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Protect the Earth Home Together

2024-05-22 09:38:25 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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May 22 is the International Biodiversity Day.

If ecology prospers, civilization prospers. Over the years, President Xi Jinping has personally promoted the global biodiversity governance process through a number of international conferences, phone calls and video meetings with leaders of other countries and other bilateral and multilateral occasions.

President Xi Jinping made a Chinese voice to the world, demonstrated the Chinese proposition of jointly building a global community of life, and demonstrated the Chinese wisdom of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

China's actions have greatly boosted confidence in global biodiversity conservation; China's concept and experience of biodiversity conservation have won more and more world acclaim, and continue to help the world draw a blueprint for biodiversity governance; China and the world go hand in hand, strengthen biodiversity conservation through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and fulfill China's promise to jointly build a beautiful homeland.

Chief planner: Liu Jian

Planner: Ban Wei

Produced by: Sun Zhiping

Supervised by: Mi Ligong

Coordinator: Li Wei, Qi Xing

Editor and director: Su Yiren, Qiu Jingyi

Voice over: Wang Shuailong

Journalists: Zhou Xuan, Wang Junfeng, Zhou Shengbin, Li Yunping, Peng Zhuo, Li Xiaopeng, Lin Wei, Shi Xiaomeng, Huang Yao

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

Produced by Xinhua News Agency

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