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Quick view of Bitget wallet platform currency BWB points airdrop

Source: CICC Online Time: 2024-03-20 14:12:25

Web3 Wallet Bitget Wallet announced its official ecological token BWB and the corresponding BWB points airdrop plan. According to the detailed rules disclosed officially, the total supply of BWB tokens is 1 billion, of which 5%, 50 million tokens, will be used for community airdrop. The airdrop will be distributed to users in the form of BWB points, which can be divided into initial point airdrop and task winning point airdrop activities lasting for 6 weeks.

The team said that in the second quarter of this year, BWB will conduct TGE and IEO, and users can use BWB points to redeem.

1、 Air drop rules for 50 million tokens and BWB points

The air drop activity of BWB points will last for six weeks (March 18 to April 28), which is divided into two parts: "initial air drop of BWB points" and "mission acquisition of BWB points".

1. Initial airdrop

Bitget Wallet old users: evaluated according to asset positions, participation in Swap transactions, platform activities and other dimensions;

Other active users of mainstream wallets: users who have used the Swap function in wallets such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, OKX Web3, imToken, Phantom, Rainbow, and TokenPocket.

Fair air drop for new users: during the activity, download the Bitget Wallet App and create/import the first wallet to obtain 50 BWB Points.

Both new and old users can access the BWB Points initial airdrop query link to check whether there is an airdrop at their personal address. If there is an airdrop, they need to download the Bitget Wallet App to get it.

2. Get points by doing tasks

In addition to the initial air drop, anyone can win more BWB Points by doing daily tasks, which are divided into three categories: position holding, swap trading and inviting friends. On the whole, the threshold for tasks is relatively low.

Position winning BWB Points: daily random snapshot, and air drop BWB Points the next day according to the user's position amount at the snapshot time

Swap transaction wins BWB Points: Users can get 10 points for every 100 USDT of Swap transaction volume, and each person can get a maximum of 100 points every day, that is, the maximum transaction volume included in the points is 1000 USDT, and no points will be given for the excess

Invite friends to win BWB Points: Invite friends to download Bitget Wallet. When invited to participate in position holding and Swap trading activities and obtain points ≥ 100 points, the inviter can obtain 10% of the other party's points as an additional reward

2、 Why is it worth participating in the air drop activity of BWB points?

As the largest Web3 wallet in Asia and the top five in the world, Bitget Wallet has developed for more than five years, with more than 19 million users. Its investor background is also very strong, including the well-known institution Dragonfly Capital and the world's top five derivatives exchanges Bitget.

Bitget Wallet can be said to have always been in the leading position of Web3 Wallet. For example, it took the lead in launching DEX market in the direction of multi chain wallet. It is a super aggregator and decentralized ecological platform that includes wallet, DEX, intelligent market on the chain, DApp center, NFT market, inscription platform, Launchpad, and Web3 task platform. It can be understood as MetaMask+Dextools+1inch+Bounce+Galxe.

At present, the wallet track is very popular. As the official platform currency of Bitget Wallet, BWB will be an important asset and Web3 equity voucher of Bitget Wallet and even the whole Bitget Group's decentralized ecosystem, with huge use value and imagination space.

The platform strength of Bitget Wallet and the expected value of BWB, together with the low threshold and friendly retail investors, are probably the most noteworthy air drop activities this year.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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