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Dil Spa Toilet Continues the Brand Mission of Improving National Health

Eugenics horizon 2021-07-05 11:56:02 Reading 12197


Dir cooperates with CCTV

Highlight the strength of health brand

2021 is a year for the brand new strategy of Dir, and it will also be a year for Dir to take off. As an exclusive fusion "Caring for intestinal health" Concept, and the only innovative product that has won the Sino US dual medical device certification, Dil Spa Toilet Continue the brand mission of improving national health, and from March 2021, make a strong landing on CCTV CCTV-1、CCTV-4、CCTV-7、CCTV-10、CCTV-13 Many channels meet hundreds of millions of viewers nationwide in prime time.

The joint cooperation between CCTV and Tyre will surely comprehensively and rapidly enhance the brand influence and market awareness of Tyre“ Dil Spa Toilet Care for Intestinal Health ”The healthy quality lifestyle of "" has been widely popularized to consumers across the country, and we will spare no effort to empower the brand with new directions, open up new market areas, and offer a good gift of caring for intestinal health for the health of the whole people.

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With the improvement of national consumption capacity, health awareness is gradually enhanced; In addition, after experiencing the epidemic, the public has become more aware of the importance of intestinal health for improving human immunity and preventing diseases, and health has become a hot topic of national attention.

At the 2016 National Conference on Health and Hygiene, the state emphasized that“ Without the health of the whole people, there will be no well-off society in an all-round way ”。 At the representative forum planning for the "14th Five Year Plan", the state proposed that "people's health should be given priority to development strategy". Health is the basic condition for economic and social development and the common pursuit of the broad masses of the people. A person's health is the foundation of his life, and the people's health is the foundation of his country, Intestinal health is the basic source of all health.

Deer Intestinal Health Technology Co., Ltd Since its inception, it has been committed to developing and innovating high-tech products that are beneficial to human health. Dir through parent company Hanyu Group (stock code: 300403) The world's leading water pump flow control technology has brought together a large number of scientific research and hospital experts to develop“ Non contact intestinal hydrotherapy " The function of Deere Spa toilet, which cares for intestinal health, will transform the intelligent toilet from the era of water washing into the era of healthy spa, and open a new prospect of building a healthy China with scientific and technological innovation.

Dil Spa Toilet The birth of "" has brought a medical level high-quality intestinal hydrotherapy regimen to the people, allowing users to have a healthier quality of life, and providing a strong health guarantee for the realization of the Chinese Dream of national health and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


2021 is the first year of the "14th Five Year Plan". Deere will adhere to the brand's original intention of caring for intestinal health, always put improving the health of the whole people first, and continue to Do a good job in products, innovate technology and improve services Let intestinal health enter millions of families and bring the gospel of health to the whole of China.

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Editor in charge: bathroom channel Source: Youju Vision
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