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Tmall's double 11 pre-sale rules come out: businesses should pay attention to these problems
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Label: Tmall rule merchants Source: Huixue Education
The latest news is that the registration of pre sellers of Tmall Double 11 products in 2018 has started at 12:00 on September 25. It is understood that the price of pre sold goods on the Double 11 is required by Tmall, The minimum transaction price shall not be higher than 10% of the minimum transaction price from September 15 to November 10. The minimum list price of pre-sale commodities shall not be higher than the minimum list price from September 21 to November 26.

Tmall has given detailed requirements on the price of the pre-sale commodities, as shown below:

Tmall has also explained the play method of this pre-sale, as shown below:

It is reported that this Double 11 pre-sale

Registration time for merchants: 12:00:00, September 25 to 23:59:59, October 9

The warm-up time for Double 11 is: 10:00:00, October 19 to 23:59:59, October 19

Pre sale time of Double 11: 00:00:00, October 20 to 22:00:00, November 10, 2018

Huixue listed the problems that may be encountered in the pre-sale registration of Tmall's Double 11 stores, as follows:

Q1: Must the pre-sale be a new product?

A: There is no limit. You can submit new products or products that have been sold online.

Q2: What is the fixed deduction of pre-sale payment?

A: When consumers buy pre-sale commodities participating in the activity, they can enjoy a discount on the price of pre-sale commodities.

For example, the pre-sale goods are 2000 yuan, and the deposit is 100 yuan. The amount of deduction of payment order entered by the merchant is twice the deposit. After the consumer places an order, the pre sale price minus 200 becomes 1800 yuan, and the remaining balance is only 1700 yuan.

Q3: Where is the registration entrance for double 11 pre-sale?

Answer: You can enter the Double 11 navigation page from the "2018 Double 11 Coming" picture at the top of the merchant center, jump to the Double 11 Investment Promotion page according to the picture prompt in the middle of the page, and submit the pre-sale commodities from the "Commodity Investment Promotion - Pre sold Commodities".

Note: The merchants of Happy Mobilization cannot see the "Pre sold Goods" page because they cannot participate in the pre-sale.

Q4: Is it impossible to sell after the pre-sale of Double 11?

Answer: During the payment period of the pre-sale deposit, only the deposit can be placed, not sold in full.

Q5: Can I change the wrong information about registration and pre-sale?

Answer: If the application is submitted for review but has not passed the review, you can cancel the application and resubmit the content.

Q6: Can I still exit after pre-sale registration?

Answer: You cannot exit after the review.

Q7: Can we add or subtract inventory from pre-sale?

A: The pre-sale uses your online actual inventory. You can increase or decrease the inventory before the pre-sale warm-up (10:00 on October 19). After the warm-up, you can only increase the inventory. Please use the small brush on the "Babies on sale" page to replenish the inventory.

Q8: When will the pre-sale order be delivered?

Answer: You need to submit your delivery time when registering for pre-sale. Please deliver goods in time according to your submission time; The order of Tmall Global requires the latest delivery time, which needs to be delivered before 23:59:59 on November 20, 2018.

Q9: Can pre-sale goods be registered for official goods at the same time?

Answer: Yes, the price of the official activity should not be lower than the pre-sale registration price.

Q10: Is there a supplementary report for pre-sale?

A: The registration time for pre-sale goods is from 12:00 a.m. on September 25, 2018 to 23:59:59 a.m. on October 9, 2018. Supplementary reporting is not supported.

Q11: Can I use double 11 shopping allowance for pre-sale products?

Answer: Yes, it is used for balance payment.

Q12: Can I add a shopping cart for pre-sale?

Answer: After the deposit is paid, a shopping cart can be added, which can be combined with other pre-sale balance payments and official event goods for payment.

Q13: Is it necessary to register for pre-sale?

Answer: No mandatory participation. Please report according to the actual needs of the store.

Q14: What discounts can be used for pre-sale?

A: It supports the payment of fixed deduction, double 11 shopping allowance, category voucher, store treasure, store coupon, etc., which are all deducted when consumers pay the balance.

Q15: Will the deposit be refunded if the balance is not paid in advance?

Answer: Before the final payment is completed, the merchant can click "Agree to refund the deposit to the buyer" in the sold order. After the operation, the buyer will automatically refund the deposit when applying for refund. If the balance payment has been completed, but the buyer has not yet paid the balance payment, the deposit will be paid to the seller's account, and it is impossible to apply for refund of the deposit online.

Q16: How many pre-sale commodities can be quoted?

Answer: For merchants who can register for pre-sale, there is no mandatory limit on the number of pre-sale commodities submitted. If the industry has restrictions, the sub activity registration page and system prompts shall prevail.

Finally, a detailed drawing is attached:



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