Zheng Renzhao: Fully tap the human rights concept of traditional classics

2024-05-14 13:44:36 Source: People's Daily Online Author: Song Zijie
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Recently, articles are being solicited for the international academic seminar "Human Rights Concept in Chinese Classics". The purpose of this activity is to further activate the human rights thoughts, strategies, systems and historical experience in ancient books and promote the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese civilization and other civilizations in the world.

Zheng Renzhao, director of the Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with People's Daily Online that exploring human rights concepts in traditional books and records will help establish contemporary Chinese human rights concepts, promote the development of China's human rights cause, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Chinese programs to the development of human rights cause.

"When we open traditional Chinese books and records, they contain rich human rights concepts, show that Chinese culture respects and cares for people, attaches importance to human life, and pursues fairness, justice, harmonious coexistence, and peaceful development, involving many aspects such as the right to equality, justice, survival, development, happiness, environment, peace, security, and natural resources Many human rights concepts are advanced. " Zheng Renzhao pointed out that.

The content of this essay solicitation activity is based on the selected classics of "One Hundred Classics of Chinese Traditional Culture", and excavated materials from ancient classic literature such as the subset of classics and history to study issues related to human rights. In this regard, Zheng Renzhao pointed out that in order to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must objectively and impartially examine China's 5000 year history of civilization inheritance, explore and study the concept of human rights from classic works, which is conducive to promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture.

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