What's the zodiac sign

What's the zodiac sign


The year 2020 is coming, and this is the Year of the Rat. I wish you a lucky Year of the Rat. The first zodiac sign: Zimu, the mouse represents intelligence, and is also the symbol and representative of wisdom. Of course, the mouse also takes a little cleverness. The second zodiac: Ugly Niu, Niu represents diligence, hard work, honesty and responsibility, and also means hard work, loyalty and steadfastness. The third zodiac: Yin Hu. As the king of the forest, the tiger represents arrogance, strength, courage and valor. moral...
If you are an old tree with vicissitudes of life, then I would like to be the singing lark who perches on your branches day and night to sing, in exchange for your youth and make you green forever. Dad, I love you!

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Chizhi Yiwu

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 What's the zodiac sign  What's the zodiac sign
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