ITrust Network Information Authentication

(Byte jumping) Letter of Commitment for Legal Compliance Operation

Source: Beijing Byte Beating Technology Co., Ltd Time: April 15, 2021

Beijing Byte Beat Technology Co., Ltd. (Byte Beat) Legal Compliance Operation Commitment


In order to maintain the fair competition order in the platform economy field and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, Beijing Byte Beat solemnly makes the following commitments:


1、 Strengthen compliance management. The development and adjustment of various businesses are closely paralleled with the compliance assessment, the operation is carried out in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and the platform governance is comprehensively strengthened.


2、 "One out of two" is not implemented. Follow the basic principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness and integrity, and respect the independent choice of operators on the platform.


3、 Do not abuse market dominance. Respect consumers, treat trading counterparts equally, and do not impose unreasonable restrictions or attach unreasonable conditions on consumers and operators on the platform.


4、 Do not implement the monopoly agreement. Insist on independent operation and do not coordinate with peers on price, market and other sensitive information.


5、 The concentration of undertakings shall not be carried out in violation of the law. Actively seek guidance from law enforcement agencies, comprehensively evaluate and legally declare the concentration of business operators involving the enterprise.


6、 Do not conduct unfair competition. Reasonable use of technical capabilities shall not interfere with the normal operation of network products or services legally provided by other operators.


7、 Do not conduct improper pricing. Clearly mark the price, do not dump at a low price, and there is evidence for publicity and marking the price according to law to prevent unreasonable price increase of the products involved.


8、 Do not publish illegal advertisements. Adhere to strict review of advertising business, continue to strengthen the strength of advertising review team, and prevent illegal advertising.


9、 Do not sell substandard goods. Strengthen internal sampling inspection, improve the governance model, and constantly improve the overall level of platform commodity quality.


10、 Strengthen the obligation of food safety assurance. Focus on the management of food related businesses and commodities, severely punish violations, and strictly prevent major food safety problems.


11、 Strictly perform the obligation of intellectual property protection. Open the channels for intellectual property complaints, strengthen cooperation with the brand side, and handle intellectual property complaints in a timely manner according to law.


12、 Protect the rights and interests of consumers. Publicize the platform rules and information related to businesses and commodities in accordance with the law, ensure consumers' right to know and choose, improve the channels for collecting, processing and feedback consumers' opinions, and effectively protect consumers' rights and interests.


13、 Do not illegally collect and abuse personal information. On the premise of ensuring that users are informed, collect and use user information in accordance with the principle of "minimum necessity".


We will earnestly implement the above commitments and consciously accept public supervision.


Beijing Byte Beating Technology Co., Ltd


April 13, 2021