Li Juan | China's contribution to promoting global human rights governance: concept and practice

2024-05-21 14:01:38 Source: China News Release Author: Li Juan
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Since the founding of New China, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, China has constantly summarized the experience of human society development. In the great practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, China has adhered to the principle of universality of human rights and its own reality, pursued the concept of human rights centered on the people, and always put the right to life The right to development, as the primary basic human right, coordinates the promotion of the rights of all people and strives to promote the all-round development of human beings. China's human rights concept is the spiritual core of China's human rights development path, which originates from the practice of China's human rights development and leads the overall development of China's human rights cause. In the process of promoting the all-round development of human rights, China, based on its own human rights practice, has put forward a series of constructive ideas and initiatives that conform to the trend of the times and respond to the concerns of the international community, providing Chinese wisdom for the development of the world's human rights cause.

1、 Distinctive Features of China's Human Rights Concept

The Chinese human rights concept is the product of the combination of the Marxist human rights concept with China's specific reality and the excellent traditional Chinese culture. It is condensed from the human rights development path with Chinese characteristics, and is constantly refined and sublimated in the fresh and rich human rights practice. Compared with the human rights concept of western countries, China's human rights concept has the following distinctive characteristics.

First, the nature of the people is "nature". The people centered human rights concept is the core concept of China's human rights development. People's nature is the most prominent feature of China's human rights development path. "Adhere to the people centered development idea, adhere to the principle that development is for the people, development depends on the people, and development achievements are shared by the people", and "let the people become the main participants, promoters, and beneficiaries of the development of human rights". This shows that the human rights to be advocated by China are not privileges enjoyed by some or a few people, but universal human rights enjoyed by the broad masses of the people.

Second, practicality is the "background". The practicality of human rights in China is reflected in the adherence to the principle of universality of human rights and the reality of China, the promotion of the development of human rights from the reality of the country and the needs of the people, and the assurance that the people enjoy broad, full, real, specific and effective human rights. In the process of promoting the development of human rights, China creatively put forward the concepts of the right to subsistence and the right to development, and advocated that the right to subsistence and the right to development are the primary basic human rights. This shows that the human rights that China wants to realize are not abstract concepts and empty slogans, but real happy lives, and more importantly, the vital interests that the broad masses of the people can see and touch.

Third, comprehensiveness is "quality". "All human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and united." China's human rights are comprehensive and rich in content and cover a wide range of areas, and must be comprehensively implemented and systematically promoted. This requires that China, based on its own historical tradition, specific national conditions and institutional characteristics, plan its human rights development goals with a systematic thinking, recognizing both the gradualness of human rights cause and the comprehensiveness and coordination of human rights construction.

Fourth, sustainability is "bright". To realize the sustainable development of human rights in China, we should not only provide the sustainable development impetus and material foundation for human rights development, but also institutionalize and legalize the successful experience of human rights progress, and form a stable mechanism to respect and protect human rights. This shows that China should not only adhere to the principle of putting people's livelihood first and development first to build a solid foundation for the sustainable development of human rights, but also adhere to the rule of law and build a country under the rule of law to provide institutional guarantee for the sustainable development of human rights.

Fifth, openness is "characteristic". The principle of non discrimination is an important principle in the field of international human rights. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that there is no universally applicable human rights development path in the world. China's human rights concept advocates pluralism of human rights civilization, advocates diversity of human rights theoretical system and human rights development path, and opposes unilateralism and hegemonism of international human rights governance. This shows that in China's human rights philosophy, the right direction of human rights civilization is to view human rights development with an open and evolving mind, promote human rights progress with the spirit of inclusiveness and mutual learning, and improve global human rights governance with a development and innovation attitude.

2、 Practical achievements of China's human rights concept

In the practice of promoting the development of China's human rights cause, the Communist Party of China has combined the Marxist concept of human rights with China's specific reality, with China's excellent traditional culture, and learned from the outstanding achievements of human civilization. It has embarked on a path of human rights development that conforms to the trend of the times and suits its own national conditions. Facts show that China has adhered to the new discourse and new concept of human rights development, created new achievements and new miracles in respect and protection of human rights, and made historic achievements in the development of China's human rights cause.

First, "people centered" is the internal logic to promote the progress of China's human rights cause. China insists on respecting the people's dominant position, safeguarding the people's democratic rights, fully arousing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the masses of the people, making the people become the main participants, promoters and beneficiaries of the development of human rights, and earnestly promoting the all-round development of people and the common prosperity of all people to make more tangible and substantial progress. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has insisted on respecting and safeguarding human rights as an important task of governance, constantly developing people's democracy throughout the process, building the world's largest education system, social security system, medical and health system, and scientifically preventing and controlling epidemic situations, thus making China's human rights development path more people-oriented.

Second, "development" is the key word for exploring China's human rights path. "Development is the key to realizing people's happiness", but poverty is the biggest obstacle to realizing human rights. We must get rid of poverty by promoting economic development and social progress, and gradually realize common prosperity and comprehensive development. This is the Chinese path of human rights protection and the "development code" of China's human rights cause. Based on a clear understanding that China is still the largest developing country in the world, China has taken "development as the key to solving all problems". Through its own development, China has synchronized rapid development with large-scale poverty reduction, and economic transformation with the elimination of absolute poverty. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China has achieved the first centennial goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and solved the problem of absolute poverty historically. Under the current standard, 98.99 million rural poor people have all been lifted out of poverty, and 832 poor counties have all been removed from poverty, This marks that the poverty reduction goal set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations has been completed ten years ahead of schedule in China. China has won the battle against poverty as scheduled, contributed Chinese programs and Chinese wisdom to the cause of global poverty reduction, and written the "Chinese miracle" in the history of world poverty reduction. Moreover, China insists on promoting the all-round development of people as the starting point and foothold of the development of human rights, and continues to meet the people's aspirations for a better life. From focusing on "the right to survival and development" to "the people's happy life is the greatest human right", China's human rights concept has been expanding, thus making the development of China's human rights cause "background" brighter.

Third, "comprehensive coordination" is an important principle to promote China's human rights cause. Human rights are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. China promotes the comprehensive and coordinated development of economic, social and cultural rights, civil rights and political rights, and advances the cause of human rights as a whole by safeguarding people's rights to subsistence and development. For example, the Human Development Index (HDI) is a basic indicator created by the United Nations Development Programme to measure a country's life expectancy, education level, quality of life, etc. It is a powerful proof of the development of human rights cause. Thanks to the promotion of "overall human rights", China's human development index has risen significantly from 0.499 in 1990 to 0.788 in 2022. It is the only country in the world that has jumped from "low human development level" in 1990 to "high human development level" today. At the same time, China regards the promotion of free, comprehensive and common development of all people as the general goal of the development of human rights, and formulates and refines implementation plans in combination with the responsibilities of various departments and the characteristics of various regions. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to "promote the comprehensive development of human rights". The National Human Rights Action Plan (2021-2025) accurately grasps the new features and requirements of the new development stage, and based on promoting the comprehensive development of human rights cause, it has determined the phased goals and tasks of respecting, protecting and promoting human rights in China from 2021-2025, so as to make the development of China's human rights system more successful.

Fourth, "sustainability" is a solid mechanism for respecting and protecting human rights. Sustainability is essential to the development of China's human rights cause. On the one hand, China attaches great importance to the sustainability of human rights development and builds a solid foundation for promoting sustainable human rights development. For example, China adheres to the principle of putting people's livelihood first and development first, follows the idea of sustainable development, and regards the harmonious development of man and nature, economy and society as a new way to realize and guarantee the right to development. Taking the environmental right, which concerns survival and health, as an example, China adheres to the basic national policy of protecting the environment, takes the road of sustainable development, and incorporates the environmental right into the national human rights action plan. On the other hand, China adheres to the principle that "the rule of law is the most effective guarantee of human rights", constantly promotes the comprehensive rule of law, and strives to achieve the full chain, whole process, and comprehensive coverage of respect and protection of human rights in legislation, law enforcement, justice, and law-abiding. With the economic and social development and scientific and technological progress, China will implement the first Civil Code in 2021, clearly defining the right to privacy, and form a linkage system with three laws, namely, the Cyber Security Law, the Data Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law, to jointly provide institutional guarantees for promoting the sustainable development of human rights, thus making China's human rights development more sustainable.

Fifth, "inclusiveness and mutual learning" is the way forward to improve global human rights governance. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights advocates openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual learning among civilizations. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "exchanges of civilizations transcend cultural barriers, mutual learning transcends cultural conflicts, and coexistence transcends cultural superiority", and "jointly promote the development and progress of human civilization". In recent years, China has carried out cooperation and exchanges on human rights with other countries in the world. At the same time, China is committed to providing a platform for equal dialogue and inclusive mutual learning among civilizations. On the basis of promoting the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, China has gathered the greatest common denominator of international human rights cooperation, We will continue to promote the development of global human rights governance in a more equitable, fair, reasonable and inclusive direction, thus making the "characteristics" of China's open and inclusive human rights more obvious.

3、 China's contribution to improving global human rights governance

"The contribution of a country and a nation to the world and mankind lies not only in how much material it has created, but also in what ideas it has put forward." China has always adhered to the concept of equality and mutual trust, inclusiveness and mutual learning, win-win cooperation and common development, constructively participated in United Nations human rights affairs, scrupulously abided by international human rights obligations, and expanded international human rights cooperation, We are committed to promoting global human rights governance towards a more equitable, fair, reasonable and inclusive direction through practical actions, and providing China's wisdom and solutions for global human rights governance.

Actively fulfill international human rights commitments and constructively participate in the governance of global human rights affairs. On the one hand, China strictly abides by the principles of international law, conscientiously fulfils its international human rights obligations, and deeply participates in the governance of global human rights affairs by supporting the necessary reform of human rights treaty bodies, supporting participation in the creation of international human rights rules and other forms. As of July 2022, China has ratified or acceded to 29 international human rights instruments, including 6 core United Nations human rights treaties. On January 26, 2024, the 45th session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously approved China's participation in the fourth round of the universal periodic review report. On the other hand, China has carried out constructive work and dialogue with relevant human rights treaty bodies and other States parties in accordance with its national conditions and the specific circumstances of the States parties, and in the light of the human rights situation in the international community. For example, a large number of constructive comments were made on the revision and improvement of important human rights documents such as the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. For another example, China has actively recommended experts for election to the treaty bodies. Many Chinese experts have served as members of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee against Torture, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other United Nations bodies. In addition, as the first country to participate in the United Nations Climate Change Conference, China has participated in and effectively promoted international climate negotiations throughout the process, contributing to the final adoption of the Paris Agreement; China has also actively promoted the formulation and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, so that human rights issues such as poverty reduction, education, women and children, and the disabled have been integrated into China's human rights philosophy in the form of rules and treaties.

Deeply participate in the construction of international human rights mechanisms and promote global human rights governance towards a more equitable, fair, reasonable and inclusive direction. On the stage of the United Nations Human Rights Council, China actively participated in global governance, and timely proposed and adopted the draft resolution of the Human Rights Council. In 2017, the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind was first included in the resolution of the Human Rights Council. Under the guidance of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China has pushed the United Nations Human Rights Council to adopt resolutions on "the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights", "promoting win-win cooperation in the field of human rights" The resolution on the negative impact of the legacy of colonialism on the enjoyment of human rights, and the resolution on the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights in the context of eliminating inequality. This not only reflects the positive contribution of China's human rights concept and practice to the development of the world's human rights cause, but also shows that China's human rights position and practice have been widely recognized by the international community.

We should carry out extensive international human rights cooperation and promote human rights exchanges and mutual learning. China promotes international cooperation in the field of human rights through human rights dialogue and practical assistance actions, and demonstrates China's human rights philosophy. On the one hand, the Chinese Society for Human Rights Studies, the Information Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have invited officials, experts and scholars in the field of human rights from all over the world to attend the "Beijing Human Rights Forum" and "South South Human Rights Forum" to promote exchanges and mutual learning among human rights civilizations on the basis of equality, harmony, inclusiveness, openness and mutual respect. At the same time, international human rights exchanges have been carried out through such activities as the "Asia Europe Informal Human Rights Seminar", the "China Europe Human Rights Seminar", the "Human Rights Cultural Expo International Seminar", the "China US Judicial and Human Rights Seminar", and the "China Germany Human Rights Seminar", so that China's human rights construction cause can be known to more people. On the other hand, by helping other countries and people to reduce poverty, develop and other practical foreign aid actions, it has promoted such human rights concepts as "people centered", "protecting and promoting human rights in development", and "building a community with a shared future for mankind" to become popular. For example, China has joined hands with all parties to build the "Belt and Road", which has promoted the development of countries along the Belt and Road, and is expected to lift 7.6 million people in relevant countries out of extreme poverty and 32 million people out of moderate poverty. Based on this, the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" is known as the "road to peace, the real road to human rights development, and the road to eliminate global poverty". China has also initiated the establishment of the Asian Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund, and co sponsored the establishment of international financial institutions such as the New Development Bank with other BRICS countries, making new contributions to improving the people's livelihood of all countries.

We should share common destiny and improve global human rights governance. China adheres to an inclusive and open mind, actively participates in and improves global human rights governance, and actively contributes China's human rights wisdom to the common development of all countries and the promotion of global human rights governance by proposing a series of innovative new ideas and initiatives such as building a community with a shared future for mankind, jointly building the "Belt and Road" and the three major global initiatives. Human destiny shares weal and woe, and the promotion and protection of human rights is the cause of all mankind. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "safeguarding human rights with security", "promoting human rights with development", "promoting human rights with cooperation", promoting the implementation of global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. China firmly upholds multilateralism, "adheres to the global governance concept of joint consultation, joint construction and sharing", "actively promotes the democratization of global governance rules", and "promotes the development of global human rights governance towards a more fair, fair, reasonable and inclusive direction". China insists on promoting the common values of all mankind, "transcending civilization estrangement through civilization exchanges, civilization mutual learning, civilization conflict and civilization coexistence, transcending civilization superiority", and "jointly promoting the development and progress of human civilization", providing new ideas and new propositions for human rights civilization. China's three major global initiatives, taking security, development and civilization as the three cornerstones of building a community with a shared future for mankind, have contributed outstanding Chinese human rights wisdom to strengthening global human rights governance, pointed out the direction for promoting the development of international human rights cause, and injected strong spiritual power.

[This paper is the phased research result of the major project of philosophy and social science research of the Ministry of Education (22JZD002).]

[Author: Li Juan, Researcher of Human Rights Research Center of Central South University (National Human Rights Education and Training Base)]

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