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Jianhu Qingsong Building Materials Co., Ltd Specializing in the production and management of high-strength concrete cushion blocks

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thirteen billion four hundred and one million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and sixty-six

 Jianhu Qingsong Building Materials Co., Ltd
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Address: No.8 Zhongfa Road, Jianhu County, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province

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two thousand and twenty-four


The steel bar cushion block has strong adaptability

In construction engineering, reinforcement, as an important structural material, bears the weight and stability of buildings. However, there is an indispensable small role of reinforcement cushion between reinforcement and concrete. Although it doesn't

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two thousand and twenty-four


Advantages of rebar cushion block in fixing rebar position

In construction engineering, reinforcement, as an important structural material, bears the weight and stability of buildings. However, there is an indispensable small role of reinforcement cushion between reinforcement and concrete. Although it doesn't

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two thousand and twenty-two


What are the reasons for the simple production structure and convenient operation of cement cushion blocks

We know that cement cushion blocks can be divided into circular cement cushion blocks and plum shaped cement cushion blocks. Cement cushion blocks are mainly used in construction projects and play an important role in the whole project. If the cushion block quality is poor, the whole project will be affected

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two thousand and twenty-one


Reasons and advantages of cement cushion block

With the continuous development of the construction industry, building materials are updated slowly, and cushion blocks are also emerging from scratch. From the early steel cushion block to the initial cement cushion block, every reform has promoted the ethics of the construction industry. Today, I will join you

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two thousand and twenty-one


Cause Analysis of Cement Cushion Fragile

The cement cushion block is fragile and cannot be formed? It may be caused by insufficient strength of cement cushion block. What is the reason for insufficient strength of cement cushion block, material ratio or improper operation? The raw material particles are too large, the cement is unqualified, and the ingredients are improper

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two thousand and twenty-one


Difference between fully automatic hydrostatic cushion machine and hydraulic cement cushion machine

Automatic static pressure cushion machine and hydraulic cement cushion machine are two different models. What is the difference between the two types of equipment? What is the different forming principle? The automatic hydrostatic cushion machine adopts hydraulic transmission and automatic control, and the equipment pressure is more

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