Jinan Shunxin Machine Tool Sales Co., Ltd

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Used machine tool recycling, used CNC machine tool recycling, used machining center recycling, used lathe recycling, used CNC recycling


The company is specialized in the recycling of used machine tools, CNC lathes, various waste milling machines, punching machines, grinding machines, drilling machines and other recycling enterprises, which can face the markets all over the country at a high price: 1. Used lathes: ordinary lathes, horizontal lathes, vertical lathes, roll lathes, multi tool lathes and so on. 2. Second hand milling machine: vertical milling machine, horizontal universal milling machine, turret milling machine, universal tool milling machine, gantry milling machine, etc. 3. Used punches: open punches, closed single/double point punches, hydraulic presses, friction presses, etc. 4. Second hand planer: planer, shaper, etc. 5. Used drilling machine: radial drilling machine, vertical drilling machine. 6. Second hand boring machines: horizontal boring machines, floor boring milling machines, precision cylinder boring machines. 7. Second hand sawing machine: band sawing machine, hacksaw machine. 8. Second hand grinder: surface grinder, cylindrical grinder >>See more company details

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