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Provincial Quality Inspection Institute: switching power supply temperature rise CB international capability verification was rated excellent 2021-07-16 14:25:58 Source: Taiwan Strait Consumer News

Consumer News (Reporter Wang Lilan) Recently, the Provincial Quality Inspection Institute received the report on the results of the capability verification plan sent by IFM International Quality Service Agency, and the switching power supply temperature rise CB international capability verification participated by the Institute of Electronics of the Institute was awarded excellent results.

Australia IFM International Quality Service Agency is a competency verification agency designated by the International Electrotechnical Commission's Electrical Product Safety Certification System (IECEE), and is one of the most authoritative competency verification organizations in the world. This capability verification project - temperature rise of switching power supply is an important indicator to evaluate the performance of the insulation system of electronic and electrical products. It reflects the temperature of each component of the switching power supply in operation and is an important safety detection project of electronic and electrical products. The project is affected by many factors, such as environmental temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc., and the testing process is particularly complex. Through careful study of the operation instructions, brainstorming, the technicians of the Institute of Electronics have adopted a variety of effective environmental control measures, and finally achieved satisfactory results with excellent technical ability and rich experience. The comparison results show that a total of 20 comparison data have achieved "excellent" evaluation.

In recent years, as an international mutual recognition laboratory for electrical product testing (CB laboratory), the provincial quality inspection institute has always regarded the international capability verification as an important platform for the guarantee and improvement of inspection technical capability, actively participated in various international capability verification, tempered the ability level of technicians in difficult and strict tests, and provided assistance for our province to achieve quality leap.

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