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Beautiful leaves and flowers | Maotai Dragon Boat Festival time report -- wind blows wheat waves

Source: Today's Hotspot Release time: 2024-06-11 09:39:10

Since the beginning of the spring this year, Guizhou Maotai will continue to bring the 24 solar terms, important nodes, and daily edition - three series of hourly hour reports to the national audience before the CCTV News Broadcast every day at 18:59:55 [China's Moment leaves beautiful flowers] It will take you to appreciate the beauty of life in solar terms. "

After midsummer, the land in the Central Plains is covered with golden ears of wheat, which is the color of harvest, and also the color that has made Chinese farmers happy for thousands of years. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, at 18:59:55 in the evening, two "green leaf" ears of wheat stretched out the dial of "Moutai 1935" and "News Broadcast" to tell the time on the hour. The endless and golden ears of wheat saluted the harvest and Dragon Boat Festival.

(Maotai 1935 "News Broadcast" Dragon Boat Festival time report video)

——————01 Wheat flavor and koji flavor -——————

Wheat, a herb of the genus Triticum in Gramineae. Humans domesticated this plant 10000 years ago, and began the transition from nomadic life of hunting to settled life of farming, which ignited the dawn of human civilization.

Today, wheat has become the most widely distributed, the largest area, the largest trade volume, and the most nutritious food crop in the world. Its total output accounts for 19% of the global food production, second only to corn. Together with corn and rice, wheat plays a major role in feeding the world's population.

2800 years ago, near Haojing in the Western Zhou Dynasty, Chinese farmers began to plant and process wheat on a large scale. In the 6th century BC, wheat was widely cultivated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Today, this land is still the main wheat producing area in China.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, Maotai holds an annual "Dragon Boat Festival wheat worship" activity. The activity inherits from the "wheat" and respects the "wine", thanking the world for its benefits, inheriting excellent culture, and demonstrating the morality of Maotai people who follow the heaven and respect people. One of the important links of Maotai liquor brewing, "Dragon Boat Festival Qu making", also entered the process in the workshop.

"If you make wine, you can only make rice sprouts." Since the Western Zhou Dynasty, farming China has been immersed in the harvest of wheat and rice, and in the celebration of remembrance and blessing in such a summer.

————- 02 Remembrance and blessing -————

In the wheat harvest season, Chinese around the world welcomed their traditional festival - "Dragon Boat Festival". The Dragon Boat Festival was a day for ancient Chinese to worship gods and ancestors, pray for good fortune and ward off evil spirits. Wen Yiduo once wrote an article to analyze that the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the worship of the Chinese nation's "dragon totem".

It is said that on the fifth day of May in 278 BC, Qu Yuan, a doctor of Chu, buried a stone in the river to mourn the country's loss. Therefore, the custom of commemorating Qu Yuan on the Dragon Boat Festival came into being later. It is recorded in Wu Jun's "Continuation of Qi Harmony" that "Qu Yuan threw Miluo water on the fifth day of May, and the Chu people mourned him. So far, he said that he would throw water into a bamboo tube to store rice for sacrifice", and "this fifth day of May, he made zongzi with neem leaves and five flower threads, and left a legacy". Xu Qi Xie Ji is a mystery novel, which is not credible, but it shows that the main customs of eating zongzi, hanging wormwood and tying colorful silk ropes have been formed since at least the Northern and Southern Dynasties. And Qu Yuan's great patriotism has been respected and respected by the whole nation year after year.

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival in 1276 AD, Wen Tianxiang wrote the poem "The Dragon Boat Festival is just a matter". At the end of the poem, "I want to follow Lingjun, and Sanxiang is across the Liaohai Sea", indicating that he will inherit Qu Yuan's patriotism and be ready to die for his country at any time.

Today, we are recalling our ancestors and the great spirit that has supported our nation along the way on the Dragon Boat Festival, in order to face the future and wish our life a new day.

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