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Ally Arlite won two awards at the 2020 China Home Furnishing Brand Builders Summit

Eugenics horizon 2020-12-28 17:14:20 Reading 79289


On December 25, under the guidance of China Building Materials Market Association, sponsored by the National Advertising Research Institute, and co organized by Tencent Home, Sanitary Ware News and Communication University of China, the China Home Furnishing Brand Builders Summit and the "Star Brand. New Future" 2020 Sanitary Ware Industry New Year Celebration was held in Foshan.

Five major industry associations, 40 real estate companies, 40 home decoration enterprises, and more than 800 sanitary ware entrepreneurs and excellent home brand builders in 13 major production areas witnessed the grand occasion of the industry and helped the development of China's sanitary ware industry! In the awarding process, Ally Yali and Ms. Wu Juan, the general manager of sales, were awarded two awards: the "2020 Goldsmith Heart Award" and the "Brand Person of the Year Award".

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The China Home Furnishing Brand Builders Summit and the "Star Brand. New Future" 2020 Sanitary Ware Industry New Year Celebration, gathered executives and senior practitioners from the whole industry chain of real estate, home decoration, sanitary ware, design, marketing, media, etc., to pay tribute to the builders of China's home furnishing brands, and to explore the way of brand building in depth from different fields and perspectives, and to work together for good strategies for brand building, Set an example for the development of Chinese brands and enhance confidence in the home furnishing industry.

Create brand influence with ingenuity

This selection combines the double reviews of senior practitioners and expert review meeting, which is both professional and authoritative. With its outstanding performance and strong productivity and brand influence in 2020, Ally Arlite won the "Goldsmith Heart Award", which is another affirmation of the industry and consumers. Aggregating brand strength and improving brand value, Ally will continue to carry forward the "Chinese brand model power" with ingenuity.

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The height of a brand building depends on the firmness of the foundation (product quality). The winning of the "Goldsmith's Heart Award" is the industry's affirmation of Ally's product quality. From 1998 to 2020, Ally Yaree has been making progress step by step in the past 22 years, concentrating on creating Chinese quality products with no distractions, and creating products of excellent quality with advanced technology and improving manufacturing process.

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Excellent ability, excellent brand builder

The brand makes the enterprise more respected, and the brand builders are the key force and the guarantee of brand value promotion. The Summit takes the inventory of annual brand contributors as its own responsibility, adopts four core elements of brand concept, annual recognition, character identity and outstanding contributions in the selection dimension, and focuses on the social influence, industry voice, leadership temperament, social responsibility and public image of candidates, Commend the annual brand figure who "depicts the brand dream blueprint with excellent management ability, and creates a new pattern of brand development with innovative wisdom".

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Ms. Ally Yali Wu Juan won the title of "Top 50 Home Furnishing Brand Builders in China in 2020"“

The winning of the Goldsmith's Heart Award is not only a blessing of brand honor for Ally Arlite, but also a powerful driving force for brand development. In the future, Ally will continue to work hard to create a better quality life for the people with high-quality products and services! Gather brand strength and enhance brand value. Ally will work with Chinese home and bathroom brand builders to promote culture with brand, revitalize the country with brand, and continue to work hard for the development of Chinese brands!

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Editor in charge: bathroom channel Source: Youju Vision
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