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The theme conference of intelligent projection industry was held in Chengdu, and this year's projection shipment is expected to exceed 7 million sets

2023-09-08 16:20:29 Source: Cover News

Cover reporter Fu Wenchao

(Data picture)

On September 7, 2023 World Display Industry Conference was officially opened in Chengdu. The "Smart Projection Industry Theme Conference" organized by Jimi Technology was successfully held on the afternoon of the 7th. This event, with the theme of "Focusing on Light, Win the Future", gathered many projection brands and industrial chain enterprises.

Zhu Yuanyuan, general manager of Lotto Technology, made an in-depth analysis of the development of the global and Chinese projection industry at the theme conference. In 2023, the global shipment of projectors is expected to approach 19 million units. China is the largest consumer market in the world, accounting for nearly 40% of the market share; At the same time, the proportion of projection panel, whole machine manufacturing and brand shipping in the world has reached more than 60%.

Zhu Yuanyuan said that the projection industry is currently in the period of structural adjustment, which is mainly reflected in: first, the deep cultivation and diversified development of channels; second, the transfer of technology to a higher degree of independent support; third, the acceleration of the survival of the fittest brands; and fourth, the presentation of true, smart, beautiful and beautiful products.

After years of development, the market scale of intelligent projection industry is expanding rapidly. According to the data of Lotu Technology, it is expected that the shipment of projection in China is expected to exceed 7 million units this year and reach 9.5 million units in 2027.

Projection category shows great vitality on emerging e-commerce platforms and mainstream social networking platforms. According to the data of dithering platform, the feature of projection category has been fully activated in dithering e-commerce, and has grown rapidly into one of the most trendy categories of 3C digital. Zhou Hong, 3C digital director of the e-commerce business department of Diaoyin Group, said, "In 2022, the projection category will achieve a year-on-year growth of more than 10 times, and in the first half of 2023, it will still maintain a growth rate of more than 100%."

Looking into the future, Zhu Yuanyuan believes that long-term viewing of projectors is the sunshine industry, which is mainly due to the fact that consumers' preference for large screens and immersive experiences has not changed. The sustainable development of the industry requires enterprises to adhere to the essence of demand, extend product value, stimulate endogenous power and tap potential markets.

In 2023, the projection industry will take on a new look, with new products and technologies emerging one after another, showing a trend of letting a hundred flowers bloom. At the 2023 Smart Projection Industry Theme Conference, Hisense and Jimi, as the leading brands in the industry, delivered a keynote speech.

Zhong Qiang, the general manager of research and development of Hisense Laser Display Company, said in his speech that the laser display technology and industry have developed rapidly and the industrial chain has been improved rapidly. Domestic laser display enterprises represented by Hisense, through continuous technological innovation, combine user needs with products, stimulate more new application scenarios in many fields such as home, commercial, and vehicle, and provide new tracks and growth opportunities for innovative applications of laser display.

Yin Lei, vice president of Gemi Technology, said in his speech that with the improvement of people's living standards, 4K home audio and video has become a common appeal of users. The report "Monthly Tracking of China's Smart Projection Retail Market" of Lotu Technology shows that in the first half of 2023, the market share of 4K smart projection online will rise to 4.4%, 3.2 percentage points higher than the same period last year; The sales volume rose 2.4 times year-on-year. The 4K projection products rely on national policies, and the upstream and downstream industrial chains at home and abroad have sufficient capacity support in the content platform, display chip, encoding and decoding technology and other dimensions.

"From the user's needs, Jimi has the ability of technology integration and innovation from inside to outside and from top to bottom. It has successively tackled the technical localization ability of 4K projection core display devices and optical modules, which will promote the popularity of 4K projection to thousands of households." Yin Lei said that in addition to 4K display, the comfort of projection viewing is also a major concern of Jimi, In response to the national "14th Five Year Plan for Eye Health", Jimi launched the "wide spectrum"+"narrow spectrum" technical architecture to achieve full spectrum projection comfort experience.

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