Tablet market weathervane _ computer news online
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The vane of tablet computer market
  • 2013-12-7 15:50:46
  • Type: original
  • Source: Computer newspaper
  • Newspaper editor: Gaodaolong
  • Author:
[Computer News Online] After the launch of the Retina iPad mini, its performance has been stable. Apple is trying to improve its production capacity to meet market demand. From the current point of view, its popularity is far greater than that of the iPad Air, which can be sold for 3299 yuan, lower than the official offer. With the approaching of Christmas, the Retina iPad mini will definitely become the first choice for gift giving. It is inevitable that the price will rise, and it will be quick to make a move. On the other side of the ocean, the second generation of Nexus 7 is the highlight of the Black Friday promotion. This is not a good thing in China. The price is firm at 1480 yuan, basically bottoming out, and the first generation has no purchase value.
Surface Encounters Weak Intel Strives to Seize the Market
Since the launch of the Retina iPad mini, its performance has been stable. Apple is trying to improve its production capacity to meet market demand. From the current point of view, its popularity is far greater than that of the iPad Air, which can be sold for 3299 yuan, lower than the official offer. With the approaching of Christmas, the Retina iPad mini will definitely become the first choice for gift giving. It is inevitable that the price will rise, and it will be quick to make a move. On the other side of the ocean, the second generation of Nexus 7 is the highlight of the Black Friday promotion. This is not a good thing in China. The price is firm at 1480 yuan, basically bottoming out, and the first generation has no purchase value. In terms of Microsoft, Surface 2 is not as popular as overseas markets after its listing. Even though the price starts to loosen, approaching 3000 yuan, the situation of Surface Pro2 is even worse. The price is too high, which makes many consumers continue to wait and see, and even begin to consider the 128GB version of the old Surface Pro, which is reduced to 5299 yuan. Samsung Galaxy Tab3 continues to roll down, while Lenovo has launched the 3G version of the S5000. The rear shell is made of aluminum alloy, with NVWM's bright heat dissipation silver edge. It looks superior. It is equipped with a 7-inch IPS screen and MediaTek MT8135 quad core processor. The price is 1888 yuan.  

In terms of domestic products, Intel recommended its chips to major tablet manufacturers in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the middle of the year, and now it has finally achieved results. Following the P89 mini, P89s mini, Blue Devil i9 and Yuandao M6 of Taidian, two Intel tablets were launched for pre-sales this week, namely Blue Devil i8 with Android system and Yuandao W10 with Windows 8.1 system. The former is equipped with an 8-inch screen. Because the resolution is 1280 × 800, it is narrow and long, and suitable for carrying. JD quoted 999 yuan, while the latter's screen reached 10.1 inches. It is equipped with a Z3770 quad core processor and 2GB memory. The 32GB version's initial price is 2488 yuan, which is very cost-effective. There is a rumor that Intel will increase its tablet computer promotion budget by 1 billion dollars next year, which is too powerful. It's just the rhythm of the sprint. Also on sale this week is the blue magic K2, which boldly uses red and black colors. Kubi Rubik's Cube has exposed TalK97 on the official microblog, which uses the A15 dual core+A7 dual core quad core processor. At the same time, there are many 9.7-inch retina screens, 3G calls, navigation, Bluetooth, and 13 million cameras, which is a bit of a performance monster.

This article is from B. Tablet Computer, the 48th issue of Computer News, published on December 9, 2013
(Website editor: pcw2013)

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