[Pomegranate blossoms and seeds are concentric] Yanbian, Jilin Province: play a new movement of rural revitalization, and draw a "concentric circle" of national unity

2023-09-09 15:15:54 Source: CCTV Network

CCTV News (reporter Wang Jingyuan, Sui Jiatong and Xing Ming): Yanbian in early autumn is verdant with tall trees and clear sky. Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province is located at the border of China, Russia and North Korea, which is the largest Korean inhabited area in China.

(Related data drawing)

Develop industries according to local conditions and build barriers to prevent poverty; Revitalize the folk custom resources of villages and explore new models for the integration of agriculture and tourism; Digital enabling rural governance, beautiful countryside suitable for living and working... On the road of rural revitalization, Yanbian Prefecture has taken a solid and powerful step to write a new chapter of national unity and progress with high-quality development.

Guangdong Village: Double the "value" of rice and refresh the appearance of the village

At the foot of Changbai Mountain and by the side of Hailan River, in Guangdong Village, Dongcheng Town, Helong City, successive rice fields, under the breeze, set off billowing green waves. Walking on the street of Guangdong Village, the first thing I saw was a long queue of vehicles parked on the roadside. Tourists took a small train through the paddy field. Parents and children "drove" the children's tractor together, and from time to time there were bursts of laughter.

The butterfly transformation of Guangdong Village is a vivid epitome of rural revitalization and development in Yanbian Prefecture. In the past, most villagers in Guangdong Village chose to go out to work. The rest of the village were elderly people, with few labor forces, weak collective economy and single industry.

Yanbian Prefecture, located in the Changbai Mountain area in the east of Jilin Province, is a famous town of rice. Relying on the superior geographical location and unique natural conditions, Guangdong Village comprehensively promotes organic rice planting.

Jin Xian, the village secretary of Guangdong Village, introduced that the village has established a professional organic rice farm. The sales model has changed from the original "one-on-one" marketing to order based sales, and has established its own brand "Maxida". The products are sold to the domestic, Japanese and Korean markets. In 2022, the output of organic rice of professional farms will reach 2000 tons, realizing an output value of 23 million yuan.

(Photographed by Jin Xian, CCTV reporter Wang Jingyuan)

The beautiful paddy field scenery brings opportunities for the development of rural tourism. Jin Xian introduced that in recent years, relying on folk customs and green organic rice brand advantages, Guangdong Village has built a modern rural pastoral tourism new area integrating folk tourism, sightseeing experience, flavor catering and other functions to comprehensively develop folk tourism.

The village has built a tourist service center, a parking lot and a landscape gate. By integrating the idle houses in the village, a total of 60 distinctive homestays with different themes and styles have been built in the first phase. In addition, a rehabilitation base, a shared agricultural base and a border patriotism education base have also been built. Many villagers have also actively participated in the development of rural tourism industry, opening farmhouses, supermarkets, coffee houses, folk restaurants, etc. Since 2015, Guangdong Village has received 2.3 million tourists in total and realized a tourism income of 23.22 million yuan.

In 2022, Guangdong Village will integrate resources such as homestays, characteristic tourism projects and online agricultural products sales platform in the mode of "enterprise+village collective+villagers", realize the deep integration of three industries, drive villagers' entrepreneurship and employment, and help rural revitalization.

Jin Xian said that the development of rural tourism cannot be separated from the "toilet revolution". In 2015, Guangdong Village implemented the transformation of rural toilets, and 234 households all carried out the transformation of toilets. Every household used indoor toilets, flushing toilets, and installed water heaters. Villager Kim Jong Il said that there would be no "stink in summer and no use in winter" when using the toilet.

Guangdong Village adapts measures to local conditions, excavates the advantages of characteristic resources, and walks out of a road of industrial integration and development. From a small border village with a single industry and poor and backward, Guangdong Village has become a tourist network red card punching destination with prosperous industries and beautiful villages and rich people.

(Photo by Wang Jingyuan, a reporter from CCTV. com, the parent-child amusement project in Guangdong Village)

Fangchuan Village, "the first village in the East", is a model village integrating agriculture and tourism

"When the wild geese chirp and hear the Three Kingdoms, the tiger roars and startles the three frontiers, the flowers bloom and smell, and the laughter spreads to the three countries." In the junction of China, Russia and Korea at the lower reaches of the Tumen River in the southeast of Jilin Province, there is a beautiful village called Fangchuan Village, Jingxin Town, Hunchun City, which is known as "the first village in the East".

Fangchuan Village is rich in tourism resources. The famous 4A Fangchuan Scenic Spot, one of the eight scenic spots in Jilin, is located here. However, in the past, it was a small fishing village that no one cared about. Yang Yongchun, the first secretary of Fangchuan Village, said that the per capita annual income of the village was only over 1000 yuan before.

How to solve the problem of backward development? Based on the local location, resources, ecology, humanities and other advantages, Fangchuan Village has vigorously developed the traditional Korean folk custom tourism industry, innovatively adopted the operation mode of "village enterprise joint construction", and built the ancient village project of "the first village in the east" in Fangchuan.

To be specific, Fangchuan Village Committee and the project construction unit jointly set up a tourism company to carry out corporate operation management and promotion of the ancient village. Through the "village enterprise joint construction", the tourism company has also built scenic spots, hotels, tourist centers and business streets on the village land to promote mutual benefit and win-win results among villagers, villages and enterprises. The project will be completed and put into operation in October 2019; In 2022, the collective economic income of Fangchuan Village will reach 600000 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of villagers will reach 70000 yuan.

Yang Yongchun introduced that at present, there are 41 homestays in Fangchuan Village. The architectural pattern combines the traditional Korean architectural style and modern design concept, and is equipped with unique courtyard scenery. Villagers can choose to rent idle houses to tourism companies at a price of 12000 yuan per year, or they can choose to operate their own B&Bs.

(Photographed by Wang Jingyuan, reporter of CCTV, Korean homestay in Fangchuan Village)

Not far from the home stay area, there is Fangchuan Village Folk Custom Commercial Street, which gathers the customs of China, Russia and North Korea, and integrates featured catering and shopping. In summer, the campfire party will be held irregularly according to the situation of tourists. Tourists can enjoy the special food while enjoying the folk songs and dances.

Relying on the completion of the ancient village of "Oriental First Village", Fangchuan Village implements the development model of industrial integration in combination with traditional agriculture such as fishing in the Jiejiang River, bee breeding, fruit and vegetable picking in the village.

Yang Yongchun introduced that Fangchuan Village can catch 20000 kg of fish on the Tumen River every year. The village will integrate the fishing industry with the tourism industry to develop experience fishing, live fish sales, farmhouse fish feast and other projects. Fangchuan Village is a gathering place of bee farmers. It promotes the development of bee breeding industry by creating tourism experience products such as bee base visit and on-site honey brewing.

The former border village has been transformed into a "national key village for rural tourism" and a "village with Chinese ethnic minority characteristics". Fangchuan Village has developed a way to become rich in rural tourism, creating a new model of integration of agriculture and tourism, common prosperity of farmers, and rural revitalization.

(Photographed by Wang Jingyuan, a reporter from CCTV on Fangchuan Village Folk Custom Commercial Street)

Shuinan Village: a border village with digital empowerment and suitable for living and maintenance

Shuinan Village, under the jurisdiction of Shixian Town, Tumen City, is known as the "hometown of water charm" on the border. There are Korean, Han, Manchu and other ethnic groups living in the village, of which the Korean population accounts for 92% of the total population, which is a typical Korean village.

Jin Guoxing, deputy director of the village committee of Shuinan Village, introduced that in 2022, Shuinan Village will implement digital village construction, effectively combine digital means with rural governance, focus on medical care, pension, security, flood prevention, fire prevention, environmental improvement and other key areas, and create a comprehensive and intelligent management platform close to the reality of border villages.

Taking intelligent fire prevention as an example, a dual spectrum spherical machine integrating thermal imaging and visible light is used to monitor the whole area of Shuinan Village in an all-weather manner, so as to eliminate fire hazards in a timely manner.

(Photographed by Wang Jingyuan, a reporter from the People's Health Service Center of Shuinan Village, CCTV)

Jin Guoxing said that the majority of current residents in Shuinan Village are elderly people. Shuinan Village is equipped with intelligent bracelets, one button alarm and combustible gas alarm for the elderly or disabled families living alone in the village. The bracelet can monitor heart rate, blood oxygen, fall alarm, one button call and other functions.

The daily health monitoring of villagers is mastered by the village doctor in real time. In case of emergency, the bracelet will push the alarm information as soon as possible and send the rescue information to the emergency contact person. One button alarm can provide sound and light alarm for villagers who are unable to move, lie in bed or do not wear a bracelet. The gas alarm monitors the density of combustible gas or carbon monoxide in real time. If the concentration exceeds the standard, it will remind the person concerned or relatives of emergency treatment. "It provides security for the 'silver haired' people in our border village to spend their old age happily and safely," said Jin Guoxing.

Shuinan Village is located 7 kilometers north of Tumen urban area, and the living area is 4.5 kilometers away from the border. Its unique geographical location provides conditions for its development of home stay tourism. In Shuinan Village, Korean architectural style houses are arranged orderly, and folk color paintings are slowly spread on the wall beside the road.

According to Jin Guoxing, at present, Shuinan Village provides tourists with rural life experiences such as eating, living and picking in combination with the existing Korean homestays. Tourists can not only pick fruits and vegetables in the farmyard, but also experience the fun of making spicy cabbage, rice sausage, cake and other special foods on site.

(Shot by Wang Jingyuan, a reporter from CCTV. com, the villagers of Shuinan Village participate in various cultural and entertainment activities)

Research is another industry of Shuinan Village. The research base was established in October 2018. Relying on the folk characteristic villages, Shuinan Village has vigorously developed research tourism and developed research courses such as history and culture, patriotism education, and discipline practice. The development of research tourism has promoted the continuous increase of collective and villagers' income in Shuinan villages.

In recent years, Shuinan Village has promoted the "digital village" and "health care and medical care" services to explore the happy elderly care model at home. The shortage of infrastructure has been gradually supplemented, the living environment has been continuously improved, and public services have been greatly improved. Shuinan Village has become a green, beautiful and livable village on the border.

(For "zero distance" service to the masses, Shuinan Village has set up a police office in the village. Photographed by Wang Jingyuan, a reporter from CCTV)

The industrial development has a momentum, farmers have a sweet life, and prosper the border and enrich the people. Now, the rural revitalization and construction in Yanbian has entered the fast lane.

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