team that matches the corporate culture

    On March 28, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University, a grand theme roadshow was held at the 13th CCHF Guangzhou Custom Home Furnishing Exhibition. Since its inception in 2014, this competition has not only become a major event in the domestic and foreign home design industry, but also an excellent platform for young designers to show their talents and exchange ideas. The event was fully supported by South China Agricultural University and Guangdong Ecological Engineering Vocational College, and closely cooperated with Guangdong Light Industry Vocational and Technical College, Guangdong Agricultural and Industrial and Commercial Vocational and Technical College and other colleges and universities to jointly inject rich academic atmosphere and practical experience into the celebration. At the event site, many association leaders, leaders and teachers of various colleges and universities, leaders of Baby Rabbit Company and students from many well-known colleges and universities gathered together to review the glorious history of the competition in the past ten years and look forward to the future development prospects. The reporter also had the honor to visit the scene and interviewed Shen Hong, the manager of the Human Resources Department and the manager of the Cultural Construction Department of Dehua Baby Rabbit Decoration New Materials Co., Ltd., to further understand the talent introduction mechanism of Baby Rabbit—— The following is the interview record - Shen Hong, Manager of the Human Resources Department and Manager of the Cultural Construction Department of Dehua Rabbit Baby Decoration New Material Co., Ltd., Youju's vision: the tenth anniversary of the design contest, the talent introduction mechanism of Rabbit Baby is a highlight, please give a brief introduction. Shen Hong: The talent introduction of Baby Rabbit is mainly divided into two parts: one is campus recruitment, and the other is social recruitment. In terms of campus recruitment, Bunny focuses on training from the grass-roots level, introducing a large number of fresh graduates into the company, and training them to become middle and senior managers of the company through internal training and gradual promotion. This way of internal training ensures that employees have a deep understanding of the company's culture and values, and also enhances employees' sense of belonging and loyalty. Social recruitment is mainly aimed at talents with certain work experience. They may enter Babies Rabbit at the grass-roots or supervisor level, but they can quickly grow into higher level managers or senior professionals through internal training on the company's large platform. In addition, Babies Rabbit will also introduce a few professional executives through external employment. However, in general, the number of executives introduced is not large, and the company pays more attention to internal training and promotion of talents. In the process of talent introduction, Baby Rabbit attaches great importance to cooperation with colleges and universities. The company often participates in college recruitment meetings, school enterprise cooperation lectures and other activities in colleges and universities, and introduces college talents through these platforms and methods. For newly introduced talents, Baby Rabbit has a perfect talent training system. The company will clearly inform employees of what they should do, to what extent, and what the behavior standards are, so as to ensure that employees can clearly understand their work goals and directions. The company will also provide one-on-one tutors to help employees quickly integrate into the corporate culture and work environment. This mature talent training system keeps the brain drain rate of Babies Rabbit at a low level in the industry. We firmly believe that the combination of strict selection and internal training can attract and retain more excellent talents and provide a strong guarantee for the long-term development of the company. Youju Vision: Talents are an indispensable asset for the development of an enterprise. What kind of talents does Rabbit want to introduce and what are the standards? Shen Hong: When recruiting talents, Bunny mainly considers the general requirements of the position, as well as the applicants' educational background, job specialty and age. More importantly, we pay more attention to the personality traits of the candidates, because this is closely linked with BabyRabbit's corporate culture - responsibility, innovation, truth-seeking and struggle. The company expects employees to have innovative thinking and fighting spirit, which are the core embodiment of our values. Even if employees are deficient in some aspects, as long as they are willing to struggle and innovate, we are confident to help them grow rapidly through a perfect training system. At the same time, because we have a sound incentive mechanism, the value created by employees and their income will form a positive feedback. Therefore, in the recruitment process, we pay special attention to the selection of those candidates who have the spirit of innovation and struggle, and provide them with a broad development platform and a perfect training system to accelerate their growth and development.

  •  An exclusive interview with Zheng Xiaoguan of the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University - The Rabbit Baby Design Competition explores new design forces and empowers home brands and products

    An exclusive interview with Zheng Xiaoguan of the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University - The Rabbit Baby Design Competition explores new design forces and empowers home brands and products

    On March 28, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University, a grand theme roadshow was held at the 13th CCHF Guangzhou Custom Home Furnishing Exhibition. Since its inception in 2014, the competition has continued to forge ahead and innovate, and has developed into an excellent platform for young designers to show their talents and exchange ideas. With the full support of South China Agricultural University and Guangdong Ecological Engineering Vocational College, the event, together with Guangdong Light Industry Vocational and Technical College and Guangdong Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Vocational and Technical College, injected a rich academic atmosphere and practical experience into the celebration. At the event site, many association leaders, leaders and teachers of various colleges and universities, leaders of BabyRabbit Company and more than 200 students gathered together to review the glorious history of the competition in the past ten years and look forward to the future development prospects. The reporter was also lucky to be on the scene and interviewed Zheng Xiaoguan, the chief designer and design director of PDD Deep Design, to talk about his views on the "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition and his design philosophy—— The following is a transcript of the interview - Zheng Xiaoguan, the chief designer and design director of PDD Deep Design, lives in the field of vision: Nanjing Forestry University's "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition has ushered in its tenth year. What do you think of the design competition launched by Rabbit Baby? Zheng Xiaoguan: The "Rabbit Baby Cup" International Home Design Competition of Nanjing Forestry University not only provides a platform for students and professionals in the interior design industry to show their talents, enabling them to fully display their unique ideas on home and space design, but also stimulates the enthusiasm of design industry practitioners, It has played an important role in promoting the progress of the entire design industry. In addition, the competition also gives new energy to the enterprise, which helps to enhance the social influence of the brand, enhance the cultural heritage of the enterprise, and output continuous power for the subsequent development of the brand. Horizon of excellence: In recent years, household enterprises have paid more and more attention to the design power of brands and actively linked with designers. In your opinion, how can design better empower household products and brands? Zheng Xiaoguan: Design plays a crucial role in empowering household products and brands. An excellent designer must have a deep understanding of the connotation of the brand, including its corporate culture, product characteristics and future development direction. Only in this way can designers dig deeply into the distinctive culture of each brand and create a unique corporate image and development plan for the brand. At present, designers should avoid creating too homogeneous and standardized works, and should strive to find their own characteristics to achieve the situation of a hundred schools of thought contending. The difference in design is a broad and profound topic, which needs to be customized according to the specific situation of each customer. This includes taking into account the customer's region, city, family members, budget and other factors to create a home design that not only meets the customer's payment ability, but also reflects his life trace.

  •  V6 Home Furnishing Liu Yuanzhi: Focus on Fashion Lifestyle to Create a Beautiful Habitat Solution

    V6 Home Furnishing Liu Yuanzhi: Focus on Fashion Lifestyle to Create a Beautiful Habitat Solution

    From March 15 to 19, the 51st International Famous Furniture (Dongguan) Exhibition was grandly opened at Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center in Houjie, Dongguan, With the theme of "100+Fashion Lifestyle", V6 Home made its debut in this exhibition with a full range of new products of customization and software, creating four scenes of bookish lifestyle, deep sleep lifestyle, rejuvenating lifestyle and sports lifestyle, demonstrating the comprehensive strength of V6 home design, supply integration and scene experience, and creating an integrated fashion customized solution for users. At the exhibition, Youju Vision interviewed Liu Yuanzhi, the general manager of V6 Home, to understand the highlights of the V6 exhibition and the brand strategic layout. Liu Yuanzhi, General Manager of V6 Furniture -- The following is the interview record -- -- [Youju Vision]: Please introduce the exhibition objectives and highlights of V6 Furniture in this international famous furniture (Dongguan) exhibition. [Liu Yuanzhi]: The main goal of the V6 home furnishing exhibition is to attract investment, and also hope to take this opportunity to show the new products of this year, as well as the differentiated characteristics of V6. Our exhibition hall more restores the real home living space of consumers, creating a large home space that is comfortable, relaxed, relaxed and artistic, which is also our obvious differentiation feature. [Youju Vision]: In 2024, the home furnishing industry is facing transformation, and many brands are entering the big home furnishing track. As the big home furnishing brand of Moose Group, please talk about some advantages and differences of V6 home furnishing in the big home furnishing model? [Liu Yuanzhi]: At present, although many enterprises are actively exploring big home furnishing, there are few brands like V6 that successfully build a big home furnishing business model with differentiated competitive advantages from the perspective of finished software furniture. In the process of transformation, many finished furniture enterprises tend to imitate customized brands and carry out the integrated layout of doors, walls and cabinets. However, the real family environment does not need too many door wall cabinet integrated design, and too many wood packages may make the home appear stiff, cold and airtight. V6 puts more emphasis on the core category advantages of sleep and software. All our products are designed and produced by ourselves. Our software and cabinets can achieve integrated design, so our entire family can be fully customized and self-made, which other brands cannot do. Through fully customized, self made and integrated design, we can make the home space more harmonious, relaxed and comfortable, which is the difference between us and other brands. [Youju Vision]: As a leading lifestyle brand, V6 Home has frequent brand actions, such as Shuxiang afternoon tea, camp yoga, sleeping beauty activities, etc. Please talk about the profound meaning behind it. [Liu Yuanzhi]: V6 studies the young and fashionable lifestyle, and has launched four lifestyle styles, namely, bookish lifestyle, deep sleep lifestyle, rejuvenating lifestyle, and sports lifestyle. At this exhibition, there was also an immersive display of large home space. Among them, the scholarly lifestyle takes books as the carrier to create a family reading atmosphere, cultivate family reading habits with reading space, make more Chinese feel the joy of reading at home, and make scholarly lifestyle a fashionable lifestyle. It has been nearly two years since the strategic cooperation between V6 Home and Fanshu (the original Fandeng Reading) has been reached, and the two sides have landed nearly 100 "Fanshu V Space" in the country, while Fan Deng is also the "ambassador for promoting family reading culture" of V6 Home. This interpretation of V6 home's bookish lifestyle scene has once again deepened the integration of "home culture" and "reading culture", Let the family reading culture be closer to the public, especially young groups, and create a beautiful living space and spiritual home for consumers. With bedding products as the carrier, the deep sleep lifestyle, combined with light adjustment, music, fragrance, and soft clothing adaptation in the sleep space, creates a sense of sleep ritual, helps consumers fall asleep quickly and enter deep sleep. In order to explore the possibility of more fashionable lifestyles, V6 Home has successively held camp media yoga activities in Guangzhou and Guilin to "sleep beautifully and rejuvenate". At this exhibition, V6 Home's deep sleep lifestyle scene was unveiled, which once again deeply focused on people's high-quality sleep health, comprehensively refreshed healthy quality life, and opened up a new growth point of the home market. With the concept of sleeping beauty as the life style, the cross-border collaboration with AMIRO, the leading brand in the field of precision skin care, has created a "sleeping beauty and rejuvenation" activity, focusing on women's demands for "lying beauty" and unlocking the new play of "her economy". At the beginning of 2024, V6 Home will cooperate with Miguang to create a bedtime scene and open up a new business mode of home industry integration. The display of the radiant lifestyle in this exhibition, with more direct scene experience and deep cross-border integration, reaches consumers in all directions, and shapes a more ideal lifestyle for consumers with the continuous advancement of the brand. Sports lifestyle is combined with the popularity of home fitness to create a sports lifestyle. From yoga activities in camps to dialogues with world champions on healthy life, and from sports platforms such as KEEP to promote healthy lifestyle to buy fitness cabinet products, V6 Home is committed to the transmission of healthy lifestyle, enabling a better life with deep sleep, and protecting national health. The launch of V6 home fitness cabinet has empowered the fashionable sports lifestyle, strengthened the brand image of V6 healthy sleep, and led the new fashion of home health. In this exhibition, we hope to truly display all kinds of lifestyle products and space design schemes, so that young friends can better understand and experience the four lifestyles of bookish, deep sleep, facial glow and sports. At the same time, we also hope to clearly convey it to the public. V6 will wholeheartedly provide you with comprehensive solutions for these lifestyles. [Youju Vision]: Many brands in the current market are competing fiercely on price and delivery cycle. For example, the price of some brands has dropped from 799 a few years ago to 499 last year, or even lower. How does V6 respond to this? [Liu Yuanzhi]: Indeed, price war is very common in our industry, but the underlying logic is low price marketing for boards. We believe that it is not practical for consumers to simply pursue low price sales of boards, because consumers really need the overall solution of home decoration, not just the boards themselves. In addition to the price war, since the beginning of this year, major brands have begun to compete in the delivery cycle, and launched seven days, ten days and other fast delivery services. However, we cannot help asking whether this really meets the needs of consumers? A home is a very important and sacred existence for everyone. It grows together with family members and witnesses the growth of children and the aging of parents. Therefore, the home decoration should be a process of careful dressing and decoration, rather than a simple fast-food decoration. A short delivery cycle often means that there is not enough time and energy to polish the scheme and make products. In the fierce market competition, we always adhere to quality and service. We believe that in the process of pursuing differentiation, understanding their home better than customers is the key. We should have a deep understanding of customers' lifestyle, behavior and needs, and provide them with products and programs that exceed their expectations. Based on these research results, our designer team will provide one-on-one personalized services for customers to jointly create a young, personalized, fashionable and ideal home. At the same time, we make clear that the positioning of V6 is to serve young fashion consumers. Our products not only have high cost performance, but also reach high standards in appearance and quality. We reject shoddy manufacturing and price war, and are committed to creating a better home life for consumers. [Youju Vision]: V6 Home has developed many different lifestyle scenarios, such as sports lifestyle, deep sleep lifestyle, and rejuvenation lifestyle. Will there be some plans to unlock more fashionable lifestyles next? [Liu Yuanzhi]: Yes. This is also based on our thinking about modern life. In modern society, people's lifestyle is restricted by the living environment. Take towns and cities for example, modern families have gradually lost their social attributes. Compared with western countries, we seldom hold parties at home to share life. On the contrary, dinner parties, barbecues and other activities have become the main social ways. In addition, the communication between family members is not harmonious enough. The existing home design fails to meet the interaction needs of family members, resulting in poor interaction quality in life scenes such as parent-child relationship and three generations in the same classroom. Most people's main activity at home is playing mobile phones, which undoubtedly affects the family atmosphere. As a V6 focusing on lifestyle research, we hope to further study the per capita life, improve the living conditions of family members, optimize the family social environment, and even promote the change of community relations. At present, we are still unfamiliar with our neighbors for a long time, which reflects the inadequacy of home environment and community environment. V6 is committed to creating a better home and community environment. We will deeply study human settlements and combine furniture, home space, architecture and community to achieve qualitative change. At present, there is a gap between the fields of architecture and furniture. We expect to break this boundary and achieve a better living environment through comprehensive research. [Youju Vision]: Mr. Liu, you just elaborated on the differentiation of the big home model and the characteristics of V6. I want to know more about our strategies in the market based on these differentiated advantages and lifestyle attributes? What suggestions or expectations do you have for channel construction? [Liu Yuanzhi]: At present, we have already laid out the wired online and offline layout, and also pay attention to the use of new media. We attach importance to online brand building, but we prefer to provide consumers with valuable content. To this end, we have set up a program center. The core work of the program center is to study the current mainstream house types, including the new house and old house rectification house types. Combined with V6 household products, we will launch many decoration and design schemes. These plans will be made public for consumers' reference. If consumers think these programs are helpful to their new house construction or old house reconstruction, they can directly adopt them. In terms of channels, we will use the scheme center and excellent designer resources of each city to carry out online and offline interaction and share products, designs, decoration styles and ideas. Speaking of differentiation, V6 has actively explored cross-border cooperation in recent years. For example, cooperate with jewelry brands to create 520 love season marketing activities, cooperate with beauty brands to promote bedtime ceremonies, and cooperate with sports brands to hold yoga activities. We also cooperated with cultural brands to launch a book list suitable for family reading, aiming to help consumers improve parent-child relationship, husband and wife relationship, and family wealth accumulation. These cross-border cooperation all reflect that home is an inclusive space, and we believe that this field has the value of in-depth research. [Youju Vision]: Mr. Liu, how do you view the market trend this year? Considering that the market was quite difficult last year, will it improve this year? [Liu Yuanzhi]: I think that there is indeed a problem of insufficient consumer confidence in the current market. It is not that consumers lack funds, but that they are cautious about the future economic situation. It is very necessary that the policies introduced by the state are aimed at helping restore consumer confidence. As an enterprise, how should we deal with it? I think we need to innovate constantly and launch more attractive products to stimulate consumers' desire to buy. Everyone wants to improve their quality of life, which requires our brand and enterprises to meet their needs. Therefore, I am optimistic about the market outlook this year. I believe that as long as we continue to work hard, we will be able to overcome difficulties and achieve better development. Of course, I also heard the worries and predictions about the market situation this year. However, from my personal observation, V6 Home has laid a solid foundation and completed a lot of basic work last year. We have made remarkable achievements in supply chain construction, production line upgrading, product research and development and production delivery. These achievements give us more advantages in the market competition, and also make us confident in the market this year. Therefore, although the external environment may be full of challenges, as long as we maintain our readiness and growth, we believe that we will be able to remain invincible in the market. Whether for an organization, an enterprise or an individual, we need to pay attention to our own readiness and growth to respond to changes in the external environment.

  •  Exclusive Interview | The new spring product of Jianyi Wonderful Home Space is unveiled, unlocking the freedom realm of oriental philosophy

    Exclusive Interview | The new spring product of Jianyi Wonderful Home Space is unveiled, unlocking the freedom realm of oriental philosophy

    On March 20, Jane Yi, together with the well-known domestic sports technology platform Keep, jointly released the activity of "Natural Environment · Freedom -- New Spring Product of Beautiful Home Space in 2024", which was successfully held in Shenzhen. At the press conference, the new product of Jianyi Wonderful Home Space was unveiled, attracting the attention of many elite designers and media friends. This new spring product jointly released by Jane Yi and keep, in accordance with the creation concept of "restoring the beauty of nature", combined with the oriental philosophy of freedom for the first time, and taking "natural environment · free heart" as the theme, launched a number of products, such as [spring preface], [listening to rain], [summer lotus], [persimmon autumn], [frost happiness], [Fu Xu], which vividly restored different natural images to the brick surface, Satisfy people's inner desire for "freedom", and present users with a relaxed and healing life state. At the press conference, Youju talked with Li Xiaofeng, President of Shenzhen Home Decoration and Home Furnishing Industry Association, Wang Xin, General Manager of Nanyang Dike Business Development Center, Ma Chenqiao, a close friend of Shenzhen Jianyi, and four important guests, the annual call blogger of Keep, the national certified sound bowl healer and sister Yu, to release highlights, cooperation background The service concept and the future trend of the industry were discussed in depth. Li Xiaofeng, President of Shenzhen Home Decoration and Home Furnishing Industry Association: As the pioneer of domestic marble tile category, Jane Yi has always been thinking about and exploring the symbiotic relationship between man and space and nature, bringing the best creativity and beauty to consumers. Every time a new product is released, it can cause great concern in the industry. The new spring products released this time are even more dazzling. Li Xiaofeng, president of Shenzhen Home Furnishing and Home Furnishing Industry Association, said that this spring's new products have new upgrades and breakthroughs in appearance design and color matching, especially in the naming method of products, which are more artistic and cultural. This combination of culture and color can bring new creativity and beauty to customers. [UJU Vision]: Hello, after attending today's press conference, how do you feel about the new product of Jianyi? [Li Xiaofeng]: I think every new product release of Jane Yi will make people shine. The new products released this time not only have new upgrades and breakthroughs in color and shape, but also have more cultural connotations in product naming, such as "Chunxu" and "Shuangxi", which are artistic and bring the best creativity and beauty to consumers through the combination of culture and color. [Youju Vision]: How do you view the future development trend of the home furnishing industry? How will Jane seize the opportunity? [Li Xiaofeng]: In my opinion, any product or service must bring value to the market, and this value must be unique. Jianyi has done a very good job in this regard. It has a clear positioning and planning for both customer selection and service focus. Wang Xin, General Manager of Nanyang Dike Business Development Center: Go in both directions. The future cooperation space is very large just before the conference. Nanyang Dike, the leading brand of China Gaoding full decoration home furnishing, announced to jointly hold a new product conference with Jane Yi, the leading brand of high-end marble tiles, and the two sides reached a brand ecological partnership. In this regard, Wang Xin, the general manager of Nanyang Dick Business Development Center, said that this in-depth cooperation with Jianyi Spring New Products is a new creation around consumer space scenes, and a two-way journey to a better life. Through cooperation with Jianyi, Nanyang Dike can provide customers with integrated solutions including door, wall cabinet and floor tile, and bring customers more high-quality and comprehensive integrated services. In addition, the two sides will carry out more cooperation in channels and products in the future. [Youju Vision]: Hello, after you attended today's press conference, what are the highlights of the new product of Jianyi that attract you most? [Wang Xin]: It's a great honor to be invited to attend this conference. The new spring products of Jianyi really give a refreshing feeling. For example, the two new products, "Spring Sequence" and "Persimmon Autumn", combine the oriental culture with the beauty of nature. They are comfortable, warm and grand, which fit in with the aesthetics of the current young people and are deeply loved by them. [Youju Vision]: What is the common concept behind this first cooperation between Nanyang Dick and Jianyi? [Wang Xin]: This cooperation is not an accident. It is based on the common development direction of our brands and is the result of "two-way rush". Founded in 2001, Nanyang Dike has been focusing on the R&D, production and manufacturing of the ultimate system furniture. "Ultimate" emphasizes the ultimate technology, design and service. We can provide customers with solutions for space mobile furniture, including doors, walls, cabinets, etc. However, there are still some products in the furniture space that we cannot provide, such as floor products that occupy the core. Therefore, we hope that through cooperation, we can complement each other in terms of resource advantages, meet the diversified needs of customers' space scenes, and bring high-quality products and service experiences. For the choice of partners, we consider three points: first, product design ability. At the moment when appearance is paramount, the appearance of products is the first impression of consumers on products, playing a very important role; Secondly, as the core element of product quality, whether the pursuit of technology and the handling of details are in place also directly affects the use experience of consumers; The third is the service delivery capability, especially for us to make the ultimate system furniture. Delivery is the top priority. As a leader in the ceramic tile industry, Jianyi has always focused on the research, development, design, production and application of high-end marble tiles. Whether in terms of design, quality or product delivery, Jianyi is at the forefront of the industry and is undoubtedly a very excellent partner. [Youju Vision]: Will there be more cooperation attempts with Jianyi in the future? [Wang Xin]: In the future, we all have great expectations for cooperation. Because I think our cooperation space is very large. At present, we are trying and innovating in flagship stores and terminal retail scenes and other channels. In the future, we hope to expand more. For example, relevant products are implanted in the design centers of both stores, so that consumers can experience one-stop space solutions including door, wall cabinet and floor tile in both Nanyang Dick stores and Jianyi retail stores. Secondly, the layout of home decoration, designer and other channels can bring more convenience to these channel partners and save time and cost. Finally, our cooperation space in commercial space is also very large, such as five-star hotels, commercial clubs, local model rooms and other aspects can also try to cooperate. In addition, new trial cooperation can also be carried out on the product side. The application of marble tiles is not limited to the ground, but also can be used in the decoration of individual products. Ma Chenqiao, a close friend of Shenzhen Jianyi, is well-known for creating sentimental products with original designs. At present, there are many brands in the ceramic tile market, with low market concentration and serious homogenization of products. It is not easy to stand out in the fierce market competition. As the leader of marble tiles, Jianyi has been deeply involved in the industry for many years, and has already established a firm foothold with high popularity and brand influence. Ma Chenqiao, a close friend of Jane Yi, is a "loyal fan" of Jane Yi brand. He said that the biggest highlight of Jane Yi's new product is the deep excavation of culture and bolder use of color. The reason why Jianyi has been deeply loved by consumers over the years is that it continues to explore market demand, iterate products, create emotional products with original design, and trigger consumer resonance. [Youju Vision]: Hello, after visiting the newly released spring products of Jianyi, what unique highlights do you think attract you most? [Ma Chenqiao]: I have been following Jane Yi for many years and have been using Jane's products. I think this new product is very bright, mainly reflected in two aspects: first, the excavation of Chinese culture, bringing new ideas to products; The second is the interpretation and understanding of the luxury of marble, which is bold and surpassing in the application of color. I personally feel very good. [Youju Vision]: At present, there are many choices of ceramic tile brands and a variety of products. As a loyal customer of Jianyi brand, why do you continue to choose Jianyi? [Ma Chenqiao]: The reason why I have always chosen Jianyi is that it has always focused on the R&D and innovation of marble tiles. Through deep exploration and exploration of the current market demand, it has constantly iterated its own products, and created emotional products with original design, which can arouse the resonance of consumers. Secondly, Jane Yi has a very high reputation and brand influence in the market, good user reputation and high consumer satisfaction. Keep's annual appeal blog host sister: presenting the beauty of nature, pursuing physical and mental freedom. As a unicorn in the field of Internet health sports, Keep has always been committed to creating more sports and health possibilities for consumers. At this press conference, Jane Yiguan announced the first cross-border cooperation with Keep, creating a "oriental flow" plan for urban people. The annual appeal blogger of Keep, the national certified Yinbo healer Sister Yu, believes that although Jane Yi and Keep belong to different fields, their customer groups are highly overlapping, and they are a group of users who pursue a healthy, progressive, relaxed and comfortable lifestyle. At the same time, the communication of ideas is consistent, aiming to let people in prosperous cities find links with nature, And then reach the realm of "free heart". [Youju Vision]: Hello, thank you very much for attending today's press conference. Can you share your most intuitive feelings and impressions about the new products of Jane Yi? [Sister Yu]: The most intuitive feeling for me is advanced. Without too much decoration and carving, it presents the beauty of nature, simple and pure. Through the creation of its products, Jane Yi makes us feel as if we are in the space of nature and gain a comfortable and natural feeling from the inside out. [Youju Vision]: This press conference combines a beautiful home space with a healthy lifestyle such as exercise and meditation, which is really refreshing. As the blogger of Keep's annual appeal, you also pay attention to the healthy movement of seamless body and mind. How do you think Keep and Jane Yi got the inspiration for this cooperation? In the process of cooperation, what special ideas or inspirations can you share with us? [Sister Yu]: Although Jane Yi and Keep belong to different fields, they have the same original intention to pursue things. First of all, the user groups of Jianyi and Keep are very similar. Users who like Jianyi products are all those who want to live a free, relaxed and comfortable life, while those who use Keep are also those who want to achieve a healthy, progressive, relaxed and comfortable life through different sports, which is very consistent. Secondly, in terms of concept communication, Jane Yi puts customers in the energy field of different spaces and places to find inner peace through product creation; Keep is to help people create a close link between man and nature in a fast-paced life and achieve a balance between body and mind. The two sides can be described as highly compatible in concept. Conclusion: As a pioneer and leader in the marble tile industry, Jane Yi's new product launches every time with different surprises. Based on a keen insight into market demand and an in-depth interpretation of consumer lifestyle, the new Jane Yi product conveys the beauty of returning to nature, integrates the oriental philosophy of freedom, and creates a "free world" that gives physical and mental peace, and interprets a healthy lifestyle of "natural environment · free mind". This kind of product and space design has injected cultural core, which is innovation and also represents the trend.

  •  Li Guanwu, the factory service provider of Millennium Boat in Tongxiang: Joining hands with Millennium Boat to innovate and open up the market to draw a new chapter in plate industry

    Li Guanwu, the factory service provider of Millennium Boat in Tongxiang: Joining hands with Millennium Boat to innovate and open up the market to draw a new chapter in plate industry

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. On the scene of the conference, Youju Vision invited Li Guanwu, the service provider of Millennium Boat Tongxiang Factory, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way with Millennium Boat, as well as his grasp of the market and outlook for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? As a well-known brand in China, "Millennium Boat" was held in a particularly grand manner, integrating more cultural elements of the ancient Liangzhu, and strengthening the business philosophy of green and environmental protection. Over the years, it has launched a variety of designs and new products, which has also contributed to the subsequent market promotion. Taking this opportunity, I hope to learn more valuable experience from it. Horizon of excellent living: influenced by the real estate market in recent years, the home furnishing industry has become increasingly involved, and good home building materials partners have become an important factor for the survival and development of enterprises. What capability modules will your company value more? At present, under the influence of the general environment, the internal volume of the industry has intensified. First of all, I need to work harder in terms of product power and service power. At the same time, with the support of such a big brand as "Millennium Boat", I am confident of further market development in the future. Therefore, the brand power, product power, service power and other modules of the enterprise are crucial. Horizon of excellence: What experience has the company accumulated in terms of business model and channels in the face of technology, market competition and changing consumer demand? With the strong support of the Group and relying on the strong market influence of the "Millennium Boat" brand, we should pay more attention to the improvement of our own strength, pay more attention to product technology and services, enrich the product structure, promote through multiple channels in an all-round way, increase the opportunities to connect with customers of all ages, and meet customers' needs in products and services. Especially the new generation of young people will be the main force of future decoration. Youju Vision: As the agent of Millennium Boat, what kind of brand do you think it is? What is the market competitive advantage of the brand? The "Millennium Boat" brand is very influential in Hangzhou and its surrounding areas, and its products and services are also very comprehensive. In recent years, the Millennium Boat brand has been very outstanding in market promotion, which can be said to be an all-round and three-dimensional promotion. So we are very lucky to be a member of the Millennium Boat product and brand promotion in Hangzhou. With the support of the "Millennium Boat" brand, we have also expanded our market share, and plan to follow the pace of the Millennium Boat in the future to further expand the market space.

  •  Millennium Boat Linyi service provider Zhu Yuping: Comprehensive strength creates brand advantage Millennium Boat is a well deserved industry benchmark

    Millennium Boat Linyi service provider Zhu Yuping: comprehensive strength creates brand advantage Millennium Boat is a well deserved industry benchmark

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. On the scene of the conference, Youju Vision invited Zhu Yuping, a Linyi service provider of the Millennium Boat, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way with the Millennium Boat, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? The whole opening feeling of the conference impressed me deeply. The venue is large and lively, giving a feeling of a big family gathering. The traditional cultural atmosphere is rich, warm and powerful. Horizon of excellent living: influenced by the real estate market in recent years, the home furnishing industry has become increasingly involved, and good home building materials partners have become an important factor for the survival and development of enterprises. What capability modules will your company value more? I pay more attention to the comprehensive strength of the enterprise, including strong production capacity, professional sales team, first-class advertising and promotion, high-quality after-sales service, and stable product quality. In terms of production capacity, the Millennium Boat adopts German industrial advanced 4.0 equipment, and the comprehensive utilization rate of wood can reach more than 99.5%, realizing automatic, intelligent and green production. Moreover, Millennium Boat also has its own intelligent factory and production base, which ensures the stability and continuity of supply. At the same time, it uses high-quality raw materials to ensure the excellent quality of plates. At the same time, in terms of the sales team, Millennium Boat has more than 3000 sales service outlets, and the national sales network is fully covered. The standard sales management system makes the sales team more refined. The comprehensive solution of "product+service" provided by Millennium Boat can respond to customer needs within 24 hours and solve customer problems anytime, anywhere. Horizon: What experience has the company accumulated in terms of business model and channels in the face of technology, market competition and changing consumer demand? We have been operating the enterprise for more than ten years and have accumulated rich experience, mainly focusing on screening high-quality customers and providing them with quality services and price support. We always believe that only by helping customers succeed can we develop together and form long-term and stable cooperative relations. Youju Vision: As the agent of Millennium Boat, what kind of brand do you think it is? What is the market competitive advantage of the brand? Millennium Boat is one of the top ten domestic plate enterprises, and is also recognized as a first-line brand, which has always occupied a leading position in the market. Its market advantage is very obvious - it has a strong brand influence. Millennium Boat has a professional sales team and first-class after-sales service, which can provide all-round support for customers. At the same time, Millennium Boat has a strong ability to control the market, stable quality, and is trusted by customers and consumers. It can be said that the Millennium Boat is a benchmark in the industry and has been leading the development of the market.

  •  Sun Liangcheng, a service provider of Millennium Boat in Taizhou: The Millennium Boat continues to innovate in the development of boards, injecting new vitality into the floor market

    Sun Liangcheng, a service provider of Millennium Boat in Taizhou: The Millennium Boat continues to innovate in the development of boards, injecting new vitality into the floor market

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote Chinese traditional culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. At the conference, Youju Vision invited Sun Liangcheng, a service provider of the Millennium Boat in Taizhou, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? I have participated in many Millennium Boat conferences before, but this one is an unprecedented event. Dealers from all over the country gather here, and the venue is also a cultural feast with many Chinese traditional cultures. In addition, the conference set up several sub venues, where I learned a lot of experience and expertise, as well as the prospect analysis and outlook of the entire industry. Youju Vision: How did you establish a cooperative relationship with Millennium Boat? Could you share your cooperation experience with Du the year before last? The reason why I choose to cooperate with the Millennium Boat is that they have been developing for 25 years since 1999 and have always adhered to the green concept of health and environmental protection. Secondly, their leadership team has provided strong support to our dealers, and the team is young and energetic. Moreover, the Millennium Boat is committed to building a good board for the people, which is very consistent with the concept of our dealers. Finally, the sustainable development strategy of the Millennium Boat also points out the direction of sustainable development for us. Youju Vision: What do you think the development trend of the floor decoration market will be in the next few years? Previously, the floor industry was dominated by single stores. Now, it is divided into multiple sectors, including tooling, home decoration, retail and engineering. The development of these four channels can go hand in hand in the region. Now in Taizhou, I focus on a large store and develop a large number of distribution outlets. Build a good cooperation model, guide and encourage distribution outlets to also carry out home decoration, tooling and engineering cooperation, form a joint force of brands and organizations, and become stronger and larger in the Taizhou market. I believe that there will be a great opportunity to deeply explore the large distribution market. I believe that with the layout and development of the Millennium Boat, under its strategic guidance, each of our dealers can gain new growth power in this adjustment period. Youju Vision: What are your expectations for the future development of the Millennium Boat? After learning and sharing the experience of wooden flooring doors, I am confident in the operation of Millennium Boat flooring. It is hoped that with the help of the brand influence of Millennium Boat, more vitality will be injected into dealers to achieve rapid development. At the same time, I also wish the Millennium Boat a sustainable prosperity and development.

  •  Zhang Liang, a service provider of the Millennium Boat in Luzhou, insists on responding to the dual carbon strategy and helping the industry to achieve green and sustainable development

    Zhang Liang, a service provider of the Millennium Boat in Luzhou, insists on responding to the dual carbon strategy and helping the industry to achieve green and sustainable development

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. At the conference site, Youju Vision invited Zhang Liang, a service provider of the Millennium Boat in Luzhou, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. Youju Vision: How did you establish a cooperative relationship with the Millennium Boat? Can you share your experience of cooperation with the Millennium Boat? I started to contact the plate industry in 2012 and learned about the brand Millennium Boat. In 2015, I personally inspected most of the factories in China and found that the Millennium Boat has several unique advantages. First of all, the factory of Millennium Boat is very clean and tidy, without peculiar smell; Secondly, the products of Millennium Boat have always focused on environmental protection; Thirdly, Millennium Boat has done quite a comprehensive job in the field of home furnishing, with perfect hardware and other products and high cost performance. Therefore, from 2019, I will try my best to only build the brand of Millennium Boat. Along the way, I witnessed the development of the Millennium Boat from a single product system to the current whole system products. Horizon of excellent living: With the increasing demand of consumers for green environmental protection products, the Millennium Boat has proposed a dual carbon strategy. What do you think this strategy means for dealers? In your opinion, how is the Millennium Boat doing in environmental protection? When it comes to environmental protection, my first impression of the Millennium Boat is its environmental protection concept. From the perspective of product system, whether it is Aosong board, Meiju eco board, LSB board, etc., Millennium Boat has a complete product line and focuses on ecological and environmental protection, actively responding to the national dual carbon policy. I believe that in the future market, the Millennium Boat will continue to work hard and become a leader in the industry. Youju Vision: What are your expectations for the future development of the Millennium Boat? I have always followed the company's policies, as President Tian once mentioned, "Do as you please". I will follow the company's strategy whether it is to transform from plate, to become a furniture factory now, or to carry out multi-channel development in the future. I am full of confidence in the future market. Although the market has changed in recent years, I am very confident in the products of the Millennium Boat and our development strategy. I believe that the Millennium Boat will do better every year.

  •  Zheng Qifeng, Wenzhou service provider of the millennium boat: from cultural inheritance to green environmental protection, the millennium boat leads the new trend of industry development

    Zheng Qifeng, Wenzhou service provider of the millennium boat: from cultural inheritance to green environmental protection, the millennium boat leads the new trend of industry development

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of rooting wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promoting traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. On the scene of the conference, Youju Vision invited Zheng Qifeng, a Wenzhou service provider of the Millennium Boat, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? When I first stepped here, I felt that this was different from the previous press conferences. I seem to be in the cradle of Liangzhu culture. Many elements of Liangzhu culture, such as dragon pattern and jade culture, have become an important part of the traditional cultural symbols of the Chinese nation. They have spread to all parts of the world through various forms of cultural exchanges, affecting people's understanding and appreciation of the ancient oriental civilization. As the cradle of Liangzhu culture, Millennium Boat is more responsible for carrying forward our culture. At the same time, as a leading brand in the industry, Millennium Boat has the ability to spread our Liangzhu culture better. Youju Vision: How did you establish a cooperative relationship with the Millennium Boat? Can you share your experience of cooperation with the Millennium Boat? In fact, I joined the system of Millennium Boat as the second generation of boat. My father's generation forged an indissoluble bond with the Millennium Boat more than ten years ago. But at the beginning, when we were all looking for more and better profits while ignoring consumer health, it was Millennium Boat that insisted on making quality and environmental friendly products, which had led many enterprises at that time. My parents also liked the requirements of the founder of Millennium Boat for enterprises at that time, and they chose to cooperate with Millennium Boat only because of their social responsibility. As a successor, I not only took over the enterprise from my father's generation, but also felt more responsible. My father's generation's responsibility and the Millennium Boat brand's responsibility brought environmental protection products to thousands of families. It is our social responsibility to create a healthy home and introduce quality life. Horizon of excellent living: With the increasing demand of consumers for green environmental protection products, the Millennium Boat has proposed a dual carbon strategy. What do you think this strategy means for home decoration dealers? In your opinion, what can be improved about environmental protection in the home decoration industry? As for the dual carbon strategy, I think the Millennium Boat is a great opportunity for our dealers to follow the national strategic layout. I believe that in the future, the Millennium Boat will launch more new products that are in line with the market and strategy. In terms of environmental protection in the home decoration industry, I think we can learn from the experience of European and American countries and use more renewable materials. China has begun to develop in this direction, and it is expected to see more sheets using renewable materials in the future, which is very worth looking forward to. Youju Vision: What do you think the development trend of the home decoration market will be in the next few years? What are your expectations for the future development of the Millennium Boat? Although many service providers are not optimistic about the market situation, we can start from reliable suppliers or companies to establish stable cooperative relations with them. In this way, our capital and other aspects can remain stable. At the same time, we believe that under the leadership of Millennium Boat Group, the company is doing better year by year. This year, we also successfully joined the team of Yizhoutang. I believe that under the leadership of the Millennium Boat, the future development will be better and better.

  •  Liang Gao, the service provider of the Millennium Boat in Lanzhou: the Millennium Boat is rooted in Chinese traditional culture to build brand differentiated development

    Liang Gao, the service provider of the Millennium Boat in Lanzhou: the Millennium Boat is rooted in Chinese traditional culture and builds brand differentiation development

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. On the scene of the conference, Youju Vision invited Liang Gao, the Lanzhou service provider of the Millennium Boat, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way with the Millennium Boat, as well as his grasp of the market and outlook for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? We deeply felt the unique atmosphere of this conference. Today, the theme of the venue is clear, highlighting the unique advantages of the Millennium Boat in integrating traditional culture into the brand. Compared with other brands in the market, its theme has significant differentiation and strong cultural atmosphere, which undoubtedly becomes the leader of the industry again. The theme of "Wen Yi Awakening" not only represents the company's future development direction and market positioning, but also our unique IP with market competitiveness. It clearly shows the development direction and market position of the company for customers, and indicates the bright future of the company. Youju Vision: How did you establish a cooperative relationship with the Millennium Boat? Can you share your experience of cooperation with the Millennium Boat? Since 2016, we have held a business meeting to make progress together. From the initial low sales volume to today's significant market share, each step has condensed the efforts and sweat of both sides. The company's development potential, market positioning and product structure have won us strong market competitiveness, and also pointed out a clear development direction for us. The Millennium Boat is undoubtedly a strong backing for our rapid development in recent years. Horizon of excellent living: With the increasing demand of consumers for green environmental protection products, the Millennium Boat has proposed a dual carbon strategy. What do you think this strategy means for home decoration dealers? In your opinion, what can be improved about environmental protection in the home decoration industry? As a dealer of Millennium Boat home decoration, it is our common pursuit with Millennium Boat to adhere to the Group's dual carbon strategy, continue to focus on advanced technology, and meet the market demand for high-quality products. Double carbon is the cause of the whole industry and the whole society. As dealers of the Millennium Boat, we are more committed to green and give back to the society, which is the social responsibility of every Millennium Boat person. I think that the home decoration industry should pay more attention to environmental protection, protect the health and rectify the environmental problems in the home decoration industry to reduce indoor air pollution, save resources, reduce energy consumption by selecting renewable materials and promoting recycled materials. Youju Vision: What do you think the development trend of the home decoration market will be in the next few years? What are your expectations for the future development of the Millennium Boat? As for the future development trend of the home decoration market, I think the market competition has become increasingly fierce. Especially in the eco board industry, the market share has declined due to the impact of furniture board to a certain extent. However, contracted brands have grown against the trend, which is mainly due to their strong brand influence and precise market positioning. Compared with 22 years ago, our market share increased by 70%~80% in 23 years, which fully shows that growth is possible as long as we have appropriate products and brand awareness. Therefore, as long as we persist in making good products, the market prospect is bound to be bright. Millennium Boat is a company with very promising development prospects. Its market positioning is accurate, its product matrix is perfect, and its grasp of the market is very advanced. I believe that with the pace of the Millennium Boat, our future will be full of hope and opportunities.

  •  Chen Zaoquan, the Kunming service provider of the Millennium Boat: continue to build an excellent team and create a better future with the Millennium Boat

    Chen Zaoquan, the Kunming service provider of the Millennium Boat: continue to build an excellent team and create a better future with the Millennium Boat

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. At the conference site, Youju Vision invited Chen Zaiquan, a Kunming service provider of the Millennium Boat, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? At present, there is a certain tendency of worshiping foreign countries and fawning on foreign countries in the industry. The Millennium Boat event fully demonstrates the unique charm of Chinese culture, which not only helps to enhance the cultural connotation and added value of our brand, but also plays a positive role in promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture. Horizon of excellent living: influenced by the real estate market in recent years, the home furnishing industry has become increasingly involved, and good home building materials partners have become an important factor for the survival and development of enterprises. What capability modules will your company value more? The first is the unification of ideology. Under the current situation of the industry, we should use the existing resources to get warm together. Price war and malicious competition are not a long-term solution. The market eventually returns to normal operation. Secondly, good service awareness is also the most important point for us as a service industry, Now we should not only "deliver it to the customer, but also feed it to the customer". Good service brings more than 1+1. Finally, we should also follow the footsteps of Xi Da. Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. Sustainable development has become the mainstream. Carbon neutrality and carbon emissions have become challenges that we need to face. Improving energy efficiency, developing renewable energy and promoting energy-saving and emission reduction technologies, which I think are more important. Horizon: What experience has the company accumulated in terms of business model and channels in the face of technology, market competition and changing consumer demand? With the continuous improvement of living standards, people's demand for quality life is also growing. Therefore, we decided to build a professional sales team independently and clearly establish the daily business action standards of the sales team to ensure that our business can be carried out efficiently and orderly. While building a sales team, we also pay attention to the cultivation and inheritance of young talents. By cultivating a new generation of sales talents, we will carry forward China's outstanding cultural traditions. At the same time, the Millennium Boat is also well aware of its social responsibility as an enterprise, focusing on product quality, actively promoting the innovation of production technology, and ensuring the reliability and supply stability of products. Only in this way can the brand win the trust and recognition of consumers and further enhance the market competitiveness of the brand. Youju Vision: What do you think the development trend of the home building materials market will be in the next few years? What are your expectations for the future development of the Millennium Boat? In the future development, we hope that the Millennium Boat can continuously improve its comprehensive strength to better serve consumers and contribute to the prosperity and development of society. At the same time, we hope that Millennium Boat and dealers can work together to create a better future.

  •  Xue Xiaowen, a Wuhan service provider of the Millennium Boat: Keep up with the development of the Millennium Boat and stride forward to the first brand in the industry

    Xue Xiaowen, a Wuhan service provider of the Millennium Boat: Keep up with the development of the Millennium Boat and stride forward to the first brand in the industry

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. At the conference site, Youju Vision invited Xue Xiaowen, a Wuhan service provider of the Millennium Boat, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? The millennium boat pattern art awakening activity is an important part of our Guochao brand promotion and research and development in recent years. Through this activity, we successfully pushed our products and quality into the ranks of high-quality domestic products again. This activity not only enhanced our brand image of Millennium Boat in China, but also brought our new designs and products to wider attention and recognition in the home decoration company sector and furniture factory channels. Horizon of excellent living: influenced by the real estate market in recent years, the home furnishing industry has become increasingly involved, and good home building materials partners have become an important factor for the survival and development of enterprises. What capability modules will your company value more? For the furniture factory channel, our primary concern is its customer service target, delivery quality, design ability and service ability. In addition, we also attach importance to the promotion of our brand joint marketing activities by furniture manufacturers, including the promotion of product recognition and joint marketing in the We Media segment. Horizon: What experience has the company accumulated in terms of business model and channels in the face of technology, market competition and changing consumer demand? In the face of fierce market competition, we have accumulated some experience in marketing and channels. We have proposed three major strategies: first, to provide high-quality products; second, to meet the needs of furniture factory customers with better prices and services by virtue of the Millennium Boat platform; third, to strengthen service construction, such as building five service warehouses and logistics distribution systems in Wuhan, and creating high-end customized stores. These efforts have enabled the Millennium Boat brand to form a strong brand positioning in Wuhan. Youju Vision: As the agent of Millennium Boat, what kind of brand do you think it is? What is the market competitive advantage of the brand? Millennium Boat is a high-quality brand full of development potential. The brand has three manufacturing sectors and five smart factories. As a building materials brand with a history of more than 20 years, Millennium Boat has a rich product line covering many fields such as plate, customized floor, wooden door, hardware, and whole house customization, which can provide dealers and customers with diversified product choices. We firmly believe that dealers in the future will follow the steps of the Millennium Boat, work together to achieve the ambitious plan, and move towards the goal of becoming the first brand in the industry.

  •  Sun Shiyu, Zhengzhou service provider of the Millennium Boat: Continuously deepen cooperation with the Millennium Boat to achieve win-win sharing

    Sun Shiyu, Zhengzhou service provider of the Millennium Boat: Continuously deepen cooperation with the Millennium Boat to achieve win-win sharing

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. On the scene of the conference, Youju Vision invited Sun Shiyu, the Zhengzhou service provider of the Millennium Boat, to talk about his experience and feelings along the way, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? The Millennium Boat has demonstrated profound cultural heritage and humanistic care, and its performance in the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" activity is particularly outstanding. It can clearly feel the company's deep integration and innovation in the field of cultural heritage and plate, which is impressive. Horizon of excellent living: influenced by the real estate market in recent years, the home furnishing industry has become increasingly involved, and good home building materials partners have become an important factor for the survival and development of enterprises. What capability modules will your company value more? In fact, we have formed clear guiding principles when selecting partners. First of all, both sides must share common values, which is the basis for achieving common creation, win-win and sharing. At the same time, the recognition of the brand also needs to be agreed, so as to ensure the smooth progress of follow-up cooperation. Horizon: What experience has the company accumulated in terms of business model and channels in the face of technology, market competition and changing consumer demand? In the furniture industry, especially in the furniture factory channel, significant changes have been made in recent years. In the past, we may rely more on traditional channels, but now we pay more attention to product benchmarking and concept updating, so as to gain a better competitive advantage in the furniture factory channel. Pursue more high-end texture and visual communication in decor design, keep up with the trend of the times, and strengthen the oriental national color series decors that the company focuses on promoting. In terms of environmental protection, we have comprehensively upgraded from E0 to ENF, leading the industry standard, promoting more environmentally friendly and healthier products to thousands of households, and realizing the goal of creating a healthy home and leading a quality life. As the agent of Millennium Boat, what kind of brand do you think it is? What is the market competitive advantage of the brand? The cooperation with Millennium Boat has been going on for nearly 15 years, which witnessed the continuous development and change of the brand. In recent years, the development momentum of Millennium Boat is strong, the product line is rich and the quality is excellent, and the brand is in a leading position in the industry. In general, the Millennium Boat has performed well in both new product development and customer satisfaction, and won widespread recognition in the market. Therefore, we recognize the advantages of this millennium boat.

  •  Millennium Boat Shijiazhuang service provider He Yunfeng: improve team internal skills and cooperate with Millennium Boat to meet market challenges

    Millennium Boat Shijiazhuang service provider He Yunfeng: improve team internal skills and cooperate with Millennium Boat to meet market challenges

    As the inheritor and developer of wood culture, the Millennium Boat has always followed the principle of wood to root wood culture in enterprise development and brand, and promote traditional Chinese culture through wood. On March 11, the second day of the second lunar month, the traditional "dragon rising" of China, and the 2024 Millennium Boat Service Providers&Suppliers Marketing Development Conference, "Boat Shining in China · Pattern Art Awakening", were successfully held in Hangzhou. Following the 2023 "Grain Art Awakening · Winning the Rice Season" new product launch, the Millennium Boat deepens the grain art awakening IP, once again with unique cultural themes and five chapters of content design, inherits and carries forward the wood culture, and demonstrates the strong cultural heritage and innovative spirit of the Millennium Boat. A group of industry leaders, senior experts, media representatives, and service providers and suppliers of the Millennium Boat product line gathered to witness this oriental cultural feast. On the scene of the conference, Youju Vision specially invited the Millennium Boat Shijiazhuang service provider He Yunfeng to talk about his experience and feelings along the way together with the Millennium Boat, as well as his grasp of the market and prospects for the future. You live in the horizon: Millennium Boat has been committed to integrating traditional culture into brand development in recent years. How do you feel or comment on the "Wen Yi Awakening IP" series of activities? This "Wen Yi Awakening" activity fully demonstrated the confidence of the Millennium Boat in the Chinese culture, and also reflected the consumers' love for Chinese goods. The millennium boat inherits and carries forward Liangzhu culture and canal culture, which not only promotes the development of the market, but also sets a model for China's plate industry. Horizon of excellent living: influenced by the real estate market in recent years, the home furnishing industry has become increasingly involved, and good home building materials partners have become an important factor for the survival and development of enterprises. What capability modules will your company value more? The current phenomenon of involution also reflects that our industry is accelerating standardization. In this process, manufacturers need to have the ability to work together to meet the challenges under the new pattern. To be specific, I believe that a good cooperative enterprise needs the following capabilities: team support, risk resistance, innovation and entrepreneurship. Horizon of excellence: What experience has the company accumulated in terms of business model and channels in the face of technology, market competition and changing consumer demand? The company should combine three aspects to adjust its business strategy. First, use new media operations to quickly introduce differentiated products to consumers. Secondly, improve the team's internal skills and provide the dealers with nanny service. Finally, focus on the variety of offline products to meet the needs of terminals and channels. As the agent of Millennium Boat, what kind of brand do you think it is? What is the market competitive advantage of the brand? The Millennium Boat is a career that I and my team will always strive for in the future. Its advantage lies in its strong team and nanny service, which has greatly improved my business. In addition, product differentiation, diversification and specialization, as well as good quality control, are its market competitive advantages, and also the key factors that drive us to go higher and farther.
