RTX 3060 Ti soared to 8800 yuan! NV Ampere Graphics Card Latest Quote List _ Computer News Online
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RTX 3060 Ti soared to 8800 yuan! Latest market of NV Ampere graphics card
  • 2021/3/29 9:15:58
  • Type: original
  • Source: Computer newspaper
  • Newspaper editor: Computer newspaper
  • Author:
[Computer News Online] I believe you can see the crazy market of video cards. The vivid example around you is that the RX 570 4G video card, which was purchased by my colleague for more than 400 yuan in 2018, has been used for more than two years, but the previous two days it was sold for 1500 yuan, increasing by 2.3 times. On the N card side, of course, there is more than that.

01 Latest quotation of NV Ampere graphics card

I believe you can see the crazy market of video cards. The vivid example around you is that the RX 570 4G video card, which was purchased by colleagues for more than 400 yuan in 2018, has been used for more than two years, but the first two days it was sold for 1500 yuan, increasing by 2.3 times. On the N card side, of course, there is more than that.

 RTX 3060 Ti soared to 8800 yuan! Latest market of NV Ampere graphics card

ChannelGate Shibo Heju summarizes the current market quotation of RTX 30 series graphics cards, as follows:

·RTX 3090 Series: It's hard to get a piece of this model at any price.

·RTX 3080 Series: This model has soared by about 4-5000 yuan, and the market quotation is about 13000 yuan.

·RTX 3070 Series: This model is slightly better, but the market quotation has also increased by more than 2000 yuan. At present, the market quotation is about 9000 yuan.

·RTX 3060TI series: The price of this model is lower than that of the 3070 model. The market quotation is about 8800 yuan.

·RTX 3060 series: After the price of this model rose in March, it has also risen by 1-2000 yuan, and the current market price is about 5300-5500 yuan.

Take RTX 3060 Ti for example. At the beginning of the release, NVIDIA's guide price was only 2999 yuan. Unexpectedly, the price increase was enough for a RTX 3070 with a guide price of 3899 yuan.

As for the reasons, the channel mentioned two points: first, the output of some chips after NVIDIA is limited, and second, the popularity of virtual currency market.

02 The second-hand transaction price keeps rising

For DIY enthusiasts who want to set up a new PC recently, the current graphics card market is already unpredictable. Many reports claim that scalpers and miners have been cleaning up the stock of new graphics cards on the market (some even say that Nvidia sells GPUs directly to miners), thus raising the price all the way to a new high. Some people may want to buy a game notebook, but it was reported earlier that this market segment has also been targeted by mine owners.

In December last year, Michael Driscoll, a data engineer, made a special statistics on the graphics card transactions in the secondary market, and updated it in January 2021.

At the same time, Tom's Hardware also analyzed the observation data of GPU market, and the results also depressed ordinary consumers.

 RTX 3060 Ti soared to 8800 yuan! Latest market of NV Ampere graphics card

Although most people think that the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have been further controlled, the actual production did not return to normal as expected.

There are many factors contributing to this situation. The most obvious answer is the shortage of raw materials. Affected by the supply chain, the production of the graphics card factory was also forced to interrupt. Earlier, AMD said many times that the supply of packaging substrate is also increasingly difficult to be guaranteed.

 RTX 3060 Ti soared to 8800 yuan! Latest market of NV Ampere graphics card

Strangely, even if the shortage continues, why is the price still rising when the demand is roughly the same?

The main reason for external analysis is tariffs, but the rise of low-end graphics cards has also obviously exceeded the guidance of the suggested retail price.

 RTX 3060 Ti soared to 8800 yuan! Latest market of NV Ampere graphics card

Considering that the production of graphics cards is mainly concentrated in mainland China and Taiwan, and the Lunar New Year holiday lasts for 1 to 2 weeks, the impact on the Asian supply chain is also hard to ignore.

In the case of a shortage of factory inventory, dealers may also turn to hoarding, leading consumers who urgently need GPUs to buy them at a high price.

 RTX 3060 Ti soared to 8800 yuan! Latest market of NV Ampere graphics card

Data shows that since the beginning of January 2021, 15300 Nvidia and AMD graphics cards have been transferred on eBay (N cards account for the vast majority).

In February, the second-hand transaction price of RTX 3060 Ti soared to 920 US dollars (about 5938 RMB), up 33%. It was followed by the RTX 3080 of US $1593 (about 10282 RMB), with an increase of 24%.

The third price increase is RX 6800 (about 6570 RMB), with an increase of 18%. The fourth price increase is RTX 3070 (about 6067 RMB), with an increase of 17%.

Then came the RTX 3090 with an average price of 2379 US dollars (about 15355 RMB), up only 14%. However, the increase of AMD's RX 6900 XT is as low as 8%, with an average price of only $1570 (about 10133 RMB).

Pay close attention to the global price, and then look at the price of idle fish. Xiaobian quietly put down the idea of "buying a video card to play games", and work hard!

This article is from E. Hardware DIY, No. 12, 2021, Computer News, published on March 29, 2021
(Website editor: pcw2013)

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