A Spark in the War Years -- The Scientific and Technological Development Practice of the Communist Party of China during the New Democratic Revolution _ Computer News Online
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A Spark in the War Years -- The Scientific and Technological Development Practice of the Communist Party of China during the New Democratic Revolution
  • 2021/6/30 10:07:40
  • Type: original
  • Source: Computer newspaper
  • Newspaper editor: Computer newspaper
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[Computer News Online] "A ship is popular in China, and everyone follows the party". One hundred years ago, the Communist Party of China was born in a small boat on the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. The Communist Party of China, inspired by the spirit of science and democracy, inherited Marx's theory that "science is a revolutionary force that has played a role in promoting history" from the very beginning. It not only regards science as a revolutionary spirit of the highest significance, but also regards science and technology as an important means to revitalize China and resist foreign aggression.

"One ship makes China famous, and all people follow the Party". One hundred years ago, the Communist Party of China was born in a small boat on the South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. Inspired by the spirit of science and democracy, the Communist Party of China, from the beginning, inherited Marx's The ideological theory that "science is a revolutionary force that has played a role in promoting history". It not only regards science as a revolutionary spirit of the highest significance, but also regards science and technology as an important means to revitalize China and resist foreign aggression.

Communist Party of China South Lake Red Boat, the site of the "First National Congress"


Scientific Enlightenment and Scientific and Technological Experiment in Soviet Area


Science is one of the important contents of ideological enlightenment in the May 4th period. The scientism actively advocated by the early leaders of the Party not only expounded the role of modern science in social progress, but also paid more attention to the spirit of science and scientific attitude to oppose feudal superstition and blind obedience, raised the progress of science to an unprecedented height, and greatly promoted the development of modern Chinese science.

In 1931, the Party held the first National Soviet Congress in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province, and the Soviet Republic of China was officially established. The Communist Party of China has started to establish and study the technical work of military industry, medical treatment, agriculture, radio communication, etc., and has initiated the scientific and technological cause of revolutionary base areas.

Comrade Mao Zedong proposed: "It is urgently needed to organize small-scale agricultural experimental farms and set up agricultural research schools and agricultural product exhibition centers in various places." Soon, agricultural experimental farms were opened in all counties of the Soviet area. They conducted scientific experiments, guided farmers to carry out scientific farming, and broke the Kuomintang's siege and blockade, The development of a self-sufficient agricultural economy has played a positive role.

While introducing technical talents, our party also relies on the strength of the revolutionary camp to pay close attention to the education and training of various specialized talents. The Soviet area implemented compulsory education, incorporated primary scientific knowledge into the industrial and agricultural textbooks, and established various special schools, such as the Central Agricultural School, the radio communication school in the Central Soviet Area and the Hubei Henan Anhui Soviet Area, the Red Army Health School, and so on.


Fourteen Years of Anti Japanese War: Science Serves National Salvation


In 1931, the Anti Japanese War broke out. As the mainstay of the Anti Japanese War, the anti Japanese base areas opened up by the Communist Party of China have become the strategic base for the Chinese people to win. In the construction of the base areas, Marx and Engels' theories on science and technology had a profound impact on the Party's leaders, and the Marxist guiding ideology on science and technology was established.

On February 6, 1938, the Border Region National Defense Science Society, initiated by Gao Shiqi, Chen Kangbai, Li Shijun, etc., was officially established. Its purpose and task is to study the theory and implementation of national defense science on the basis of new philosophy. Assist in the construction of national defense industry, guide the improvement of agriculture and supply of medical materials. On February 5, 1945, under the sponsorship and support of Mao Zedong, Wu Yuzhang and others, the Natural Science Research Association of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region was established in Yan'an, which proposed four major tasks of "using materialist dialectics to study natural science, carrying out the popularization movement of natural science, engaging in the discussion of natural science, and solving problems in theory and application of natural science". At that time, the number of members of the Natural Science Society reached more than 300, and ten professional societies including electromechanical, iron making, civil engineering, aviation, quantity, chemistry, agriculture, biology, medicine, geology and mining were established.

Proposed by the Party The policy of "science popularization" points out that scientific and cultural undertakings should serve 90% of the working people of the whole nation. Under the call of the popularization of science, a broad mass movement was launched in the base area, in which all people loved science and everyone was involved.

School education in the anti Japanese base areas has also developed vigorously. Two higher science and technology schools have been established: China Medical University and Yan'an Academy of Natural Sciences.


In early 1940, Lin Boqu and others surveyed the campus of Yan'an Academy of Natural Sciences


Victory is in sight and talent and technology reserves for the construction of new China


After the Anti Japanese War, the Communist Party of China has made greater progress in the depth and breadth of scientific and technological practice. The rapid development of industrial and agricultural technology in the liberated areas has also made preparations for cultivating talents and technology for the upcoming large-scale construction of the country after liberation.

During this period, the Party vigorously developed industrial technology and proposed "Develop rural handicraft industry and necessary and possible machine industry." Shandong, Northeast, North China and other liberated areas have successively set up special industrial technology research institutions, formulated detailed scientific research development plans, and went deep into industrial and mining enterprises to solve technical problems in the production process. The military industry has shifted from decentralization to centralization, from manual work to machinery.

The science and technology education in the Liberated Area has also developed rapidly, with the establishment of Northern University, North China University, Northeast Academy of Sciences, Shenyang Agricultural University, Huazhong Construction University and various scientific research institutions.

On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Northeast Natural Science Research Association, the China Science Society, the China Natural Science Society, and the China Association of Scientists proposed to hold The "National Conference of Natural Science Workers" not only laid the general guiding ideology of the party's development of science and technology after the founding of the People's Republic of China, "science for the people", but also contributed to the formulation of a series of science and technology policies in New China.

The National Conference of Natural Science Workers held in August 1950


This article is from A Newsweek, the 25th issue of Computer News in 2021, published on June 28, 2021
(Website editor: soso)

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