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Oxygen health, enjoy breathing, the fifth season of fresh wind for Chinese families to create a smart oxygen life!

Eugenics horizon 2022-08-16 13:06:46 Reading volume 24380

Consumption upgrading promote Fresh wind industry upgrading Advocating the concept of health and environmental protection Consumers pay attention to fresh air system

With the development of society, Xinfeng products are more and more concerned and favored by consumers. Xinfeng is not a niche product. It is understood that the popularity rate of Xinfeng products in European and American countries is more than 90%, and even some countries have reached 100% of the mandatory configuration and standard configuration. In China, consumption upgrading has brought opportunities for Xinfeng to upgrade its industry. Advocacy of the concept of great health and environmental protection has prompted more and more consumers to buy Xinfeng to improve their quality of life.

Many people may be a little vague about the concept of fresh air. The fresh air system is an air processing system composed of a supply air system and an exhaust air system. It can discharge indoor dirty air out of the room, while introducing outdoor fresh air into the room and completing filtration, disinfection and sterilization. Now fresh air products have gradually become the standard configuration for many families who care about indoor air quality.

Human health is closely related to air quality. During the design and construction of the house, there are special requirements for ventilation. When the room is relatively closed, people's activities will produce a lot of carbon dioxide. If the oxygen content is insufficient, people will feel dizzy and suffocated. At this time, they need to breathe. In the 1980s, in Europe and the United States, the outdoor air system, as a standard configuration of buildings, was designed to solve the ventilation problem. A fresh air system is installed, which can also provide indoor ventilation without opening windows. There are many advantages of fresh air, such as isolation of noise outside the window, reduction of indoor dust, protection of allergies, prevention of colds, discharge of second-hand smoke, and oxygen enriched rooms are conducive to sleep.

How do Chinese families choose new trends scientifically and rationally?

When choosing fresh air for ordinary families, there are two situations: rough houses and hardbound houses. For rough houses, we can choose ceiling fresh air, and for houses that have been decorated, we can choose wall mounted fresh air products. In fact, Chinese families are more suitable for installing wall mounted fresh air, which is not limited by decoration, and can be installed in 2 hours!

The new wind independently developed by Tianjin 5Q Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is a pioneering brand of China Intelligent Oxygen New Wind. Only by applying fluid mechanics and scientific ventilation can the new wind be completely developed. The fifth season wall mounted fresh air fan is suitable for all Chinese families to install and use. The two-way flow design improves the indoor oxygen content, quickly discharges the turbid air, and the total heat exchange can effectively prevent the loss of indoor temperature and humidity. Built in quadruple filtration system and UV sterilization lamp, which can effectively kill dozens of germs and viruses. G4 primary filtration module can shield large particle pollutants such as catkins and hair. H13 medical grade filter module can filter dust particles and viruses such as PM2.5, pollen, etc. Its ten "Chinese characteristic models" also make consumers very excited:

1. Fresh air without pipeline does not need to be perforated on the beam, and does not damage the building structure

2. There is no pipeline pollution to avoid dust and odor in the pipeline

3. Low level return air, formaldehyde removal and decontamination, and more complete carbon dioxide emission

4. Exquisite appearance, convenient installation, free from decoration status restrictions, can be installed at any time

5. No pipeline, no ceiling space occupied, no indoor height lowered

6. Convenient after-sales maintenance and low maintenance cost

7. Single room single machine, lower energy consumption

8. More accurate air volume matching and more comfortable use

9. There is no pipeline, so there is no wind loss, improving indoor air exchange efficiency

10.360 degree adjustable air outlet, no dead angle air supply

In the fifth season, Xinfeng brand pilots to create a smart oxygen life for Chinese families!

At present, consumption upgrading has brought opportunities for Xinfeng to upgrade its industry. Continuous innovation and progress is the only way for the development of Xinfeng industry. The fifth season Xinfeng adheres to the brand concept of "focusing on intelligent energy conservation, oxygen enriched and healthy life", and is committed to improving the living environment and creating a fresh, oxygen enriched and healthy fifth quarter living space. In the future, the new trend of the fifth season will continue to explore and innovate, create high-quality products for consumers with ingenuity, offer five-star good air, and create a smart oxygen life for consumers with care beyond the four seasons!

Editor in charge: Home Plaza Source: Youju Vision
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