Do you have the following puzzles now?
Just set foot in e-commerce, we have already thought of several major problems you have, and see if you have the same feeling! At the same time, we can help you!
  • 1. You want to take pictures of your baby, but you don't know how to use the camera?
    If you open an online shop, you have to take photos if you want to upload the goods. You don't know how to use the camera, so you need help from others? It's better to rely on yourself than rely on others. Learn professional photography courses and learn photography without foundation. From the understanding of camera structure and menu to the use of photography, teach you how to learn photography hand by hand, and shoot a baby's hot model!
  • 2. How to make a different picture of the baby?
    I can use a camera and understand some basic operations. Why can't I take pictures with different effects? No doubt, Huixue will teach you how to practice shooting with light composition, and shoot good works from different perspectives and shooting angles according to the impact of different light levels/lights on the picture!
  • 3. Can only shoot still life, not models?
    What should I do if I can only take still life pictures of commodities but not model characters? Here, professional fashion photographers will give you practical instructions on the lighting application inside and outside the studio, the shooting methods of indoor and outdoor people, and the shooting methods and techniques of commercial fashion. Fashion photography skills, you can have!
  • 4. I took pictures, but I don't know how to beautify them?
    I used all my skills to take photos. I always think there are many details that are not perfect. What should I do? Don't worry, learn from the master of P chart to teach you how to refine pictures, explain various practical skills such as picture detail repair, post color mixing, etc., so that your photos will be like icing on the cake and make it a success!
Learn Taobao Photography Course Well and Set sail for your career I want to register Free audition
 Advanced Art Practice Class

Taobao Photography Practice Class

  • Enrollment target: I have my own photographic equipment. I hope that the online store sellers who shoot their own products can independently take qualified pictures.
  • Course time: 20 class hours (1 class hour=1 hour) (excluding tutoring time)
  • Class time: 9:45-12:45 am from Monday to Saturday or 14:30-17:30 pm: 19:00-21:00
  • Course price: The courses are arranged according to the basic conditions and learning purposes, and the prices are different. Please consult customer service for details!
  • Recent classes: There are new classes every week. Please consult online customer service for details of class opening!
  • Contents: Camera selection and explanation/lighting method/photography composition/photography basics/location shooting
  • Class characteristics: 20 class hours Project practice Practical teaching
Taobao Photography Practice Class - Course Outline
Huixue Education provides full course practical teaching, free assistance in advertising photography, Taobao photography, free operation guidance, and teaching you how to play photography!
Curriculum system Introduction Learning gains
Understanding and Use of Photography
Understand traditional cameras and digital cameras
1. Camera structure and menu settings
2. Lens characteristics and shooting range/effect
3. Aperture and shutter, 4. Focus
5. Metering and exposure control
6. White balance adjustment of camera
7. Sensitivity and grain 8. Frame and pixel
9. Back curtain synchronization and night view slow door flash shooting
10. Use and precautions of photographic lamps
11. Introduction and classification of photographic equipment
12. Equipment maintenance
Understand the models/parameters of traditional cameras and digital cameras. The trainees analyze the self taking products and understand the key settings of the SLR camera, including ISO, white balance, the use of M gear, and the selection of the focal end. Accurate exposure techniques. Analysis of under and over exposure. Color correction, identification of various light soft and hard and color temperature, very practical various lighting techniques
Photographic lighting
Basic knowledge of photography lighting
1. Indoor lighting layout and skills
2. Basic understanding of tone and tone
3. Introduction to light/light source
4. Effect and application of light quality, light level and light ratio
5. Different performance from different perspectives
6. Use of diagonal lines
7. Influence of different light levels on the picture
8. Influence of light on the picture
9. Functions of various filters of the camera
10. Light layout for modeling and color performance
Understand the basic knowledge of lighting in photography, practice and learn the lighting skills of indoor and outdoor portraits: different expressions of different perspectives (high angle, flat angle, low angle) perspective effects and skillful use of shooting angles, and shoot better works according to the impact of different light levels/lights on the picture.
Concept of composition
1. Purpose of composition
2. Principles of composition
3. Principles and definitions of spatial composition
4. Form of spatial composition
5. Selection of composition angle
(Foreground/Background/Blank/Panorama/Midrange/Close up)
6. Understanding of point, line and plane
7. Common composition forms
Learn to practice shooting with light composition, understand the role and influence of various shooting angles in composition, the influence and effect of foreground and background on the picture, and practice the application of balance in composition.
Still life shooting on commercial Taobao
1. Clothing hanging shooting skills
2. Clothing tiling and combination shooting skills
3. Shooting skills of props, models and costumes
4. Model clothing shooting skills
5. Shooting skills of mobile phones
6. Shooting skills of jade articles
7. Shooting skills of stainless steel
8. Shooting skills of glass wine glasses
9. Shooting skills for red wine/drinks and other products
10. Techniques for shooting with a solid background
11. Practice
Hands on teaching enables students to quickly master product photography techniques. The main training is jewelry, shoes, bags, glasses, wine glasses, clothing tiles and other products, so that they can independently take qualified pictures.
Taobao Portrait Fashion Advertising Photography
1. Light map analysis of single product shooting
1. Introduction to lighting techniques
2. Light distribution application in the studio
3. Mixing of artificial light and natural light
4. Light application for shooting outside the shed
5. Indoor commercial fashion shooting
6. Common methods and techniques for high profile fashion shooting
7. Common methods and techniques for low-key fashion portrait shooting
8. Cleverly use lights to create an environmental atmosphere
9. Photography Skills for Outside Activities
How to take the pictures you want
-Understanding of commodities
-How to use what you have learned to achieve the desired effect
-Light diagram analysis of single product shooting
-Preparations before shooting
-On site teaching in teacher's studio
-Actual combat of trainees' own goods
-Teachers analyze problems in actual combat and summarize experience
-Answering problems encountered in actual combat
Post processing and beautification of pictures
1. Size pixel size modification
2. Visual angle of picture clipping
3. Batch modification of pictures
4. Image brightness processing
5. Picture color scale adjustment
6. Picture border making
7. Picture background beautification
8. Application and synthesis of materials
9. Watermark production
(System learning software color mixing, layer application, channel and filter functions, online store baby details processing)
Part of the outline of Guangzhou Taobao Photography Training Course has not been disclosed. Please go to the site to learn more about the details of the course

Powerful guarantee for the successful employment of a strong lecturer team
In the past 10 years, we have interviewed 633 professional lecturers in e-commerce and Internet, and tried to teach more than 1000 times, but only 33 of them signed exclusive contracts with Huixue. Teacher, determine your future and determine your revenue. We will never easily lower the standard of teachers. Since we want to learn, we should choose more professional teachers!
  • Senior lecturer Wang Kunwei

    Senior lecturer of Huixue E-commerce, three Tmall stores and five Taobao stores, one of which is Tianmao
  • Gold medal lecturer Shen Yijun

    Huixue, a gold lecturer in e-commerce, once increased the sales volume of shoes Taobao store from zero to one month within three months
  • Prospective Tutor He Runshen

    Currently, he is the manager of Huixue E-Commerce Marketing Teaching Department and the prospective tutor of Huixue E-Commerce College
  • Tao University lecturer Jiang Yunbao

    Specially invited technical consultant of Guangzhou Huixue Education, diagnostician of Tmall Global Golden Platform, and Gao of the world's online merchants
Ni Linfeng, founder of Huixue

Founder of Huixue Education, monitor of the second wireless lecturer class of Taobao University, and chief consultant of e-commerce of Guangdong Computer Chamber of Commerce

Huixue Education was founded to help more than thousands of people succeed in Internet entrepreneurship, and tens of thousands of people were trained! Personal expertise: WeChat e-commerce entrepreneurship, WeChat marketing, whole network marketing, new media marketing, visual marketing, brand planning, in-depth research. 15 years of professional trainer experience, WeChat e-commerce TTT instructor! He has written many popular books, such as "Operation Practice of Self star", "Marketing Practice of WeChat Friend Circle" and so on.

Quiet in noisy, clean and tidy learning environment
Huixue welcomes you with a new look, and provides you with better learning services with first-class hardware environment and excellent teaching quality. Located in the commercial center of Guangzhou, the convenient transportation allows you to get in and out without any obstacles. The teaching environment is spacious and bright, allowing you to focus more on learning knowledge.
  • Group photo of graduates
  • Group photo of graduates
  • Group photo of graduates
  • Group photo of graduates
  • Group photo of graduates
  • Group photo of graduates
  • Group photo of graduates
  • Group photo of graduates
Successful students, encourage with you
In the past 10 years, we have helped more than 100000 students to successfully do e-commerce and the Internet. The flow of student enterprises and stores has increased significantly, and the turnover has continued to increase. Huixue is committed to using more professional courses for targeted teaching, so that students can quickly and efficiently learn knowledge beneficial to their own enterprises and stores. Will you be the next successful case?
  • Zheng Xiaoheng

    View Details
    Guangzhou Dereheng Trading Co., Ltd
    Wireless fixed telephone and card reader business
    Before training: I have been engaged in wired fixed telephone before, and gradually developed to wireless fixed telephone as the market changes, but in recent years, physical stores
    After the training: I learned the courses of Taobao, JD and Tmall, and based on years of physical business, I am also full of products in the new field of e-commerce
  • Liu Jing

    View Details
    At the clothing company
    E-commerce operation
    Before the training: I have been doing e-commerce operations in clothing companies for a long time, and I have mastered some e-commerce skills, but compared with entrepreneurial firms
    After the training: I learned the all-round course of Taobao to supplement my lack of theoretical knowledge in Taobao's operation. The former owner provided me with practical opportunities, and the learning education gave me a supplement
  • Student Zhang Yuanshan

    View Details

    Before training: after several years of careful operation, the performance of physical stores has been stable to a certain extent, and has been unable to improve. I think except
    After training: After three months of courses, I learned all the theoretical knowledge and accumulated a lot of practical experience. I used all the techniques I learned to operate the store
  • Wu Yantao

    View Details
    Chef+online pet bag
    Before training: I am a cook. Although the job of cook has brought me great satisfaction, I have plenty of spare time. I always
    After the training: I learned the courses of Taobao operation promotion and photography, which enabled me to gain knowledge in all aspects of Taobao. And my Taobao shop: Uncle Cat Handicraft is also in January this year
  • Zhou Jinzhu

    View Details
    Tailored Bolun suit
    Before training: My name is Zhou Jinzhu, from Guangzhou. He has been working in the clothing field for more than 20 years. I have done fashionable men's and women's clothes before, and later
    After training: After a period of time, I will learn the latest knowledge of WeChat business promotion. Some content has been directly applied to the promotion of our WeChat business products. With this
Guangzhou Huixue Education - Strength Proves Everything
Over the past 10 years, Guangzhou Huixue Education has trained more than 100000 students. It is far ahead of its peers in terms of the teaching method of the curriculum system and TTT of lecturers. It has comprehensively improved the services of students' employment, entrepreneurship, supply of goods, resources and contacts, and has further established Huixue's leading position in Guangzhou e-commerce training industry.
Guangzhou Huixue Education is like this You should have known Other institutions may only be able to do this
 Taobao Training

National Internet Marketing College with education and training qualifications

Education and training qualification  E-commerce training

Not qualified for education and training

 JD Training

National chain brand, spread over 20 provinces and cities, the classroom will not be too far away from you

Enterprise scale  Pinduoduo training

Only one or two teaching points

 Alibaba Training

The R&D courses of professional design teams take the enterprise needs as the starting point of R&D and update with the constant changes of enterprise needs

Course textbook  Taobao Art Training

The curriculum remains unchanged, which is out of line with the needs of enterprises; The course materials are all copies of scattered knowledge points on the market. There is no logic to speak of, and it is very difficult to learn

 Guangzhou Huixue Education

Professional teaching team, not a few of them have five years of design experience. Teachers are trained by professional TTT and can only work after passing the assessment

Teaching staff  Guangzhou Huixue Education

There are very few full-time teachers. Most of them ask part-time teachers to take the place of teachers. They are only responsible for teaching. Can you learn to rely on yourself? The learning effect is worrying

 E-commerce training

Face to face teaching, emphasizing the combination of teaching and practice in class, hand to hand teaching, and taking the learning effect of students as the core goal

Teaching methods  Taobao Training

In the distance teaching mode, problems cannot be solved face to face; After teaching, you can finish the task

 JD Training

During the learning period, it refers to guiding the store training program in class, which can increase the experience and income at the same time

Experience accumulation  Cross border e-commerce training


 Online store training

Students can enjoy employment recommendation services. VIP students can join enterprises for internship and employment services to ensure employment!

employment service  Pinduoduo training

It's none of my business after learning. We don't provide employment services for students

 Alibaba Training

For a tuition fee, you will enjoy 3-5 years of free repeat learning opportunities

Repair service  Guangzhou Huixue Education

The money you pay will be enough to study once. If you study again, you will pay the tuition again

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Sign up now and give away six value-added services
Free trial, free employment and entrepreneurship guidance, VIP services, and free resources such as goods, talents, and successful operation experience. Sign the agreement and get 100% high wage employment! 0 yuan will be paid after learning. Free resumption within 5 years. Wages for 120 days will increase by 30%, 360 days will increase by 100%, and the starting salary for junior college education will be 6000 yuan!
Five campuses in Guangzhou provide unified and high-quality services
Huixue Education now has campuses in Guangzhou Tianhe District Huashi, Baiyun District Longgui, Haizhu District Kecun, Baiyun District Sanyuanli! All campuses are located on the subway floor, which is very convenient for students to attend classes. Now it has become a large-scale and powerful e-commerce and Internet marketing training school in Guangzhou!

Tianhe Huashi (Headquarters):

eighteen billion nine hundred and twenty-eight million eight hundred and eleven thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven

24-hour mobile phone, time: 9:00-21:00

Detailed address:
1306, Floor 13, Everbright Bank Building, No. 689, Tianhe North Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

Metro line: Guangzhou Metro Line 3, Huashi Exit B and C, Everbright Bank Building, next to Yaoyi City

Bus routes: BRT bus Huashi Station, b17 Wushan Intersection Station

Customer service QQ: two billion eight hundred and fifty-one million nine hundred and ninety-eight thousand one hundred and seventy-seven

National toll free hotline: 400-6929-020

Submit information and send detailed address to your mobile phone

Unique learning, unique in Wulin
Guangzhou Huixue Education has created a number of leading positions in the industry. Welcome to join us in our continued efforts! National free service hotline: 400-6929-020
Free open classes every Saturday
Limited to 10 persons
As long as the message is successful! Will have a chance to get our
Personal situation, the opportunity to tailor your learning plan!
Online registration fast entrance

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We will get in touch with you immediately after receiving your information!

The quota is limited to 10 people per week, and 500 yuan coupons are snatched on the spot!

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 consulting center
consulting center


 Guangzhou Huixue E-commerce Education