Answering methods for several types of questions in the gaoyou education training_self-taught examination

Period of validity: November 19, 2023

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  • Shipping address: Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
  • Date of issue: 2022-11-19
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Section three year

Suzhou Shangyuan Jingwei Training Co., Ltd. Gaoyou Branch

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  • Contact: Mr. Wang
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  • Location: Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province
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Mentoring institutions Gaoyou Shangyuan Education Coaching courses Shangyuan Accounting, Xingyuan Design, Shangyuan Qualification, Shangyuan Teacher, Jieti Education,
Training type strengthen Class time Free arrangement
Training methods on-line Course hours other
Class location Shangyuan Education, 5F, Huaxing Real Estate, Shuixie Huating, 203 Tonghu Road, Gaoyou City

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   choice question : Examines the examinee's memory, understanding, judgment, reasoning analysis, comprehensive comparison, identification and evaluation and other abilities. When answering questions, if you can find out the correct answer instantly and accurately, if you are not sure, you should use the exclusion method, that is, you should start from the elimination of the most obvious errors, leave the alternatives close to the correct answer, and then analyze more strongly to deny one by one and finally select the correct answer.

   Completion It is often used to assess the examinee's ability to "reproduce" accurate memory, and in natural sciences, it is often used to assess the examinee's ability to observe and apply relevant formulas and principles. When answering questions, no matter how many blanks there are, the answers should be clear and affirmative, and not ambiguous. So remember the most basic knowledge, concepts, principles, etc. before the exam.

   Terminology This type of question is generally aimed at the basic concepts and professional terms in the subject, and mainly tests the examinee's ability to remember and understand. Answers should be concise, general and accurate. If the score is large, it can be expanded briefly.

   Short answer questions This type of question generally focuses on the basic introduction, principles and their connections, and focuses on the examinee's ability to master, distinguish and understand concepts, historical facts and principles. When answering questions, it is neither as simple as the explanation of nouns nor as long as the argumentation. Answers should be hierarchical, list the main points, and briefly expand them.

   Argumentative question This type of question is generally based on the overall situation of the examination paper preparation, and can be set from the perspective of reflecting the key content and basic problems in the examination outline. It focuses on assessing the ability of examinees to analyze and solve practical problems, as well as their comprehensive application ability and creativity. When answering questions, you should carefully examine the questions, list the key points for safety, and then describe the key points one by one. At this time, candidates should give play to their true insights, and work hard on depth and breadth. If you are not sure about the key points, and time does not allow you to think more about them, you would rather answer more key points, but you should avoid writing everything that cannot explain the problem or contradict Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answers.

Higher Post Education Training_Answering Methods for Several Types of Self study Exams Related Resources


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