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  • China's human rights in the new era

    The five episode TV political commentary film "Human Rights in China in the New Era" shows the achievements of China's human rights theoretical innovation and practical innovation since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with vivid character stories.

  • Remote killing

    From the perspective of the US military "whistle blower" - the former UAV pilot, it restores the ruthlessness of long-distance killing in modern war, which not only poses a huge threat to innocent civilians in Afghanistan, but also causes permanent internal trauma to US soldiers. The film also allows the US military pilot to have a dialogue with the Afghan drone air strike amputee civilians, and deeply analyzes the profound impact of the Afghan war on civilians. Based on its own political attempt to invade Afghanistan, the United States has brought about 20 years of war, which has caused wounds that are difficult to heal for all parties involved in the war.

  • Human rights disaster caused by "American intervention"

    From the Gulf War to the Afghan War, from the Libyan War to the military invasion of Iraq... In recent decades, the United States has been everywhere behind the war, chaos and turbulence in the Middle East and its surrounding areas. Over the years, the United States has frequently launched wars, incited conflicts and upset the political situation on the grounds of "human rights", "democracy" and "counter-terrorism". Now the United States is gradually withdrawing its troops from the Middle East. What kind of wreckage has it left in the region? This episode focuses on the massive human rights blood debts owed by the United States in the Middle East and its surrounding areas, and proves with all kinds of iron facts that its so-called "safeguarding human rights and combating terrorism" is just a cover, while maintaining American hegemonism and power politics is the truth.

  • War black hole

    The United States frequently launches wars of aggression under the banner of "human rights", and the black hole of the war causes serious human rights disasters. The foreign war launched by the United States has caused serious consequences, resulting in a large number of casualties, destruction of facilities and stagnation of production; It also brings a series of social problems such as refugee tide, social turbulence, ecological crisis, psychological trauma, etc.

  • Undercurrent surge

    The documentary focuses on the creepy ways of infiltration of extreme ideas and separatist forces at home and abroad, including but not limited to "double faced people", "problem textbooks" and violent audio and video communication. The film is 55 minutes long and is divided into four parts: "misguided life", "enemies from inside", "textbooks containing evil intentions" and "threats in the Internet". The film contains a large number of exclusive interviews and the first published pictures, which reveal the anti-terrorism challenges Xinjiang faces with unprecedented transparency.

  • Perspective of American Human Rights in the 2020 Epidemic Situation

    In the past few years, social division and political polarization have become key words in American society. Under the governance of the Trump government, the opposition between populist forces and political elites, the contradiction between white people and people of color, and the split between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have become increasingly fierce. In addition, the epidemic of COVID-19 in 2020, the inaction and disorderly actions of the Trump government, have plunged national governance into the quagmire of inefficiency and incompetence. The COVID-19 epidemic has magnified the social tear, and various contradictions have intensified, which finally broke out on Capitol Hill.