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Chinese manufacturing enterprises need to customize the development roadmap

Eugenics horizon 2017-05-11 17:52:47

After the State Council issued the "Made in China 2025" action plan in 2015 and put forward a series of goals, the transformation of China's manufacturing industry is attracting worldwide attention. According to statistics, more than 1000 domestic private equity funds and venture capital have set foot in the industry 4.0 field. Chinese manufacturing giants are striving to provide sponsorship and investment To gain more integration opportunities. The central and local governments are also investing heavily in Industry 4.0 projects.

But are Chinese manufacturing enterprises really ready for the digital transformation in the era of Industry 4.0?

In a report entitled "Industry 4.0 Era: How Digital Transformation Achieves the Upgrading of China's Manufacturing Industry" Tube McKinsey, a consulting firm, conducted a survey of 130 enterprise representatives from various industries and found that nearly 80% of the interviewed Chinese manufacturing enterprises expected Industry 4.0 to improve their competitiveness. In contrast, only 57%, 50% and 54% of the manufacturing enterprises in the United States, Germany and Japan had similar expectations. Although Chinese manufacturing enterprises have great enthusiasm and expectations for Industry 4.0, only 57% of Chinese enterprises believe they are ready for Industry 4.0, lower than American enterprises (71%) and German enterprises (68%).

Digitization is not just installation and use automation equipment Enterprise management structure, concept and capability, digital operation, and cooperation with government, consulting, investors and research institutions are also the focus of digital transformation.

At present, the lack of clear division of responsibilities and systematic implementation path of digital transformation scheme is the biggest obstacle for manufacturing enterprises in digital transformation. "Only 9% of Chinese enterprises think that they have a clear responsibility distribution, and 6% have a clear path Line The United States, Japan and Germany have done better than Chinese enterprises in these two aspects. " Wang Ping, global managing partner of McKinsey and head of China's advanced industry consulting business, introduced the report at the press conference.

According to McKinsey's report, less than 5% of Chinese enterprises can independently develop and implement digital technology Solution Enterprises such as Huawei and Haier have also become the leaders of Industry 4.0 in their respective industries. While more than half of the manufacturers have achieved semi automation by configuring automation equipment, they still lack digital management capabilities. The remaining 30% to 40% of enterprises are still in the initial stage of relying heavily on human labor.

with Machine tool Take the development of the industry as an example. As the world's largest machine tool producer and consumer at present, although Chinese machine tool enterprises, with the support of the state, have accelerated the research and development of key functional parts for high-end machine tools, and achieved certain results, for example, the first domestic machine tool independently developed by Jinan No.2 Machine Tool Co., Ltd. fully serves high-speed automation stamping Line, stamping technology has reached the world's leading level. However, Chinese machine tool enterprises are more concentrated in the low-end market, while the high-end machine tool market is still dominated by German, Japanese and American traditional machine tool enterprises.

"The demand upgrading direction of the machine tool industry is completely opposite to the long-term inherent advantages of China's machine tool manufacturing industry." tool Chen Huiren, executive vice president and secretary-general of the Industry Association, said earlier that "China's machine tool industry is not short of surface, but depth."

What Chinese enterprises need is not a "all-in-one" industrial 4.0 solution, but a customized roadmap, including digital lean transformation to achieve energy optimization and automation, efficient and high-quality digital business model, innovative product and business model development, consumer demand oriented business strategy, etc. The report predicts that these opportunities may increase China's manufacturing capacity growth to 6.5% in the next 15 years.

In addition, the report also mentioned that manufacturers should pay attention to the excessive enthusiasm of Industry 4.0, which may lead to irrational investment in equipment and tools and waste of resources.

Editor in charge: unknown Source: Youju Vision
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