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Exclusive Interview with Xirao Nima: Speak to the World and Let More People Know the Real Tibet

2023-04-04 16:37:35 Source: China Human Rights Network Author: Jia Puyu, Zhang Xin, Zhao Jiale
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On March 28, on the occasion of commemorating the 64th anniversary of Tibet's democratic reform and the liberation of millions of serfs, the International Seminar on the Development of Tibetan Education, the preliminary branch of the Seventh Beijing International Tibetology Seminar, was held in Beijing. Xirao Nima, a professor of Minzu University of China, said in an exclusive interview with China Human Rights Network on the same day that everyone in Tibet can enjoy fair and quality education. The development of education in Tibet should be judged by the Tibetan people and more Chinese people.

The interview is summarized as follows:

  China Human Rights Network: What do you feel most about the development of Tibetan education?

   Xiraonima: What I feel most about the development of Tibetan education is its earth shaking changes. In old Tibet, education was only a right that 5% of the people could enjoy, but now more people - 99%, 100% of the people can say, can get the opportunity to learn, can enjoy the right to education, and the right to education is fully guaranteed. With learning, you can have better development. Without learning and the right to education, you cannot understand the development of the whole society and the development of science and technology. Now, my biggest feeling is that everyone can enjoy a fair and quality education.

   China Human Rights Network: What do you think is the significance of holding this seminar today?

   Xiraonima: On the one hand, we can better look at Tibetan education from the perspective of research, summarize the achievements of Tibetan education development, and see the achievements of Tibetan education. At the same time, we can also think about what needs further development.

On the other hand, we can make our voice heard at international seminars, so that more people can understand what kind of education Tibet is. To what extent Tibetan education has developed, I think it should be up to the Tibetan people to speak, and more Chinese people to speak, rather than those who "drink coffee in air-conditioned houses" - these people are keen on "Tibet independence", attack China's Tibet, slander "Tibetan boarding education", "Tibetan culture extinction", "Tibet has no human rights" I think it is impossible for these people to change. However, we need to make a voice to the world, so that more people can understand Tibet, how far the real Tibet has developed, and what the real education in Tibet is like.

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