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Xu Shuang: From Democratic Reform to the Party's Tibetan Governance Strategy in the New Era

2024-05-20 08:44:41 Source: People's Daily Author: Xu Shuang
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The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward: "The central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups across the country to build a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way, achieve the second centennial goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization." Tibet, as an important border ethnic area, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, began with democratic reform, It has gone through various historical stages of the establishment of the autonomous region, socialist construction and reform and opening up, and has gone through a magnificent development process. In the new era, Tibet and the whole country are working hard together, steadily walking on the path of long-term stability and high-quality development, and gathering the great practice and valuable experience of the Communist Party of China in promoting the development of border ethnic areas, consolidating the foundation of the Chinese national community, and realizing Chinese style modernization.

Democratic reform has opened the way for Tibet's modernization drive. Modernization was not completed in a day. The democratic reform carried out in Tibet 65 years ago ushered in a new era of building a new socialist Tibet.

In 1959, Tibet began democratic reform. In terms of political system, the implementation of the socialist system in Tibet after the democratic reform has provided the necessary political premise for the socialist modernization drive. In 1961, universal suffrage was carried out in all parts of Tibet. In September 1965, Tibet held the first session of the first People's Congress and established the Tibet Autonomous Region, laying a solid institutional foundation for the whole process of people's democracy that is blooming on the snowy plateau today.

In terms of production relations, after the democratic reform, Tibet changed from serf owner land ownership to peasant land ownership. The new production relations greatly promoted the economic development of Tibet. Calculated at comparable prices, Tibet's GDP in 1960 increased by 45.8% compared with 1959, and its per capita GDP increased by 42.9%, both of which reached the highest level in history at that time, opening up broad prospects for the liberation and development of productive forces.

In terms of human rights protection, Tibet after the democratic reform has fully guaranteed the rights of the people, laid a solid mass foundation for the modernization of Tibet, and brought inexhaustible spiritual impetus. The democratic reform has reborn the broad masses of the people and made them masters of their own destiny. The people of all ethnic groups, regardless of rank, gender and origin, enjoy the fruits of social reform on an equal footing, radiate unprecedented patriotic enthusiasm and building strength, and push forward all undertakings in Tibet.

The Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era leads Tibet's modernization. As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Tibetan people are working with the people of all ethnic groups in the country to create a happier and better life and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has held the sixth and seventh symposiums on Tibet work, clearly putting forward the guiding ideology, overall requirements and key tasks for doing a good job in Tibet, forming the Party's strategy for Tibet governance in the new era, in order to promote long-term stability and high-quality development in Tibet, and realize the aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet for a better life Building a new Tibet for socialist modernization has pointed out the direction.

Today's Tibet has completely freed itself from the problem of absolute poverty that has bound it for thousands of years, solved many problems in high altitude areas, and written a colorful chapter of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. By the end of 2019, all poor counties and districts in Tibet had been decapitated. In 2023, the per capita disposable income of all Tibetan residents will be 28983 yuan. The average life expectancy has increased from 35.5 years at the time of democratic reform to 72.19 years now. According to the data of the seventh national population census, more than 11000 people in Tibet have college education for every 100000 people, and the per capita length of education of the newly added labor force has increased to 13.1 years. Tibet's ecological security barrier has become increasingly solid, and people and nature coexist in harmony. The comprehensive development of economy, society and people's livelihood has made people feel more secure, happy and secure. A new socialist Tibet with magnificent mountains and rivers, economic prosperity, people's livelihood, religious harmony and national unity is standing on the roof of the world.

Tibet's all-round development and historic achievements have eloquently proved that without the guidance of the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, there would be no today and tomorrow in Tibet's modernization drive, and no happy life for the Tibetan people. The economic and social development and progress of Tibet is a miracle of human development created by Chinese style modernization on the roof of the world. It shows a vivid picture of China's people centered and unswerving modernization drive, and demonstrates strong institutional advantages and development confidence.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn a grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization, and sounded the clarion call of the times for a new journey. On the new journey, Tibet has implemented the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, followed the "ten musts", anchored the "four major events", unswervingly adhered to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhered to the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the system of regional ethnic autonomy, made strengthening national unity the lifeline of the people of all ethnic groups, made good use of Tibet's resource advantages, and followed the green development model, We will strive to create a national model area for national unity and progress, a pilot area for high-quality development of plateau economy, a national highland of ecological civilization, and a national demonstration area for action to strengthen borders and enrich people, and continue to climb a new historical height in the modernization of the roof of the world.

(The author is a special researcher of Beijing Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, and an associate professor of the Human Rights Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law.)

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