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"Accompany healthy growth with love", Jianzhijia Children's Day theme activities were carried out smoothly

Source: Today's Hotspot Published on: 2024-06-02 10:21:50

On June 1, a meaningful Children's Literature June 1 activity was successfully held in the Wuyi Road subway station hall of Kunming Metro Line 5, attracting the enthusiastic participation of many parents and children. This activity is sponsored by Jianzhijia Pharmaceutical Chain Group Co., Ltd., which aims to stimulate children's interest in reading through a variety of literary forms, so that they can feel the charm of literature in a happy atmosphere.

Tang Ping, the "magic sister", was invited to the event. Tang Ping is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th Committee of the CPPCC Yunnan Provincial Committee, and a vice chairman of the Yunnan Writers Association. She introduced her creative experience, the characteristics and charm of children's literature to children in a vivid and interesting way, and encouraged them to read more and better books. At the same time, we had on-site creative interaction with children, so that children can learn knowledge in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

The event was well received by parents and children. Parents said that such activities not only made children spend an unforgettable Children's Day, but also stimulated their love and interest in reading. The children also said that they had gained a lot of happiness and knowledge in the activity, and had a stronger interest in literature.

In addition, Jianzhijia will hold a children's painting contest and other interesting activities every June, and on the Children's Day, every transaction of Jianzhijia Health Pharmacy will have one yuan donated to the construction of children's home to help children grow up healthily. So far, Jianzhijia Children's Home has been located in Heqing, Dali, Zhanyi, Qujing, and Haikou, Yuxi. Children can do extracurricular reading, film watching, and various cultural activities or labor experiences at the Children's Home. Teachers can accompany children at the Children's Home, and at the same time, they can provide psychological counseling for children in the Children's Home, continue to pay attention to children in distress, and help families solve difficulties, Let children grow up healthily. Every June 1 Children's Day, representatives of Jianzhijia team will also visit children at the Children's Home and give them special gifts.

Jianzhijia has always adhered to the corporate responsibility of "coming from the society and repaying the society". While developing, it has long been committed to various social public welfare undertakings such as poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, and donation to schools.

After 26 years of development, Jianzhijia now has 5300 stores and more than 5000 licensed pharmacists. Along the way, we always adhere to the business purpose of "quality assurance, professional service, customer satisfaction", and constantly improve professional service. We will continue to deepen the creation of a diversified community health service ecosystem, and strive to become a "family doctor, health consultant, and good neighborhood in the community" around the public.

Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. Jianzhijia actively participates in social public welfare undertakings, cares about the growth of children, creates a good family, social and learning environment, and lets them grow healthily, happily and happily. It has always been the goal of Jianzhijia's efforts. Jianzhijia will also contribute more to promoting family health and regional economic development in the future.

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