• Shen Yongxiang

    The Significance of Poverty Reduction and Development in Shibadong Village from the Perspective of Human Rights Protection

    China places the right to subsistence and the right to development at the top of its list. While developing its economy, it actively promotes the progress of human rights, including economic, social, cultural and civil political rights, to ensure that the people's enjoyment of all human rights is continuously and comprehensively improved.

  • Zheng Ruohan

    National Human Rights Action Plan: Promoting the Better Development of China's Human Rights Cause

    The formulation and implementation of a national human rights action plan has become an important way for China to develop its human rights cause.

  • Li Yunlong

    Li Yunlong: Hold High the Banner of Human Rights and Firmly Follow the Development Path of Human Rights in China

    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important statements on respect and protection of human rights, put forward a series of original theoretical views, guided China's human rights cause to achieve great achievements, and made fruitful achievements in human rights theoretical research.

  • Wang Huan

    Wang Huan: Why is it said that people's happy life is the greatest human right?

    The full enjoyment of human rights by everyone is the common pursuit of human society. It is the unremitting pursuit of the Chinese Communists to respect and protect human rights and let the Chinese people live a happy life. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), respect and protection of human rights have been regarded as an important task of governance. During this period, historical achievements have played an important role in promoting the development of China's human rights cause and the world's human rights cause.

  • Tang Yingxia

    Tang Yingxia: The concept of a community of shared future enriches the connotation of global human rights governance

    Despite the universality of human rights, there is no fixed template for the development of human rights, and the development path of human rights in various countries cannot be achieved through simple copying and pasting. Only by combining the national conditions and choosing a suitable human rights development path can we gradually achieve the goal of fully protecting human rights.

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