Stick to the Three foot Platform Devoted to Teaching and Educating (Education Review)

2023-09-09 14:15:01 Source: People's Network

(Related data drawing)

In the golden autumn of September, more than 18 million people's teachers welcomed their own festival - the 39th Teachers' Day.

Teachers are the foundation and source of education. These 18 million teachers have formed a remarkable team. They are conscientious and brave. "One shoulder carries the future of students, and the other shoulder carries the future of the nation", supporting the world's largest education system and the Chinese nation's dream of becoming an educational power.

In this respectable team, Zhang Guimei, a rural teacher who hopes that "students have lights in the distance, roads at their feet, and light in front of them", Huang Danian, who has spent all her life practicing the oath of "revitalizing China is our responsibility", Wei Xinghua, who insists on seeking truth and pragmatism and serving the country through scholarship, and Wei Xinghua, who has adhered to "education is my career and science is my life" With love and dedication, they interpreted the responsibility of the people's teachers.

It is these teachers who work in different fields of education and interpret their understanding of teachers' responsibilities in different ways. In the hearts of students, love and hope are planted, and simple and thick chapters are written in the magnificent picture of the development of China's education.

In the field interviews, when communicating with teachers, I was always impressed by their sincere words: "The value of my life lies in my being with students", which is the belief of Professor Zhang Li of Tsinghua University, who still sticks to the front line of teaching at the age of more than 90 years old, in teaching all his life; "For these children, giving them a chance may change their lives, and we have the responsibility to help them", which is Chen Liqun's life choice to volunteer education in the deep mountains of Guizhou after retirement; "Education means that one tree shakes another tree, and one cloud pushes another cloud. If I can, I would like to be that tree and cloud forever, so that more children can go out of the mountains and stay away from poverty", which is the insistence of rural teacher Zhi Yueying for decades; "I often ask myself whether the children can't live without me, or I can't live without them. It should be that I can't live without them. Once a tree is born, it will stand there and stick to its life without complaint and regret." This is the voice of Chen Jianmin, a grass-roots teacher... The simple words are full of deep love for the three foot platform and deep understanding of teaching and educating people, The affectionate interpretation of the glorious title of "People's Teacher".

"The infatuation will never regret, only for the peach and plum blossom." On this glorious festival, we would like to send the most beautiful words and sincere wishes to the most glorious career under the sun. We look forward to a policy and measure that will benefit thousands of teachers, better safeguard their rights and interests, improve their treatment and improve their status. Because "making teachers the most respected profession in the society" is the greatest respect for teachers and the deep expectation of the whole society.

Light up students' dreams and promote the future of the nation. Salute every dreamer on the three feet platform!

People's Daily (September 9, 2023, Version 6)

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