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Is it suitable for college students to broadcast live in the dormitory classroom?

2024-05-20 09:55:41 Source: Legal Daily
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Live broadcast day and night for rewards

Is it suitable for college students to broadcast live in the dormitory classroom?

The live broadcasting industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Young students actively embrace the "Internet". Through live broadcasting to show talent, promote campus culture, start businesses and help farmers for public welfare, people can feel the colorful campus life and the young vitality of daring to try. However, some students are biased and broadcast live in classrooms or dormitories at any time, affecting others' normal study and life; In order to do live broadcast, some students fall into the fraud of brokerage companies and training companies, and their rights and interests are not guaranteed. Some people broadcast live under the name of "student", packaged themselves as students' live broadcast, and even broadcast vulgar content for traffic.

In order to guide and standardize the students' live broadcast behavior and protect the clear cyberspace, the Law Jingwei Edition will launch a series of reports from today on, deeply investigate the students' live broadcast chaos, and explore ways of governance according to law. Please pay attention.

Liu Ting (a pseudonym), a college student in Guangdong who is working as an anchor, intends to stop broadcasting immediately when the contract expires, because "since he has been an anchor for one and a half years, he has been engaged in internal friction every day, and he has been in a trance every day, working hard, and people have been 'useless'".

Her main job every day is to make the big brother who brushes gifts in the broadcast room "happy", so that they think the gifts are worth painting and want to continue painting. To this end, she will try every way to enrich the live broadcast content, carefully design the script, activities, themes, and arrange each link. However, people's energy is limited. As a result, her studies plummeted, and her classmates alienated her when they knew she was the anchor.

"It's easy to lose the bottom line when doing live broadcast. It's really hard to stick to it. Don't go into the pit easily," said Liu Ting.

After many days of investigation, the reporter of Legal Daily found that although everyone knew it was difficult to do a good live broadcast, many people still wanted to "jump in". On multiple social platforms, live broadcasts with the titles of "college students" and "female college students" can often be seen. Some of these live broadcasts are in scenic spots, restaurants, on campus, and even in dormitories or classrooms. The live broadcast content includes sharing learning experience, displaying talent, helping farmers for public welfare, etc., but there are also some sexual hints, sideswipes, exposure of privacy and other chaos.

Interviewed experts pointed out that it is not illegal for college students to be anchors, but they should not shoot others at will regardless of time, place and occasion, or they may be suspected of infringing on others' portrait rights and privacy rights. Colleges and universities should take the responsibility of guiding and educating students, draw a clear boundary for live broadcast behavior, guide students to broadcast live in appropriate occasions and times, and encourage them to create more positive content; The platform should also optimize the algorithm and manual review mechanism to resist the spread of vulgar and bad content.

Live broadcast in the classroom and dormitory

Influence students' learning life

At 9 o'clock on May 15, the reporter turned on his mobile phone and soon found an anchor positioned at a university in Haikou, Hainan. She interacted with netizens in a very soft voice. The live broadcast background was the classroom, and students and teachers in class could be seen. Many people in the comment area sent a bullet screen: "How can we live broadcast the class?"

Some college students also started live broadcast in their dormitories. According to the reporter's statistics, there are at least hundreds of college student anchors who broadcast live on a platform in a night with their dorms as the background.

An anchor positioned in a university in northeast China, the name of the studio is "female college students earn tuition", the content of the live broadcast is to eat in the dormitory, find topics and chat with netizens, and ask for gifts.

"Come on, let's talk about love." "Give a beer (the name of the gift) and squat down"... During the live broadcast, a netizen sent a bullet screen to question: "Your dormitory is fake at first sight." The anchor took the initiative to open the colorful curtains behind him to prove that he was not fake.

What do the students around me think about the live broadcast in the school and dormitory?

"I suffered a lot." Ai Wenwen (a pseudonym), a junior student at a university in Zhejiang Province, was very angry about his roommate's live broadcast.

"At the beginning, it was OK, but in order to retain fans, roommates gradually increased the length of live broadcast, and the live broadcast time also changed from the previous fixed time to anytime. It may be early in the morning or midnight, and it is difficult to have quiet time in the dormitory." Ai Wenwen said.

The most annoying thing for Ai Wenwen was that she wanted to sleep more in the dormitory one day. After explaining the situation to her roommates, she still insisted on live broadcasting. Ai Wenwen was awakened by loud dynamic music in the morning.

"Even if all this is tolerable, what should we do about our privacy?" When talking about this issue, Ai Wenwen said that she was "extremely angry". In the limited space of the dormitory, all the voices will be broadcast. Although they have paid no attention to saying names and discussing school affairs during the live broadcast, they will occasionally be caught by the camera.

"The audience in the live broadcast room will keep mentioning the words like 'How is your roommate?', which makes me feel offended and insecure. Finally, I applied for a new dormitory," said Ai Wenwen.

Searching for "live broadcast of roommates in dormitories" on a social networking platform, the reporter found that many notes complained about the live broadcast of college students' dormitories: "Every night, I told them I wanted them to keep their voices down, and they would agree impatiently every time, and then continue to quarrel" "I don't think it's appropriate to broadcast live in the dormitory, but I can't think of any serious and effective reason why she won't broadcast live. Please give me some advice"

The requirement of live broadcast duration is not low

It is difficult to jump out of the traffic trap

In the eyes of many student anchors, the live broadcast without any time or scene is a "last resort".

Zhu Xiao (not her real name) is a sophomore student. She joined the live broadcast industry last March, and she only insisted on it for more than a month.

The agent of the guild and Zhu Xiao agreed on the minimum live broadcast duration of "4 hours a day, 100 hours a month". At first, Zhu Xiao thought that it would be possible to make up for the duration of the broadcast by occasionally using odd time every day. But it was only after the broadcast started that Zhu Xiao found that the broker meant that it must be broadcast every day and continuously for four hours.

"They said that only by this way can the traffic in the studio be high, and they can earn money." Zhu Xiao said that his curriculum is relatively compact, and only after the end of a day's course can there be full time for live broadcast. "Basically, every day we have to broadcast until 11:00 or 12:00 p.m., and the next day we have to get up early for class, so don't be tired.".

Even if there is no time limit, there are more difficult traffic "traps" to jump out of.

In September 2023, Sun Han (not his real name), a college student in Inner Mongolia, gained a lot of attention on the Internet due to his talent in jazz dance. Among the numerous MCN institutions (institutions that provide services for online video creators), Sun Han chose an institution that does not require a fixed time to broadcast online, and promised to help it find a live broadcast location and create a live broadcast atmosphere, but needs to extract 10% of Sun Han's live broadcast revenue.

In the first two months of the live broadcast, the traffic of the platform was very considerable, and the number of fans rose to more than 4000. In the best time, the number of people online in the studio exceeded 3000 at the same time. Sun Han received a reward of more than 400 yuan after three hours of live broadcast.

But soon the live broadcast entered the "platform period", and the platform no longer supported traffic. In order to retain the audience and transform fans, it has become Sun Han's daily compulsory course to improve the interaction frequency and increase the popularity of the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, you should adjust your own state, try to retain the audience entering the live broadcast room, hit the audience's emotions quickly and accurately, and learn to catch all kinds of obstacles;

Outside the live broadcast room, you should think about your own script, makeup, live broadcast scenes, etc. If every detail is flawed, you may lose the audience.

"I'm really tired, and it's hard to persist," Sun Han said.

Li Fei, her operation guide, provided some suggestions - dimming the dormitory lights, arranging a hazy atmosphere, wearing low cut clothes and short skirts, and broadcasting in the late night and early morning.

"To put it bluntly, I need to show off my figure, and I need to design corresponding actions when I receive different gifts. A beer (virtual gift) is a squat and wait." Sun Han said that Li Fei will also pay close attention to her live broadcast in real time and guide her in related scripts, such as "I also want to ride my beloved Boshijie (virtual gift) to take a ride" and "I want to see what a real Porsche looks like! It would be better if Big Brother drove a Porsche with me "

For the sake of flow and reward, Sun Han followed suit one by one. "Sometimes there were edging movements, but I had low discrimination at that time, so I listened.".

Although the data in the live broadcast room has improved, Sun Han is not relieved. The number of fans in the live broadcast room has changed, and various comments have also come to the comment area. Some people even sent harassment messages directly to ask her "no appointment".

Sun Han doesn't want to suffer from the harassment of private letters and the yellow jokes in the comment area any more. He thinks twice and rejects Li Fei's proposal that she ask her to make an offline appointment with the "Top Brother" (the name of the audience who rewards the most and is at the top of the list). "The Internet has a memory, and it is difficult to change the staffing created by the anchor, so I would not broadcast it frequently." Now Sun Han maintains the frequency of live broadcast about every two weeks, and is ready to terminate the contract when it expires.

Consume energy to encounter cyber storm

There are many risks for students to be anchors

Zhou Muzi (a pseudonym), a graduate student in Beijing, decided to go out of the "besieged city" of live broadcast after experiencing two Internet storms.

At the beginning of 2023, a video about his emotional experience became popular on various social platforms, and Zhou Muzi became an online celebrity with 30000 fans. With this wave of traffic, Zhou Muzi started his live broadcasting career. She built herself into a sunny and cheerful college student role, and quickly gained a large number of new fans with the help of the original fan base.

To her surprise, a cross platform cyber storm hit without warning. Zhou Muzi's video was maliciously edited and moved to other platforms. Although she and her friends kept correcting their names in the comment area, more and more strangers still sent private letters, text messages and even calls to Zhou Muzi, most of which were accusations, even insults.

Zhou Muzi chose not to answer, "There is no way, the best way is not to respond, otherwise those people will continue to seize the details and make a fuss". Later, public opinion gradually subsided.

But soon, the second cyber storm came again. The reason is that her classmates spread her rumors on the Internet.

"I gradually realized that the fame brought by the Internet may become a stumbling block in life. I am like living under a magnifying glass. The trivial details in reality will be magnified infinitely, and a little problem will be blamed on the Internet." Zhou Muzi said that although she has avoided coquetry and dancing in the live broadcast room for traffic, However, when the class selected some honorary awards, some students "reported to the school to slander her". Although the misunderstanding was finally lifted, she also lost some honors that should belong to her.

"I decided to reduce the frequency of live broadcast. Although live broadcast has brought some benefits, the price I paid for it cannot be measured in money," said Zhou Muzi.

In this regard, Zhang Xin (a pseudonym), a former star scout of a well-known entertainment company, said that it was "very normal". He once recruited more than 100 entertainment anchors, 90% of whom were college students.

"One and a half years later, only 10% of the people are still broadcasting live. Now anchors are updated very quickly, especially college anchors. Most people can't do it for long," said Zhang Xin.

On May 14, the reporter randomly counted the attention of more than 50 college students who were broadcast live on a platform that night. It was almost no more than 1000, and half of them had only two digit attention.

In Zhang Xin's opinion, it is not easy to become an excellent anchor, which requires a lot of time and energy. Regular and quantitative live broadcast every day may not be suitable for college students with academic pressure.

According to Zhang Xin's summary, the streaming rules of the major platforms are much the same, but if you want to get streaming, there is a basic rule: at least 15 days of broadcasting in a month; If you want to obtain continuous and stable streaming, you should start broadcasting for at least 20 days every month, and each broadcasting should not be less than 2 hours, preferably more than 2 hours. "These are just basic requirements, and we need to increase the number of sessions and duration in order to get better traffic. Most people can't bear it."

Guide the creation of positive content

Strengthen audit optimization algorithm

In the opinion of Zheng Ning, director of the Law Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management, Communication University of China, it is not illegal for college students to be anchors. According to the regulations, live broadcast requires real name authentication, and the anchor must be at least 18 years old; Minors over the age of 16 need to verify their identity information and obtain the consent of their parents or other guardians when providing online live broadcast publisher account registration services. In other words, as long as the age meets the requirements, there is no problem to be an anchor. Now many schools also operate short video accounts as practical training.

"However, the live broadcast of college students should not be indiscriminate in time, place and occasion, nor should they shoot others at will, otherwise it may be suspected of violating others' right of portrait and privacy. The school has administrative power over the dormitory. For students living in the dormitory, it is a private space and should be protected by the right of privacy. The live broadcast should not affect others' right to rest and obtain peace." Said Ma Lihong, senior partner of Beijing Deheheng Law Firm.

Zheng Ning pointed out that most bloggers attract traffic with the current hot spots, but they did not seriously define whether the content of communication conforms to the current socialist core values, and the mixed live broadcast types indirectly led to the lack of awareness of correct values communication among some college students.

"In this era of fragmented information, it is easy for viewers to obtain fragmented information, which leads to the inability to accurately obtain the values conveyed by the anchor when watching the live broadcast. In addition, some people maliciously spread bad values. For some college students whose values are not yet fully mature, they are easy to blindly follow or even make illegal actions for traffic." Zheng Ning said.

So, how to deal with the current chaos of college students' live broadcast?

Ma Lihong suggested that colleges and universities should take the responsibility of guiding and educating students, preach the laws and regulations through various forms, and make guiding norms for the time, place and method of live broadcast, draw a clear boundary for live broadcast by formulating reasonable community rules, and guide students to broadcast live at appropriate occasions and times, and create more positive content, Improving students' ability to use new media is also conducive to the spread of positive values.

"In the past two years, with the release of various policies on network construction, each network platform has optimized the platform audit mechanism. For a variety of segment categories, the platform should strengthen the algorithm audit mechanism, and should also continue to optimize the manual audit mechanism to resolutely resist the spread of vulgar and bad content. For college students' live broadcast behavior, the platform should give corresponding flow support, guide college students to spread positive topic content, and optimize the review of high-quality content. " Zheng Ning said that only when the regulatory system is further improved in terms of manpower, technology and system, can it effectively restrict and avoid vulgarity in webcasts.

As an insider, Zhang Xin also reminded that live broadcast should have the ability to produce content, which requires time, creativity and shooting skills, and requires multiple shots. In many cases, the company's role is to play a leading role, and the creation is still centered on the anchor. Becoming a big anchor requires a long time of work and output and fan maintenance, and it is almost impossible to achieve it overnight.

"At the beginning of the live broadcast, people may come in and out intermittently, but on average, there are only one or two people in each period, which is very normal. From the start of the broadcast to attracting fans, there will be a long period of dormancy, and most students have homework pressure, which is difficult to adhere to." Zhang Xin said frankly, so students should focus on their studies, The live broadcast industry is not as bright as expected, and college students should be cautious about live broadcast.

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