The International Finance News website is a professional financial website hosted by the International Finance News Agency. It is created by the collection and editing team of the International Finance News. It is an important part of the People's Daily newspaper's all media matrix in the financial field. International Financial News is a professional financial media hosted by People's Daily. The collection and editing team of the International Financial News Network is led by the most excellent domestic financial journalists, adhering to the news concept of authenticity, professionalism, objectivity, authority and speed. We focus on big finance with a work rhythm of 7x24 hours, focusing on securities, banks, funds, insurance, futures, listed companies and other fields. We are committed to spreading professional financial information that "must be read in the financial industry, must be seen internationally, and must be seen by investors". We kept close contact with government departments and market people to convey the voice of the decision-making level at the first time and at important nodes.

The International Finance News website is a professional financial website hosted by the International Finance News Agency. It is created by the collection and editing team of the International Finance News. It is an important part of the People's Daily newspaper's all media matrix in the financial field. International Financial News is a professional financial media hosted by People's Daily. The collection and editing team of the International Financial News Network is led by the most excellent domestic financial journalists, adhering to the news concept of authenticity, professionalism, objectivity, authority and speed. We focus on big finance with a work rhythm of 7x24 hours, focusing on securities, banks, funds, insurance, futures, listed companies and other fields. We are committed to spreading professional financial information that "must be read in the financial industry, must be seen internationally, and must be seen by investors". We kept close contact with government departments and market people to convey the voice of the decision-making level at the first time and at important nodes.

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The International Finance News website is a professional financial website hosted by the International Finance News Agency. It is created by the collection and editing team of the International Finance News. It is an important part of the People's Daily newspaper's all media matrix in the financial field. International Financial News is a professional financial media hosted by People's Daily. The collection and editing team of the International Financial News Network is led by the most excellent domestic financial journalists, adhering to the news concept of authenticity, professionalism, objectivity, authority and speed. We focus on big finance with a work rhythm of 7x24 hours, focusing on securities, banks, funds, insurance, futures, listed companies and other fields. We are committed to spreading professional financial information that "must be read in the financial industry, must be seen internationally, and must be seen by investors". We kept close contact with government departments and market people to convey the voice of the decision-making level at the first time and at important nodes.

The International Finance News website is a professional financial website hosted by the International Finance News Agency. It is created by the collection and editing team of the International Finance News. It is an important part of the People's Daily newspaper's all media matrix in the financial field. International Financial News is a professional financial media hosted by People's Daily. The collection and editing team of the International Financial News Network is led by the most excellent domestic financial journalists, adhering to the news concept of authenticity, professionalism, objectivity, authority and speed. We focus on big finance with a work rhythm of 7x24 hours, focusing on securities, banks, funds, insurance, futures, listed companies and other fields. We are committed to disseminating professional financial information that "must be read in the financial industry, must be seen internationally, and must be seen by investors". We kept close contact with government departments and market people to convey the voice of the decision-making level at the first time and at important nodes.