Jointly promote the healthy development of world human rights cause

2024-04-09 11:31:06 Source: People's Daily Author: Liu Zhonghua
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The fifty fifth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council recently ended in Geneva, Switzerland. Against the backdrop of increasing turbulence in the international situation, frequent crises and conflicts, and more serious global human rights governance deficits, the Chinese delegation actively promoted China's human rights development philosophy, path and achievements through various forms such as national speeches, joint speeches, and joint border meetings, so as to promote the establishment of a fair and reasonable international human rights governance system and the healthy development of the world's human rights cause.

Adhere to the supremacy of the people and follow the path of human rights development that suits the national conditions

China insists on combining the principle of universality of human rights with China's specific reality, promotes the leapfrog development of China's human rights cause, and has embarked on a path of human rights development that conforms to the trend of the times and suits its own national conditions.

On February 26, at the high-level meeting of the fifty fifth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, China stressed that we should uphold the supremacy of the people, take safeguarding the interests of the people as the starting point and the foothold of the human rights cause, and put people's rights to survival and development in a more prominent and urgent position. We are opposed to interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and curbing their development under the guise of human rights. We should respect that all countries independently choose the path of human rights development. We should adhere to win-win cooperation and advocate dialogue to build consensus.

On March 4, Chen Xu, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, made a speech in the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the fifty fifth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, explaining China's ideas and propositions for promoting and protecting human rights, emphasizing that China adheres to the path of human rights development that is suitable for its own national conditions, and adheres to the equal sharing of human rights among all ethnic groups, We have solved the problem of absolute poverty historically, built the world's largest education system, social security system and medical and health system, and made great progress in the development of human rights.

On March 15, the representative of China made a speech at the fifty fifth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, announcing China's achievements in the development of human rights, pointing out that China has continuously developed people's democracy throughout the process, and the people manage state affairs in various forms according to law. China will respect and protect human rights throughout all aspects of legislation, law enforcement, justice and law-abiding, and ensure citizens' freedom of religious belief in accordance with the law, and all religions live in harmony. China attaches great importance to the rights of the elderly, the disabled, children, women, etc., continues to increase government subsidies for compulsory education, basic old-age care, basic medical care, etc., expand the scope of assistance and security, and promote the transformation of old urban communities and the supply of affordable housing to benefit tens of millions of families. China is ready to work with all parties to achieve the lofty goal of "human rights for all".

Pay attention to the rights of specific groups and actively demonstrate responsibility

China adheres to the people as the center, attaches great importance to the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups, and has issued a series of initiatives at the United Nations Human Rights Council to reflect the responsibility of a major country.

On February 26, Zhang Haidi, former President of the China Disabled Persons' Federation and President of Rehabilitation International, attended the high-level seminar on disability at the fifty fifth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council as a representative of the disability rights movement and made a speech, introducing China's achievements in promoting the high-quality development of the cause of human rights protection for the disabled. In her speech, she said that China has more than 90 laws related to the protection of the rights and interests of the disabled; More than 6000 disabled persons, relatives, friends and workers served as deputies to people's congresses and CPPCC members at all levels, representing China's 85 million disabled people in political life; China has established a living subsidy system for the disabled in difficulty and a nursing subsidy system for the severely disabled, which has benefited 27 million disabled people, and 7.1 million rural poor disabled people have been lifted out of absolute poverty; Build a national rehabilitation university to train urgently needed professionals in the field of rehabilitation; Create "beauty workshops" to promote the employment of disabled women.

On March 12, the Permanent Missions of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other Swiss international organizations, together with the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Permanent Missions of Mexico, New Zealand, Finland in Geneva and the United Nations Women's Office, jointly held a side meeting to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the special mechanism for the rights of persons with disabilities. The representative of China said that China would like to put forward three propositions on promoting and protecting the rights of the disabled: first, promoting inclusiveness and eliminating prejudice and discrimination against the disabled. The second is to strengthen security, accelerate the construction of barrier free and aging facilities, and establish and improve the relief system. Third, increase participation, promote employment and entrepreneurship of the disabled, and participate equally in economic, social and cultural affairs. The participants spoke highly of the Chinese government's initiatives to promote the protection of the rights and interests of the disabled, fully implement the law on the construction of accessible environments, and provide accessibility guarantees for the performance of duties of disabled representatives.

On March 14, China, on behalf of 80 countries, made a joint speech on artificial intelligence to promote children's rights, saying that artificial intelligence is a new field of human development and should adhere to the concept of joint consultation, construction and sharing, and work together to promote artificial intelligence governance. Children are the future and hope of mankind. The new generation of children has become one of the main groups that use AI technology and enjoy AI. The joint statement called for promoting the high-quality development of artificial intelligence, helping to promote children's mental health and protecting children's rights. This is one of the series of speeches on AI to promote the rights of specific groups launched by China in the United Nations Human Rights Council, and has received wide support and praise from United Nations Member States. China launched a joint speech on artificial intelligence to promote the rights of the disabled at the 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Resolutely fight against unwarranted denigration and refute relevant erroneous statements

Some Western countries discredited China's unprovoked attacks on issues related to Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong in the Human Rights Council. The Chinese delegation resolutely fought back, upheld the evil and upheld the clean, and resolutely defended national interests with a reasonable, beneficial and methodical response.

The representative of China pointed out that in Xinjiang, Tibet and other regions of China, high-quality economic and social development has been promoted, and people of all ethnic groups have a better sense of gain, a more sustainable sense of happiness, and a more secure sense of security. In recent years, more than 2000 government officials, religious figures and journalists from more than 100 countries and international organizations visited Xinjiang, highly appreciated the social stability and prosperity in Xinjiang, especially the historic achievements in poverty alleviation, and understood and supported Xinjiang's counter-terrorism and de extremism initiatives and practices. Tibet's economy is booming, society is harmonious and stable, cultural traditions are protected and carried forward, people of all ethnic groups' freedom of religious belief and the freedom to use and develop their own languages are fully guaranteed, and people from all countries visiting Tibet fully recognize the bilingual classroom and residential services in Tibetan primary and secondary schools and other measures.

On March 20, Zhang Guojun, Deputy Director General of the Department of Justice of the Hong Kong SAR Government of China, addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council, explaining the necessity, legitimacy and urgency of the legislation of Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, and refuting relevant erroneous statements. Zhang Guojun said that every sovereign country, including China, has the right to enact laws to safeguard national security. In today's increasingly complex geopolitical situation, the Legislative Council in Article 23 of the Basic Law better protects national security from threats, which is fully in line with international law and practice. Some countries and organizations have made comments on this, ignoring the basic legal principles and facts, but it is just a double standard approach and heresy. Article 23 The legislation has been widely supported by Hong Kong society. Any attempt to discredit or undermine legislation is totally wrong. We are convinced that this legislation will bring stability and prosperity to Hong Kong and will, as always, fully protect the people's rights and freedoms in accordance with the law.

In recent years, nearly 100 countries have supported China's just position on issues related to Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and other issues in the United Nations Human Rights Council in a variety of ways, including joint statements and separate statements, which fully demonstrates the popular sentiment of the international community.

Safeguard international fairness and justice, advocate dialogue and cooperation, and promote human rights

China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order. China stands on the side of international justice and fairness, and advocates dialogue and cooperation to jointly promote the development of human rights in the world.

On March 20, Chen Xu, on behalf of the Group of Friends of Dialogue and Cooperation for Human Rights, made a joint speech, stressing that human rights should be promoted and protected through constructive dialogue and cooperation, opposing politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues, calling on all countries to adhere to fairness and justice, and opposing interference in the internal affairs of members under the pretext of human rights; Adhere to openness and inclusiveness, and play a due role in constructive dialogue and cooperation among all parties on the basis of equality and mutual respect; Adhere to objectivity and impartiality, work according to true and objective information, respect the sovereignty and political independence of all countries, and respect the human rights development path chosen by all countries according to their national conditions. The joint statement was widely supported and echoed by developing countries.

On February 29, the representative of China expounded China's position on the situation between Palestine and Israel, saying that China has always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, firmly opposed the forced transfer against the Palestinian people, and opposed the occupation of Palestinian territory. The "Two State Plan" is the common consensus of the international community and the realistic way to finally realize the peaceful coexistence of Palestine and Israel. All countries should make unremitting efforts to this end. At present, the Gaza Strip is suffering from an unprecedented humanitarian disaster. An immediate ceasefire is the overwhelming call of the international community and the most basic requirement for restoring peace.

When the Human Rights Council of the United Nations discussed the human rights situation in North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran, South Sudan and other countries, the representative of China took a fair and objective position, affirmed the efforts and achievements of relevant countries in promoting and protecting human rights, and resolutely refuted the attacks and denigrations of some countries for political purposes and political pressure on human rights issues. At various meetings, the Chinese representative urged relevant countries to reflect on themselves and improve their human rights situation. The majority of developing countries are deeply grateful to China for its outspoken words and urge relevant countries to reflect on the hypocrisy and double standards of their human rights policies and return to the right track of dialogue and cooperation.

The promotion and protection of human rights is the common cause of all mankind. China will always closely link its own destiny with that of the people of all countries, and actively promote the common values of all mankind. On the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, China's human rights cause will be developed at a higher level, and China will also make new and greater contributions to the world's human rights cause.

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