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Xiao Wu: Democratic reform is an epoch-making major change in the history of human rights development in Tibet

2024-05-16 09:21:00 Source: People's Daily Author: Xiao Wu
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Sixty five years ago, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Tibet launched a magnificent democratic reform, completely abolishing the feudal serfdom of the integration of politics and religion, and opening the way for Tibet's modernization. Democratic reform is the greatest and most profound social change in Tibetan history, a landmark event to promote Tibetan social development and human rights progress, and also a significant progress in the history of human civilization and world human rights history.

Conform to the historical trend of human rights development in the world. Serfdom is an extremely cruel, barbaric and backward social system, which seriously violates the trend and trend of human history development and seriously restricts the development and progress of human rights cause. In 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations clearly stipulated that "no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; all forms of slavery and slave trade shall be prohibited". In 1956, the United Nations adopted the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery. However, in the middle of the 20th century, Tibet still retained serfdom. The abolition of the feudal serfdom is the inevitable result of the replacement of the decadent social form by the progressive social form, and is the inevitable requirement of the social development of Tibet.

It conforms to the human rights expectations of the Tibetan people of all ethnic groups. After the peaceful liberation, the Central People's Government took a very cautious attitude and a very tolerant policy towards the reform of Tibet's social system, taking into account the special historical and realistic conditions of Tibet. The Agreement between the Central People's Government and the Tibetan Local Government on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet clearly stipulates that "the Central Government will not impose any compulsion on all reform matters related to Tibet. The local government of Tibet should carry out reform voluntarily. When the people put forward a request for reform, they can solve it through consultation with Tibetan leaders. " In fact, the voice of the vast number of serfs, slaves and many enlightened people at the middle and upper levels who have been oppressed and exploited by the serf owners class for a long time is growing. Especially after the peaceful liberation, the central government has invested a lot of financial and material support, which has promoted the economic, social and cultural development of Tibet and laid a solid foundation for the development of human rights in Tibet, Let the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet see from the comparison that only by implementing democratic reform and establishing a socialist system can all human rights be effectively guaranteed.

Safeguard the subject value and dignity of human beings. Human rights are not privileges enjoyed by some or a few people, but universal human rights enjoyed by the broad masses of the people. However, under the feudal serfdom, the serf owner class, which was composed of three lords: officials, nobles and monks in the upper echelons of the monasteries, enjoyed various privileges. The vast number of serfs and slaves were just "tools that can speak", not human rights. The democratic reform freed millions of serfs and slaves from the feudal personal attachment and institutional shackles, and made them masters of the country and society, masters of their own destiny, and subjects enjoying human rights. It created possibilities for highlighting human subjectivity, realizing human liberation and free and comprehensive development.

We will promote the all-round development of human rights in Tibet. Democratic reform involves politics, economy, culture, religion and other fields. It has been carried out in rural areas, pastoral areas, temples, cities and towns. Taking the opportunity of democratic reform, Tibet has opened a new historical era in which people of all ethnic groups enjoy all kinds of human rights. First, the system of people's congresses, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation led by the Communist Party of China, the system of regional national autonomy, and the system of grass-roots mass autonomy were implemented in Tibet. For the first time, the vast number of serfs and slaves gained the democratic right to be masters of their own country, and a large number of serfs and slaves turned over to take leading positions at all levels in the autonomous region, The people of all ethnic groups enjoy extensive and full political rights; Second, the vast number of serfs and slaves shared land, means of production and means of production, which broke out unprecedented enthusiasm for production and creative vitality. Tibet's economic, social and cultural undertakings developed rapidly, and the level of basic living standards, social security, education, employment, and health protection continued to improve; The third is to realize the transition from the integration of politics and religion to the separation of politics and religion, implement the policy of freedom of religious belief, liberate the broad masses of the people from the spiritual shackles of theocratic slavery, and the freedom of religious belief is effectively guaranteed by the Constitution and laws; Fourth, we will spare no effort to protect and promote excellent traditional culture, vigorously develop advanced socialist culture, and ensure the cultural rights of people of all ethnic groups; Fifthly, we should adhere to the principle of equality before the law, protect the legitimate rights of people of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law, and constantly improve the level of legal protection of human rights.

Highlight the advantages of China's human rights protection system. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "The leadership of the Communist Party of China and China's socialist system determine the socialist nature of China's human rights cause, and determine that we can ensure that the people are masters of the country, adhere to the equal sharing of human rights, adhere to the systematic thinking of human rights construction, promote the comprehensive development of all kinds of human rights, and constantly realize, safeguard, and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people." Over the past 65 years of democratic reform, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the strong support of the people of the whole country, Tibet has undergone a historic change of "just a few decades, spanning thousands of years", and the level of human rights protection has been comprehensively improved. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has insisted on respecting and safeguarding human rights as an important task of governance, and has promoted the cause of human rights in Tibet to achieve all-round progress and historic achievements. Tibet has shown a sustained and stable overall social situation, comprehensive and rapid economic development, continuous improvement of people's living standards, national harmony, religious harmony It is a good situation that cultural undertakings are booming, ecological security barriers are increasingly solid, border security is consolidated in border areas, and Party building is comprehensively strengthened. Practice has fully proved that without democratic reform, there will be no adequate guarantee of the rights of the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet, and there will be no good new life for the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. Democratic reform is completely correct, and the Party Central Committee's principles and policies on the work in Tibet are completely correct. Only by adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhering to the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, adhering to the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and adhering to the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, can we provide a fundamental guarantee for the long-term stability, prosperity and development of Tibet, and promote the cause of human rights in Tibet to achieve new and greater achievements.

(The author is a special researcher of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law Branch of Chongqing Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)

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