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"Small commodities" break out of the "big market"

2024-01-27 16:48:27 Source: Xinhuanet
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In 2023, China's total import and export value of goods trade will be 41.76 trillion yuan. Yiwu's import and export volume in 2023 has exceeded 560 billion yuan, with a growth rate of more than 15%. From "chicken feathers for sugar" to "world supermarket", Yiwu small commodities have broken out of the big market and become a big industry. People prosper, live and work in peace and contentment in the sea of small commodities.

What twists and turns have Yiwu experienced in its development? How did it become an internationally renowned small commodity trade center? This issue of Xi Jinping's Stories tells you a lot.

Once, in order to improve their lives, sugar knockers in Yiwu would carry a pole, shake a rattle, and walk around the streets, picking out self-made brown sugar to replace chicken feathers, duck feathers and other means of production, commonly known as "chicken feathers for sugar".

In the early 1980s, the spring breeze of reform and opening up increased the uproar of "chicken feathers for sugar", and many people started small commodity business. But at that time, some national bans had not been eliminated. For this reason, Xie Gaohua, the then secretary of Yiwu County Party Committee, put the issue of farmers entering the city for business and opening the market trade market on the meeting of Yiwu County Party Committee and Government, and made a decision to officially open Yiwu small commodity market.

Later, Yiwu Commodity City continued to develop and become the leading market in Zhejiang Province. However, the prosperous and developing Yiwu is also faced with a dilemma: it does not understand foreign trade, and the traditional transaction mode of "spot, spot and cash" makes the market turnover hover.

In 2006, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Zhejiang Province delegated 131 economic and social management authorities to Yiwu. Yiwu Municipal Government was temporarily called "the most powerful county government in China".

Adhere to the humanistic characteristics of "boldness", and create innovation "out of nothing". Years have witnessed the "turning stone into gold" road of Yiwu from a barren land, poor people, poor resources and a white butterfly to an international well-known small commodity trade center.

Today, Yiwu China Commodity City has become the "barometer" and "vane" of global commodity trade. Yiwu actively embraces new markets, new retail, new platforms and new formats, and continues to act as a "trendsetter" who dares to take the lead in the world in unblocking the domestic and international double circulation.

Director system: Ren Weidong

Supervised by: Li Zhongfa

Produced by: Sun Zhiping

Producer: Fan Hua

Coordinator: Han Shen, Wang Zhibin

Editor and director: Ma Muwangqing, Zhang Wenrong

Journalists: Yang Yang, Ma Muwangqing, Xu Zhongzhe, Wang Yiwen, Li Tao, Song Lifeng

Packaging: Xia Yong, Li Mohan (internship)

Source of some materials: Yiwu Financial Media Center

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

Produced by Xinhua News Agency


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