The total financial volume of Nanjing Branch of the People's Bank of China increased steadily, and the balance of local and foreign currency deposits was 4.78 trillion yuan

2022-05-27 09:18:19 Source: Nanjing Morning Post/Love Nanjing

On May 25, the Operation Management Department of the Nanjing Branch of the People's Bank of China organized a meeting on the analysis of the monetary and credit situation in Nanjing and the rescue of financial enterprises. Zhang Ping, Director of the Monetary and Credit Statistics Division of the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China Nanjing Branch, reported the financial operation in Nanjing from January to April this year. It is reported that since this year, the Operation Management Department of the Nanjing Branch of the People's Bank of China has conscientiously implemented the prudent monetary policy, promoted the steady growth of the total amount of credit in the jurisdiction, and created a good monetary and financial environment to maintain the economic operation within a reasonable range.

The total financial volume has grown steadily. At the end of April, the balance of local and foreign currency deposits in Nanjing was 4.78 trillion yuan, an increase of 305.187 billion yuan over the beginning of the year; The balance of local and foreign currency loans was 4.54 trillion yuan, an increase of 212.827 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, and the scale of deposits and loans continued to rank first in the province.

The scale of direct debt financing issuance grew steadily. From January to April, non-financial enterprises in Nanjing issued 117.6 billion yuan of various debt financing instruments in the inter-bank market, accounting for 28.1% of the total issuance in the province, further consolidating the leading position in the province.

Financial assistance to enterprises was further strengthened The role of structural monetary policy tools in providing precise support was effectively played. From January to April, a total of 9.466 billion yuan of refinancing was issued, up 924.5% year on year, supporting 2786 market entities in total; Through the use of the loan support tool for inclusive small and micro enterprises, the central bank issued 266 million yuan of support funds, and a total of 26.6 billion yuan was added to the loan balance of inclusive small and micro enterprises of local corporate banking institutions.

The loan structure was continuously optimized. The growth rate of manufacturing loans grew at a high level. At the end of April, the local and foreign currency loans of Nanjing's institutional manufacturing industry grew by 16.25% year on year, maintaining a double-digit growth for eight consecutive months, 11.4 percentage points higher than the same period last year.

The development of green finance has achieved remarkable results. Inclusive small and micro loans maintained rapid growth. At the end of April, the balance of inclusive microenterprise loans in Nanjing increased by 45.14% year on year, and the year-on-year growth rate exceeded 30% for three consecutive years. At the end of March, the balance of green loans of financial institutions in Nanjing was 524.57 billion yuan, an increase of 49.798 billion yuan over the beginning of the year, up 32.3% year on year.

The cost of enterprise financing has declined steadily. From January to April this year, the interest rate of corporate loans issued by financial institutions in Nanjing was at a low level, down 2.4 basis points from the same period of last year, and the real economy achieved remarkable results.

In addition, at this meeting, leaders of relevant departments of Nanjing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Bureau, Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and Bureau of Commerce introduced the key work and policies of enterprise rescue in their respective fields of competence this year; Eight banking institutions including ICBC Nanjing Branch made exchange speeches around the implementation of the financial enterprise rescue policy.

Fan Xin, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Business Management Department of the Nanjing Branch of the People's Bank of China, stressed in his summary speech that we should continue to strengthen financial support for the steady development of market entities and increase financial support for key areas and weak links of the real economy; Adhere to fee reduction and interest concession, and all banking institutions should continue to release the dividend of loan market quoted rate reform (LPR); Insist on innovation driven, and earnestly strengthen financial support in green, low-carbon and scientific and technological innovation fields; Adhere to the principle of "housing without speculation" to promote the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry.

(Correspondent Wang Deyong, Chen Xingru, Nanjing Morning Post/Love Nanjing reporter Zhong Min)

key word: People's Bank of China Nanjing Branch Total financial volume Balance of local and foreign currency deposits Deposit and loan scale

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