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Eye of the Future, Fun Move the World | 2024 Shanghai API Fun Life Exhibition Officially Opened

Source: Today's Hotspot Release time: 2024-04-19 18:10:01

On April 19, 2024, Shanghai International Adult Products Industry Exhibition (API EXPO or "API Fun Life Exhibition" for short) officially opened at Shanghai International Sourcing Convention and Exhibition Center (2739 Guangfu West Road)!

API has always followed the national strategic development pace, adhered to the consistent high standards, followed national policies, laws and regulations, and actively promoted the industry to create greater social value for national reproductive health. This exhibition attracted more than 400 companies from all over the world to participate in the exhibition, covering the whole industrial chain of raw materials, production, brand, distribution, OEM, design and packaging, and covering many fields such as family planning products, sex toys, trendy toys, health products and raw materials. This year, the exhibition scale was further upgraded, with a total exhibition area of 26720 square meters.

As an international professional business platform, this API, with the theme of "Future Eyes, Moving the World", comprehensively upgraded "Future Eyes" on the basis of continuing the concept of "Tidy Interest", innovated exhibition services with a global perspective, explored new modes of cooperation, integrated new development, and new demands in the future, and brought unprecedented visual feast to the vast number of exhibitors and visitors.

Precise cooperation with upstream and downstream companies at home and abroad

This exhibition has strengthened the invitation of international brands and professional buyers. Professional buyers from dozens of countries and regions, such as Britain, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Russia and India, have come to visit and purchase, which not only provides a good platform for domestic enterprises to explore overseas markets, but also enables players in the global fun market to achieve extensive cooperation and exchange through the exhibition platform, Promote the deepening of industrial upstream and downstream cooperation, and let the global sentiment market "move" together.

Focus on the interests of the industry and enjoy the good things

As the most anticipated derivative theme activity of Shanghai International Fun Life and Health Industry Expo, API Annual Fun Awards has gathered many industry innovation forces, professional authorities and experienced players.

Over the past month, many awards including Innovation Award, Achievement Award, Golden Praise Award, Pioneer Award, and Gathering Award were selected for this year's Fun Awards to commend outstanding enterprises and products in the industry from multiple dimensions and set an industry benchmark. API promotes the industry to achieve high-quality development in the comprehensive health industry, and at the same time, it advocates the new concept of "making fun life a healthy, confident, fashionable and scientific lifestyle".

The first appearance of the Buyer's Day ignites private domain traffic

API keeps an eye on market changes and explores new ways to play in the industry. This exhibition grandly launched the first API Buyers' Day, which gathered many popular brands and special new products in the industry, gathered well-known buyers, group leaders and talents in the industry, and led a trendy new life.

The Buyer's Day will officially appear in Shanghai International Sourcing Convention and Exhibition Center on April 20. API will select the best from 400+domestic and foreign brand merchants, and strictly control the supply of goods and promote enterprise qualifications. On site immersive precise docking, whether it is the face-to-face promotion docking between the channel head/buyer and B-end customer resources, or the one-to-one product communication between the brand and consumers, it is easy to achieve efficient transformation. Buyers have priority in obtaining the agency rights for new and popular products. The brand has achieved double growth in sales and reputation, and consumers enjoy a high-quality and interesting life.

Private event of API industry, e-commerce and private domain celebrities take turns to appear

All interesting things should be enjoyed, and industry concepts should be collided. As soon as this private API trade fair was launched, it received high attention from all road exhibitors. The sponsor invited Tmall, Jingdong, Hunglema and the gender health We Media "Hard Candy Video", etc., and the head e-commerce and private domain celebrities took turns to come on the stage to directly hit the hot spots of the industry, together bringing the exhibitors and visitors a sincere dry goods sharing, and easily grasp the future development direction of the fun industry.

Born interesting, light up daily life with interest

Ooops, the original API brand around, has been very popular since its debut. In the future, Ooops will also introduce more trendy neighborhoods, so that tastes can be integrated into the daily life of the public through various ways.

This year's API Fun Life Expo continued the last year's punch in activity. The crowd was enthusiastic, and the audience used secret words to express their interest and attitude. At the same time, many brands launched many interesting interactive play methods at the exhibition site, which opened the audience's eyes. At the same time, gifts were also given, and the sense of super value was full.

This year's "Eye of the Future" theme exhibition area focuses on immersive experience, building a free and fresh fashion space, so that the audience can feel the crazy collision of interest and trend at a close distance.

"Born interesting" is the core of Shanghai API Fun Life Expo. We hope to bring fun life to everyone who pursues fun in life, and help the fun industry develop in a sunny and popular way. The exhibition is in full swing, and we look forward to meeting you who are interested in fashion!

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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