Overseas labor joining Macao and Hong Kong project labor dispatching reinforcement workers

Period of validity: June 4, 2025

Quantity (bag) Price
one hundred 1.00 yuan/bag
  • Minimum order: 1 bag
  • Shipping address: Chengdu, Sichuan
  • Date of issue: 2024-06-04
  • Visits: two hundred and seventy-one
Consulting telephone: 157-0842-1694
When you call, please tell me that you can see it on the website of Home of Mechanics and Electronics for more discounts. thank you!
Detailed parameters
brand Kangbao model twelve
Installation mode Cabinet type appearance Double door
Disinfection temperature Low temperature and high temperature double disinfection Disinfection method ozone
Disinfection time ≥30min supply voltage 220V
Rated power 240W colour white
Overall dimension 596mm*645mm*500mm

product details

The company promises that if the transaction is unsuccessful, the fee will be refunded in full!

Labor service company, high-quality visa delivery channel, high passing rate, fast going abroad, low handling costs

Contact Manager Guo 173-4806-9608 (WeChat same number)

recruit : Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Denmark, Germany, Britain, the United States, etc

Recruitment type of work : 

Builders, carpenters, bricklayers, rebar workers, water electricians, welders, painters, engineering vehicle drivers, canteen chefs, factory general workers, packers, inspectors, chefs, etc.  

fringe benefits : 

1. According to different types of work, the monthly salary is more than 25000 - 35000 (employer)

2. Work 8 hours a day, and overtime is calculated as 1.5 times.  

3 The employer is responsible for buying work-related injury insurance, insurance, accident insurance, etc

4 After working for one year, there are 14 days of paid annual leave.  

Recruitment requirements : 

1 Unlimited, aged 22-55

2. No limit. There is no language requirement for overseas Chinese programs

3. Integrity, mild personality, none;,  

4. Work earnestly and actively, be willing to accept necessary training, have team spirit, obey and obey the work arrangement of the employer;  

5. Healthy, free from congenital and infectious diseases



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