Current politics micro video | An overview of Heilongjiang

2023-09-09 06:19:24 Source: CCTV news

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Deep deer chirp in the snow and ice forest

Rich soil, brocade grain, sunny day

(Data picture)

Look at the scenery of the Northern Kingdom


The land area of the province is 473000 square kilometers

30.99 million permanent residents

The provincial GDP in 2022 will be 1590.1 billion yuan

Per capita disposable income of permanent residents: 28346 yuan

Thousands of miles of fertile fields create the "granary of China"

The total grain output of the province in 2022 will be 155.26 billion jin

Accounting for 11.3% of the country, ranking first in the country for 13 consecutive years

Rivers and lakes abound

The vast plain is rich in forest and grass

Cultivate and enrich wild animal and plant resources

The number of national nature reserves and internationally important wetlands ranks first in China

Strengthen the ecological security barrier in northern China

Make green a bright background

"Cold resources" release "heat effect"

Ice and snow sports craze continues

The participation rate of mass ice and snow sports ranks first in China

The core area of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports"

The painting of winter, the hometown of snow

Promote the development of ice and snow tourism industry

Ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains

The border line is 2981.26 km long

Hinterland of Northeast Asia

An important window for China's border opening up

National important energy base

Change mode and adjust structure

Accelerate the construction of a clean and efficient energy system

One of the pioneers of new China's industry

Accumulatively provide 1/3 of the power station complete equipment and 1/2 of the railway freight cars for the whole country

National Major Equipment Manufacturing Base

Provide technical support for manned spaceflight and other major national projects

An important tool for building a country through scientific and technological innovation

Renovation and upgrading of "time-honored brands"

Deep development of "original font size"

Cultivate and strengthen "new brands"

Promote the old industrial base to radiate new vitality

Linhai Snow Land Spiritual Land

Long revolutionary historical tradition

Heroic and moving red memory

All-round revitalization

Draw a new picture of high-quality development

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