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LD Aesthetical Ceramics and Marcel Wanders explore a new home wonderland together, and the new products of "Master Series" are released!

Source: Today's Hotspot Release time: 2024-04-08 09:50:59


From March 24 to 28, the "Design Source · New Wonderland" Tianma Xingkong Masters Forum was successfully held in Dongguan, Shanghai and Chengdu with excellent creative ideas across geographical boundaries. L&D aesthetical ceramics joint strategic cooperation media - the international big brand strategic media ELLEDECO Home Gallery and FRAME Framework, deeply explored the way of integration of design and life.

L&D Aesthetics Ceramics, together with Marcel Wanders, a Dutch design giant, has brought a new design feast to the design world with its new "master series" products and unique design language and subversive innovative thinking.

L&D x Marcel Wanders "Master Series" new products not only fully reflect Marcel Wanders' ultimate pursuit of design art, but also find a balance between design and practicality, art and life, bringing a refreshing design trend.

Together, the masters have accumulated ingenuity

L&D x Marcel Wanders Master series shock release



In the deepening stage of globalization strategy, L&D Aesthetics Ceramics has deeply realized that in order to realize the international layout of the brand, it must adhere to the global design vision and innovation concept. Therefore, the brand actively seeks to cooperate with top design masters with far-reaching influence around the world. In this process, the brand met Marcel Wanders, an internationally renowned design giant. His design style is unique, full of unconstrained imagination and popular ideas. This design philosophy just echoes the brand concept of high-end, art and life aesthetics advocated by L&D Aesthetic Ceramics. Both sides hold the common vision of improving design and life aesthetics, and hope to promote innovation and development of the design industry through cross-border cooperation, and create unique products that integrate the wisdom of elites in different fields.

Hao Xudong, General Manager of L&D Aesthetics Ceramics, stressed during an exclusive interview with the editor in chief of the Chinese edition of FRAME Framework magazine on Wednesday Xia at the L&D x Marcel Wanders "Master Series" product exhibition area that the cooperation with Marcel Wanders has created a precedent for the group and even the ceramics industry, and its creative and unique design concept just fits in with the high-end positioning of L&D Aesthetics Ceramics, It marks a milestone breakthrough in the process of brand globalization.

As the first Chinese ceramic brand to cooperate with Marcel Wanders, an international design master, L&D Beauty Ceramics can be described as a "blockbuster" of design change in the industry. This cross-border cooperation fully demonstrated the comprehensive integration and sublimation of L&D Aesthetics Ceramics to the three main product lines of "life, design and master", marking a new chapter in the brand strategy. It is committed to continuously leading the aesthetic fashion and quality standards of the ceramic tile industry through in-depth cooperation and innovative design, and bringing consumers a more outstanding and design rich life experience.

After three years of careful preparation, we have carried out design concept exchange since 2021, deepened product design by 2022, and finally realized product research and development in 2023. L&D x Marcel Wanders "Master Series" shows the achievements of in-depth cooperation between the two sides. This series of products contains Marcel Wanders' unique views on fashion luxury and fantasy innovation, and realizes a powerful collision with international cutting-edge design concepts. By deeply understanding and integrating fashion, luxury elements and high-quality materials, while respecting and innovating traditional crafts, Marcel Wanders' design transcends pure form and function, and is committed to delivering deep aesthetic feelings and emotional resonance to users.

At the forum, both parties jointly unveiled the new products of "Master Series". After constant deliberation of design concept, constant attempt of design elements, constant adjustment and optimization of geometric patterns, printing patterns, relief patterns, pearl size, lace color, and process technology, the "Master Series" of fashion and luxury, fantasy and innovation has finally been achieved.

The "Rock Dance Composer" retains the icon totem designed by Marcel Wanders, and combines marble patterns with geometric patterns and exquisite color creativity in combination with Alpine rock slabs;

The "Golden Hazel Guards" presents delicate texture with fashionable leather products;

"Yuppie Dandy" is inspired by the "yuppie" clothing of European nobles, and applies such gorgeous clothing elements as lace, pearl, embroidery, etc. to design.

Marcel Wanders, in the process of interaction and communication with the designer, also expressed his recognition of this cooperation for many times: "I am very happy to complete this cooperation together. L&D Beauty Ceramics has the ability and technology to realize the designer's bold and creative design. What I want to do is to make the materials more warm. This cooperation has the technical support of the brand, which really makes the rock plate more flexible and gentle. "

Insight design inspiration blooms

"Design Source · New Wonderland" Tianma Xingkong Master Forum Linkage whole country



L&D Beauty Ceramics "Design Source · New Wonderland" Tianma Xingkong Master Forum is full of inspiration and links the whole country. Dialogue masters, Chinese and Western art and design exchanges for the purpose of exchange, sharing and win-win, invite design masters with international artistic achievements, unique design concepts and influences in the field of architecture to discuss Chinese and Western art designs with Chinese elite designers in the form of design forums. At the same time, it also shows the in-depth interpretation and expansion of L&D's own design concept, and declares its determination to explore the boundless life aesthetics to the industry with practical actions. In the forum, participants collided ideas, inspired inspiration, and jointly explored the infinite potential of life aesthetics in the context of modern design.

From Dongguan, the pearl of southern Guangdong, to Shanghai, the bustling magic capital, and then to Chengdu, a city with a long history and a galaxy of talents, each forum is skillfully integrated with its own urban characteristics and core design concepts to jointly depict a deep design landscape.

Pottery charm, design originality Presented with passion



In Dongguan, the pearl of southern Guangdong, feel the charm of pottery through time. In the Museum of Chinese Architectural Ceramics, Marcel Wanders read the charm of Chinese traditional culture in his design creation, and admired the infinite vitality of art in the long river of time. In the museum, Marcel Wanders understood the development of Chinese architectural ceramics for thousands of years. He highly appreciated China's rich historical and cultural heritage.

▲ Mr. Xie Yuezeng, President of Marco Polo Holding, presented Mr. Marcel Wanders with a customized "White Rabbit Brings Prosperity" Chinese Zodiac Bottle to the China Architectural Ceramics Museum

He marveled at traditional works such as handmade cultural bricks, red clay pots and the Chinese zodiac, and believed that it was a rare innovation resource to integrate such profound historical culture into modern design. After observing and learning the knife and brush calligraphy and carving techniques of the master craftsman of the Chinese Architectural Ceramics Museum, Marcel Wanders improvised on the white ceramic plate with the knife as the pen and the brick as the paper, showing the unconstrained design creativity in every square inch.

Global vision, collision of design integration



In the bustling magic city of Shanghai, the WONDERLAND Wonderland Art Exhibition jointly presented by L&D Aesthetical Ceramics and "Switzerland's top bathroom brand Laufen" and "Marcel Wanders design brand Moooi" brought a visual and tactile feast to the audience by using the unique immersive exhibition environment, which opened the prelude to this cross-border design festival.

Marcel Wanders and Ms. Yan Mi, the editorial director and publisher of ELLEDECO Home Gallery, appeared on the same stage, and together with the Chinese elite designers on the scene, they launched a design trend of unconstrained and full of fantasy and creativity. They had a series of in-depth exchanges on topics such as "how design transcends cultural countries to persuade consumers, and how to view the impact of AI on design".

When asked how designers can keep inspiration and output continuously, Marcel Wanders has his unique opinion: "When people are looking for inspiration, they will choose to take a vacation to see different landscapes. But for me, my inspiration comes from all the problems I face, generating problems, seeking breakthrough solutions, and naturally finding their own solutions when solving problems, which has become my inspiration."

Cultural accumulation, new design with regional characteristics



In Chengdu, which has the cultural heritage of a thousand years old ancient capital, the Tianma Xingkong Masters Forum of "Design Source · New Wonderland" adds a touch of profound humanistic color. Chengdu Station also gathered a large number of local and surrounding designers and design culture lovers. At this grand event, Guan Di, the content director of ELLEDECO Home Gallery in North China, had a series of in-depth exchanges with Marcel Wanders and Chinese designers on topics such as "current design trends, industry challenges and consumer demand, and Chinese and Western design concepts".

When referring to the views of China and the West on porcelain design and the epochal significance of "craftsman spirit", Marcel Wanders expressed his opinion: "Craftsman spirit is a kind of concentration, which is closely related to technology, skills and manufacturing. There are different craftsmanship in the world. I think craftsmanship is a way to make things, which can show people's love for something and their pursuit of excellence. Good craftsmanship takes time to build. I hope to cooperate with these people to create better things in the future. "

Signing Ceremony A new chapter

Design giants work together to open a new chapter of brand transformation



The steed gallops, and the steed flies in the sky. At the event, Hao Xudong, General Manager of L&D Aesthetics Ceramics, reviewed the course of cooperation with Marcel Wanders. He once again expounded the opportunity of cooperation with Marcel Wanders, and reviewed the background of cooperation with Marcel Wanders. His works covered many design fields and were exhibited in top art institutions in the world.

Hao Xudong pointed out that Mr. Marcel Wanders' international influence, professional depth and partner selection criteria are highly consistent with L&D's brand concept of pursuing sustainable and high-quality development.

After two years of communication and cooperation negotiations, L&D Aesthetics Ceramics and Marcel Wanders completed the online signing ceremony at the 2022 new product launch conference of "Creative Luxury Rock Perceived Natural Color".

In 2024, Hao Xudong, General Manager of L&D Beauty Ceramics, on behalf of the brand, and Marcel Wanders, an international design master, jointly completed a solemn and formal signing ceremony. Both parties solemnly signed the brand signing certificate, shook hands and gave certificates to each other, thus Marcel Wanders officially became the contracted designer of L&D Beauty Ceramics brand.

This marks a new beginning for L&D's aesthetical ceramic brand, symbolizes that the brand has opened a new stage of strategic development, and indicates that an era integrating the design wisdom of the East and the West and leading the transformation of the ceramic design industry may be born. Cooperate with Marcel Wanders to inject a strong force of innovation and change into the global ceramic design field.

At the same time, this cross-border cooperation also shows the determination of L&D Beauty Ceramics to actively seek breakthroughs and lead the industry trend. It has promoted the brand's cultural integration and innovative exploration in the context of globalization.


This exchange and dialogue activity of Chinese and Western art and design aimed at "meeting wisdom, sharing achievements and creating values" not only triggered profound and extensive reflection and enlightenment, but also built a precious bridge connecting the interaction and exchange of eastern and western art and design fields.

The new products of "Master Series" jointly created by L&D Aesthetics Ceramics and Marcel Wanders have been released, which reflects the outstanding talents and ingenuity of L&D Aesthetics Ceramics and Marcel Wanders, and makes the products of L&D Aesthetics Ceramics leap from traditional home decoration materials to life space carriers full of artistic sense and design soul, Realized the double leap of product quality and aesthetic value.

L&D Aesthetics Ceramics has always been committed to innovation and breakthrough in technology research and development. At the same time, it actively seeks to carry out in-depth cooperation with world-class design masters such as Marcel Wanders to jointly carry out unremitting exploration in the field of aesthetics.

In the future, L&D Aesthetics Ceramics will also work with more leading figures in the design industry to continue to innovate in the broad dimensions of aesthetic design and life application, and strive to make products reach a wider range of consumer groups, so that the public can feel its unique aesthetic charm, while meeting the pursuit of high-quality design by minority elites, Let every user find an ideal choice in the product that meets their own aesthetic and life needs.

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