China University MOOC
Good university, no wall
Now download the app and put the famous teachers of Peking University and Zhejiang University into your pocket
More than 800 courses from famous schools are selected at will and learned at any time
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High quality courses of famous teachers and schools
985 colleges and universities offer hundreds of courses covering basic science, literature and art, philosophy and history, economic management law, engineering technology, agriculture, forestry and medicine
Signature certificate authority authentication
Complete the course and obtain the certificate signed by the lecturer
The certificate has been recognized by Liepin, BOSS direct employment and other recruitment channels
Interactive classroom anytime, anywhere
Watch videos, do tests, hand in homework, communicate with classmates and teachers, download courseware, and give you an intimate learning experience
 Chinese MOOC platform

Millions of students improve themselves here

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 Top class of famous teachers and schools

Top class of famous teachers and schools

985 colleges and universities, covering basic disciplines, literature and art, philosophy and history
Hundreds of courses such as economic management law, engineering technology, agriculture, forestry and medicine

Official App Download

 Signature certificate authority authentication

Signature certificate authority authentication

Complete the course and obtain the certificate signed by the lecturer
The certificate has been recognized by Liepin, Linkedin, Zhou Botong and other recruitment channels

Official App Download

 Interactive classroom anytime, anywhere

Interactive classroom anytime, anywhere

Watch videos, do tests, hand in homework, and interact with classmates and teachers
Courseware download, course notice, give you intimate learning experience

Official App Download