The Supreme People's Court announced the latest compensation standard for infringement of citizens' personal freedom

2024-05-21 14:07:17 Source: People's Court News Author: Sun Hang
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According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on May 17, 2024, in 2023, the average annual wage of urban non private employment in China will be 120698 yuan, and the average daily wage will be 462.44 yuan. Recently, the Supreme People's Court issued a notice requiring that the compensation for infringement of citizens' personal freedom should be calculated at 462.44 yuan per day when the decision on national compensation is made from May 20, 2024.

Article 33 of the State Compensation Law stipulates: "If a citizen's personal freedom is infringed, the daily compensation shall be calculated according to the average daily wage of the staff and workers of the country in the previous year." The Supreme People's Court requires that people's courts at all levels should follow Article 33 of the State Compensation Law and the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Compensation Cases The provisions of the second paragraph of Article 21 shall be calculated according to the above standards when the decision on national compensation is made from May 20, 2024.

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