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Join hands and talk about a better future of Tibetan education

——Sidelights of the International Seminar on the Development of Tibetan Education

2023-03-29 14:32:40 Source: China Human Rights Network Author: Zhao Jiale
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In the early spring and March in Beijing, a cultural feast of Tibetan educational exchanges is underway
On March 28, on the occasion of commemorating the 64th anniversary of the democratic reform of Tibet and the liberation of millions of serfs, the International Seminar on the Development of Tibetan Education, the preliminary branch of the Seventh Beijing International Tibetology Seminar, co sponsored by the Chinese Society for Human Rights Studies, the Chinese Association for the Protection and Development of Tibetan Culture, and the Chinese Tibetology Research Center, was held in Beijing.
This is a vivid practice of deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and promoting China's human rights development path; It is also an academic collision to strengthen the protection of Tibetan cultural heritage and promote Tibetan excellent traditional culture; It is also a cultural event that gathers ideas, gathers consensus and comprehensively promotes the high-quality development of Tibetan education.

Seminar on "Modernization of Tibetan Education in China and Protection of the Right to Education". Flying photo of China Human Rights Network

At about 2 p.m., the seminar was full of experts and scholars. On the big screen of the venue is the theme of the conference in Chinese and English - "Modernization of Tibetan education in China and protection of the right to education". At half past two, the seminar kicked off under the auspices of Zheng Dui, Director General of the Chinese Tibetan Studies Center.

Zheng Dui, Director General of the Chinese Tibetology Research Center, presided over the meeting. Flying photo of China Human Rights Network

Zheng Dui pointed out that the Chinese government has always attached great importance to education. At the just concluded National Two Sessions, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to "promote education fairness and quality improvement", which pointed out the direction for better education in Tibet in the future and painted a new blueprint for the development of education in Tibet.
During the meeting, Chinese and foreign experts and scholars from relevant universities and scientific research institutions made keynote speeches. Around the issue of Tibetan education, we used groups of detailed data and live examples to carry out exchanges and discussions from multiple perspectives, express insights, actively offer advice and suggestions, and jointly discuss how to promote the prosperity and development of Tibetan education.

Xirao Nima, a professor of the Central University for Nationalities, delivered a keynote speech entitled "My Opinions on the Development of Tibetan Education" at the meeting. Flying photo of China Human Rights Network

Xirao Nima, a professor of the Central University for Nationalities, is a senior educator and Tibetan expert. Combining his own experience, he told about the earth shaking changes in Tibetan education in more than 70 years. He said that his mother was a serf who had never received education, but she raised five college students, including herself.
Before the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the vast number of serfs and slaves had no right to receive education, and the illiteracy rate of young and middle-aged people reached over 95%. In old Tibet, men were the main recipients of education, and most of them were aristocratic children. Professor Maklin from Griffith University in Australia pointed out in his speech that "the old Tibetan education had a strong religious color, with a distinctive class nature and the closeness and conservatism of the feudal serfdom".
"In Tibet today, children from poor families can receive fair and quality education, and every child can enjoy education, which is also the greatest wish of every educator." This is Xirao Nima's emotional speech when telling about the development and change of education in old and new Tibet, and it is also the silent oath of every educator who sticks to the snow covered plateau!
Education is the foundation of a hundred year plan, and education is a major event for people's livelihood.
Since the peaceful liberation of Tibet and the democratic reform, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have attached great importance to establishing a modern ethnic education system in Tibet as soon as possible, comprehensively improving the scientific and cultural quality of Tibet, and ensuring the basic rights of all ethnic groups in Tibet to enjoy modern education. By giving priority to the development of normal education and adhering to "bilingual" education, the right of people of all ethnic groups to education has been effectively guaranteed.

Gesang Zhuoma, the deputy director and researcher of the Socio Economic Research Institute of the China Tibetan Studies Research Center, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Tibetan modern education adheres to educational fairness and promotes the all-round development of people" at the meeting. Flying photo of China Human Rights Network

In the past five years, the Party Committee and the government of the Tibet Autonomous Region have always given priority to education and increased investment in education, making the development of education more quality. Tibet took the lead in implementing 15 years of free education in urban and rural areas and the "three guarantees" education policy for the children of farmers and herdsmen in the country. All 74 counties (districts) have basically balanced the development of compulsory education, and the consolidation rate of compulsory education has reached 96.94%. Today, Tibet's education has achieved a leap from "everyone can learn" to "everyone can learn". Ge Sang Zhuoma, the deputy director and researcher of the Socio Economic Research Institute of the China Tibetan Studies Research Center, believes that the overall development of Tibetan education has basically reached the national average level, and modern education on the plateau is making great strides towards high-quality and balanced direction.

Peter Pesdak, an associate researcher of Hamburg University in Germany, delivered a keynote speech entitled "On" Other "Classics in Tibetan Library: Tibetan Scholars Protect Sanskrit Heritage" at the meeting. Flying photo of China Human Rights Network

Zhang Yun, a researcher from the Institute of History of the Chinese Tibetan Studies Center, made on-the-spot comments. Flying photo of China Human Rights Network

The seminar also invited experts and scholars from the Chinese Tibetology Research Center to comment on the keynote speech on the spot. The reviewers said that the speeches of Chinese and foreign scholars, starting from their own years of investigation and research, fully demonstrated the glorious course of Tibetan education from scratch and from weak to strong over the past 70 years of peaceful liberation, and helped the world to more objectively, truly, comprehensively and stereoscopically understand the current situation of human rights protection and social development in Tibet in the new era.
In his concluding speech at the seminar, Zheng Dui said that the conference reached consensus in three aspects: first, Tibet's education has made historic achievements; Second, the Chinese government has adopted a series of special policies and measures to fully protect the right to education of all ethnic groups in Tibet; Third, modern education in Tibet attaches great importance to the inheritance and protection of excellent traditional culture.
If education prospers, talents will prosper; if education is strong, the country will be strong. In the future, we believe that Tibet's education in the new era will continue to make remarkable achievements, the scale of education will continue to expand, the quality of education will steadily improve, all levels of education will continue to develop healthily, and Tibet's long-term stability and high-quality development of talent security will become increasingly strong.
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