Multiple choice place | Jiangjin Main urban area Surrounding districts and counties

Jijiang Moral sense Dingshan Double blessing Holy Spring Luohuang Baisha Youxi Lishi Wutan Town Shimen Town Zhu Yang Zhen Shilao Town Yongxing Tanghe Town Longhua Town Ciyun Town Caijia Town Zhongshan Town Jiaping Town Bolin Town Xianfeng Town Jiasi Town Xiaba Town Xihu Town Dushi Town Guangxing Town Simian Town Zhiping Town other

cancel eliminate determine

other | Recruitment industry company size Company nature hands-on background Education requirements Monthly salary range

whole Internet/Mobile Internet Communication/network equipment computer hardware game Electronic Commerce Software Electronic/semiconductor/integrated circuit IT service/system integration Consumer Electronics Operator/value-added service artificial intelligence Internet of Things
Real estate/building/property/decoration
whole Real estate development Architectural planning and design architectural engineering Real estate brokerage/intermediary Property/Business Center Decoration building material
whole Vehicle manufacturing Auto parts car sales Automotive aftermarket Motorcycle sales/maintenance New energy vehicles Motorcycle manufacturing
Machinery manufacturing
whole Mechanical/electromechanical/heavy industry Instrumentation/Industrial Automation Material processing/manufacturing Paper making/paper products Packaging/Printing
whole bank Securities/Funds/Futures Trust/loan/guarantee/auction/pawn Insurance Investment and financing consultation online finance
consumer goods
whole Food/beverage/alcohol/daily chemicals Clothing/textile Home/furniture/household appliances Toys/crafts Luxury/Jewelry Sports and office supplies Supermarket/wholesale/retail
Catering/tourism/hotel/life service
whole Restaurant Hotel/B&B/Resort Entertainment/leisure/fitness Beauty/Hair/Body Wedding/Photography Housekeeping/maintenance/recycling Other life services tourism Pet service
Education/training/professional services
whole Education and training Human resources services legal service Finance/Accounting Tax/Audit Other professional services Testing/Certification
Medicine/medical treatment
whole Medical treatment/plastic surgery/health care Pharmaceutical/Bioengineering Medical equipment/device manufacturing Pharmaceutical distribution
whole Advertising/public relations/exhibition Film/Entertainment/Culture Newspapers and magazines Publishing and printing Sports
Energy/Chemical/Environmental Protection
whole Coal/Oil/Gas Electrical/power/water conservancy environmental protection Mineral/mining/smelting Chemical/raw materials new energy
Import and export/logistics/other industries
whole Trade/import and export Transportation/logistics/express delivery Government/public utilities/non-profit organizations Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery Other industries

Multiple choice

Single choice eliminate determine

Huibo recruitment Jiangjin Recruitment Production/workers/quality control General worker/mechanic Smelter

The small factory has food and shelter on hand, 6K per month+ RMB 5.5~6.5K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience 23:03

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Celis Group (by Tanglian Human Resources Service Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

The small factory has food and shelter on hand, 6K per month+

  • RMB 5.5~6.5K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Vehicle manufacturing
  • unlimited
  • Below 48
  • 100 people

Five insurances and one fund Contract workers for meals Free package Provide canteen Provide meal allowance High temperature subsidy Festival Packet Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
Recruitment: 50 assembly workers, men and women aged 25-49

Simple, easy, easy to see


working hours:

8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and shift every half month

Wage: piecework system, 6500 yuan in total


1. Free working meal

2. Free accommodation

3. Mobile phones are available in the workshop

4. Advance 500 yuan in 15 days and 500 yuan in 15 days


Welcome to the company and visit the workshop

Quality inspection and polishing of Luohuang general workers RMB 5.5~8K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience 20:01

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Wanhang service outsourcing

Quality inspection and polishing of Luohuang general workers

  • RMB 5.5~8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 50
  • 15 persons

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Free shuttle bus

Job responsibilities:
Willing to make a meal

1. Grinding worker: male or female: 18-50 years old, piece rate salary 5500-8000/month

The above positions are all personal piecework, with minimum 150+piecework wage in the first month

Free three meals, free transportation, free 4-bed accommodation, full employment social security, holiday benefits, and salary advance for one week

Jiangjin Luohuang Iron Rice Bowl Seven thousand plus food and shelter RMB 6~8K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience 17:18

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NEIDER Auto Parts (by Xunbo Human Resources Management Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Jiangjin Luohuang Iron Rice Bowl Seven thousand plus food and shelter

  • RMB 6~8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 50
  • 20 people

Five insurances and one fund Contract workers for meals Provide meal allowance Festival Packet Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
Position: machining (responsible for loading and unloading parts, no experience required)

Requirements: 18~53 Do not have experience with someone

Salary: piece rate, more pay for more work, comprehensive salary: 6000~8000

Food and accommodation: food and accommodation (food and accommodation are free at no cost)

Working time: two shifts, except meal break, about 10 hours

Work address: Luohuang, Jiangjin

Geotextile production technician RMB 5~6K/month Jiangjin District - Degan Experience ≥ 2 years 15:49

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Yumeixin Industry

Geotextile production technician

  • RMB 5~6K/month
  • Jiangjin District - Degan
  • 2 years and above
  • General worker/operator
  • building material
  • junior college
  • Below 45
  • 1 person

Pack food and shelter Five insurances achievement bonus Group accident insurance annual bonus

Job responsibilities:
Familiar with the operation process, repair and maintenance of geotextile equipment and textile equipment

Applicator RMB 7-10K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience 15:41

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Jinhai standard parts


  • RMB 7-10K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • high school
  • Below 40
  • 2 persons

Five insurances Purchase of provident fund during probation period Contract workers for meals Provide meal allowance Free shuttle bus Festival Packet Regular physical examination Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
1. 30-40 years old, high school degree or above;

2. Be responsible for raw material preparation and product loading and unloading;

3. Hardworking, adapt to two shifts, 12 hour working system;

Shot blasting worker RMB 7-10K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience 15:41

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Jinhai standard parts

Shot blasting worker

  • RMB 7-10K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • junior middle school
  • Below 45
  • 2 persons

Five insurances Purchase of provident fund during probation period Contract workers for meals Provide meal allowance Free shuttle bus Festival Packet Regular physical examination Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
1. Carry out shot blasting operation according to process requirements and operating procedures;

2. Complete production tasks according to quality and quantity;

3. Make equipment spot check and work account;

Job requirements:

1. 30-45 years old, able to read and write;

2. Be healthy and adapt to the 12 hour two shift working mode;

Jiangjin Direct Sign Long Day Shift+Food and Accommodation+On duty Easy Monthly Income of 5000 yuan RMB 4-5.5K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience 09:37

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Chengzhuo Manpower

Jiangjin Direct Sign Long Day Shift+Food and Accommodation+On duty Easy Monthly Income of 5000 yuan

  • RMB 4-5.5K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 40
  • 30 persons

day shift Five insurances Contract workers for meals Housing subsidies Festival Packet

Job responsibilities:
Changbaiban ‖ Shuangfuqun Photoelectron

Ease of work ‖ girls, many enterprises, direct sign, live on hand

Recruitment advantage: You can walk to work for 5 minutes. Please take your luggage with you when you check in

Post: general worker, operator

Requirements: male or female, 23-40

Salary: basic salary 2100 yuan, full attendance bonus 100 yuan, overtime at ordinary times 18 yuan/hour, weekend 24 yuan/hour, overtime on statutory holidays 36 yuan/hour, comprehensive salary 4000-5500 yuan

Recruitment instructions:

① Various post allowances and benefits are good

② Buy five insurances, including food and housing

③ On the same day, separate dormitory and check in with bags

④ The number of good enterprises is limited

Luohuang assembly workers 6000+can bring mobile phones RMB 6~7K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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Huizheng Machinery (by Tanglian Human Resources Service Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Luohuang assembly workers 6000+can bring mobile phones

  • RMB 6~7K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 46
  • 20 people

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Free shuttle bus Prepaid wages Inclusion Two rooms

Job responsibilities:
Position: Assembler (assemble the radiator and water tank of the motorcycle)

Salary: piecework, about 6000

Working time: two shifts

Payday: 15th, weekly advance

Requirements: 23-45 years old, male or female, no experience

Food and accommodation: food and accommodation

There are free buses to Yudong subway station!

Jiangjin seniors' work package, food and housing 7000+ ¥ 6~10K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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Xinhangcheng Human Resources

Jiangjin seniors' work package, food and housing 7000+

  • ¥ 6~10K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Internet/Mobile Internet
  • unlimited
  • Below 52
  • 10 persons

Contract workers for meals Free package Free shuttle bus

Job responsibilities:
High paid seniors' work package, including three meals, plus accommodation on the day of interview, providing oil compensation, if not accommodation, there is no accommodation subsidy

Jiangjin Luohuang - Naide Metalworking Shop

Production of motorcycle engine cylinder block and head

Enterprise advantages: three meals, apartment accommodation, high salary, providing transportation near Banan, reimbursement of medical examination fees, and five insurances for becoming a full member!

[Recruitment Position]:

1. Machining, grinding and pouring workers

Requirements: male 18-52 years old, female 20-48 years old with or without experience

Working hours: 7:00-19:00, 12 hour shift

Salary: minimum 150 yuan/day Individual piece rate salary Comprehensive salary: 5500-7000 yuan/month

2. Inspection

Requirements: men and women aged 25-48 need experience

Working hours: 7:00-19:00, 12 hour shift

Salary: Piece work salary, minimum 150 yuan/

Look at the monthly income of 8000+food and accommodation RMB 6~8K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Qin'an Foundry (by Tang Lian HR Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Look at the monthly income of 8000+food and accommodation

  • RMB 6~8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • 30 persons

Five insurances Contract workers for meals High temperature subsidy Professional training Festival Packet Regular physical examination Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
Position: Check the machine, load and unload the parts

Salary: 6000-8000, weekly advance

Food and accommodation: provide food and accommodation

Requirements: 18-50 years old, male or female

Benefits: large promotion space, year-end bonus, paid annual leave, holiday benefits, five insurances, etc

Eight hour weekend long day shift in electronic factory RMB 4~6K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Lihua Automation (by Xinhili Human Resources Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Eight hour weekend long day shift in electronic factory

  • RMB 4~6K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Instrumentation/Industrial Automation
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • 100 people

day shift Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Free shuttle bus Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
Shuangfu Most Easy Electronic Factory 8-hour long day shift on weekends

Recruitment advantages:

Post: hair picker (with air conditioner and fan)

Requirements: female, 20-45 years old

Salary: 16/hour for full month, 15/hour for less than full month, 16+1 for the second month, and 16 for less than full month

Recruitment instructions:

① You can eat working meals without dormitories. You can advance your salary after 7 days

② Mobile phones can be taken to work

③ No dormitory temporarily

④ The salary is paid at the end of the month and can be advanced.

Celis Auxiliary Factory ‖ Kangchun

Advantages: long day shift

Arrange entry on the same day with medical report

Mobile phones can be taken to work

Employee can prepay salary


Quality inspection: male and female, 25-45 years old

Wrapper: male or female, 25-45 years old


16 yuan/hour in the first month

18 yuan/hour in the second month

Eat first and then fill up

Jiangjin Qun Guangchang White Shift RMB 4-5.5K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Celis Automotive Co., Ltd (by Applicant Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Jiangjin Qun Guangchang White Shift

  • RMB 4-5.5K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • Unlimited (fresh students are acceptable)
  • General worker/operator
  • Vehicle manufacturing
  • unlimited
  • Below 40
  • Professional unlimited
  • 50 people

Contract workers for meals Free package

Job responsibilities:
Qunliang (long day shift, direct signing, on duty): general worker, male or female, not limited to 23-40 years old,. Salary: the basic salary is 2100 yuan, the full attendance award is 100 yuan, the overtime at ordinary times is 1.5 times 18 yuan/hour, the overtime at weekends is 2 times 24 yuan/hour, the overtime on legal holidays is 36 yuan/hour, and the comprehensive salary is 4000-5000 yuan; Welfare: all kinds of post allowance, buy five insurances, including food and housing, accommodation environment: you can go to work five minutes away, carry your bags and check in, please take your luggage, and divide the dormitory on the same day

No experience required for food and accommodation 8000+ RMB 4-8K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Xingyue Huiding Human Resources Management

No experience required for food and accommodation 8000+

  • RMB 4-8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • Unlimited (fresh students are acceptable)
  • General worker/operator
  • Internet/Mobile Internet
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • Professional unlimited
  • 10 persons

Five insurances Supplementary medical insurance Three meals included Contract workers for meals Free package Provide canteen Provide meal allowance Housing subsidies

Job responsibilities:
A lot of recruitment

Recruitment post: inspection, grinding, pouring, core making, male or female, 23-45 years old, no experience required, healthy, and required occupational disease physical examination

Time: Two shifts arrive, 8:30-20:30

Salary: time in the early stage, piece work in the later stage, comprehensive salary of 8000-10000

Welfare meal recharge meal card (5 yuan for each meal in the factory), dormitory deposit/100, water and electricity sharing

Urgently recruit Shuangfu auxiliary workers+provide food and accommodation RMB 4.5~6K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Chengxin Human Resources

Urgently recruit Shuangfu auxiliary workers+provide food and accommodation

  • RMB 4.5~6K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • Unlimited (fresh students are acceptable)
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • Professional unlimited
  • 20 people

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Festival Packet Seniority pay Weekly prepayments

Job responsibilities:
Note: It is recommended that job seekers come to the interview on an empty stomach instead of drinking water after dinner, and then go to the physical examination after the interview

Advantages: five insurances, birthday benefits, holiday benefits, etc

one Requirements: 18-45 years old, men and women are not limited, experience is not limited, no bad habits, work is simple, someone teaches.

two Treatment: 4500-6000/month

three Recruitment position:

Coating auxiliary worker

Injection molder

fringe benefits:

1. Purchase five insurances after becoming a regular

2. Paid annual leave

3. Free working meals and accommodation

4. Issue year-end bonus and holiday gifts

Note: Free quilt

5000 bags of food and accommodation for general workers of Shuangfu Changbai shift RMB 4~6K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Weilang Human Resources (by Weilang Human Resources Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

5000 bags of food and accommodation for general workers of Shuangfu Changbai shift

  • RMB 4~6K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • 10 persons

day shift Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package

Job responsibilities:
Jiangjin Shuangfu Changbai Class

(Assembler, male or female, included, no experience required)

Scope of work: responsible for motorcycle assembly

Job requirements: 18-45 years old, no work experience required, easy to start

Go to work: 8-20 o'clock (it may be up to 9 o'clock recently)

Salary: 4000-6000/month; Free dormitory, including working meals, water and electricity stalls

Festival consolation goods, birthday consolation money, wedding consolation money, etc

Transportation fee: free transportation of the company

Address: Shuangfu, Jiangjin, Chongqing

General workers of Shuangfu Changbai shift can stay on the same day RMB 4~6K/month Shuangfu, Bafu Unlimited experience today

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Weilang Human Resources (by Weilang Human Resources Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

General workers of Shuangfu Changbai shift can stay on the same day

  • RMB 4~6K/month
  • Shuangfu, Bafu
  • Unlimited (fresh students are acceptable)
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • Professional unlimited
  • 50 people

Five insurances Three meals included Contract workers for meals Free package Provide canteen

Job responsibilities:
Jiangjin Shuangfu Runtong

Advantages: mainly produce engines and generators. Under the age of 20-45, free working meals, free accommodation for 4 people, and social security for regular employees

Recruitment position:

one General assembly worker, male, junior high school or above


one General assembly worker: piece by piece, comprehensive 4000-6000

two Free working meals and free accommodation

three Pay on the 10th day of each month

Bus routes (Yangjiaping, Bashan, Shuangbei, Lijiatuo, Jiangbei, Maoxiangou, Hengda, Min'an Huafu, Jiangjin)

Long day shift operators can guarantee 4500 bags of food and accommodation RMB 5~6K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Weilang Human Resources (by Weilang Human Resources Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Long day shift operators can guarantee 4500 bags of food and accommodation

  • RMB 5~6K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 40
  • 20 people

day shift Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free shuttle bus High temperature subsidy Festival Packet

Job responsibilities:
The day shift assembler of Shuangfu guarantees 4500 bags of food and accommodation in the first month

20-40 years old, responsible for diesel engine assembly.

For the long day shift, the minimum wage is 4500 yuan in the first month, and 4500-5500 yuan in the second month according to the output. Five insurances

Free working meals, free accommodation, salary on the 10th, transportation routes (Yangjiaping, Bashan, Shuangbei, Lijiatuo, Jiangbei, Maoxiangou, Hengda, Min'an Huafu, Jiangjin)

There are 2 related positions Put away relevant positions ↑

Luohuang small factory operator 8000+food and accommodation ¥ 8~10K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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Degang Technology (by Xunbo Human Resources Management Co., Ltd Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Luohuang small factory operator 8000+food and accommodation

  • ¥ 8~10K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Mechanical/electromechanical/heavy industry
  • unlimited
  • Below 49
  • 10 persons

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Festival Packet Seniority pay Prepayable

Job responsibilities:
All inclusive meals

Post: Operator (easy to learn, loading and unloading)

Requirements: 18-49 years old

Time: 10 hours

Salary: 7000-10000+

Treatment: room and board, four beds, year-end bonus, holiday benefits, birthday allowance

Operators of Luohuang Small Plant enter the 7+4 room every month RMB 6~8K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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Degang Technology (by Xunbo Human Resources Management Co., Ltd Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Operators of Luohuang Small Plant enter the 7+4 room every month

  • RMB 6~8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Motorcycle manufacturing
  • unlimited
  • Below 49
  • 15 persons

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Festival Packet Seniority pay Prepayable

Job responsibilities:
The production line of the accessory factory urgently hires operators, men and women are not limited

Position: Assembling parts, producing, simple and quick

Salary: piece work, about 6500


employee welfare

1. In the factory canteen, five yuan for a meal, two meat and one vegetable

2. Four free rooms for accommodation

3. Mobile phones are available in the workshop

4. Advance 500 in 15 days and 500 in 15 days

5. Free transportation to Banan Fish Cave



Free dormitory in the factory, 4-room, equipped with toilet, water heater, air conditioner, fan, radiator and wardrobe

Five yuan for a meal, two meat and one vegetable

Packaging workers in Luohuang Small Factory earn 6000+bags of food and accommodation per month RMB 6~8K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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Degang Technology (by Xunbo Human Resources Management Co., Ltd Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Packaging workers in Luohuang Small Factory earn 6000+bags of food and accommodation per month

  • RMB 6~8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Motorcycle manufacturing
  • unlimited
  • Below 49
  • 10 persons

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Festival Packet Seniority pay Prepayable

Job responsibilities:
Luohuang small factory needs a large number of operators

Position: Assembling parts, producing, simple and quick

Salary: piece work, about 6500


employee welfare

1. In the factory canteen, five yuan for a meal, two meat and one vegetable

2. Four free rooms for accommodation

3. Mobile phones are available in the workshop

4. Advance 500 in 15 days and 500 in 15 days

5. Free transportation to Banan Fish Cave



Free dormitory in the factory, 4-room, equipped with toilet, water heater, air conditioner, fan, radiator and wardrobe

Five yuan for a meal, two meat and one vegetable

There are 3 related positions Put away relevant positions ↑

Shuangfu Pipe Factory earns 6000 packages of food and accommodation allowance per month RMB 5.5~9K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Chongqing Sencai Human Resources Service

Shuangfu Pipe Factory earns 6000 packages of food and accommodation allowance per month

  • RMB 5.5~9K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • 100 people

Five insurances Three meals included Contract workers for meals Free package High temperature subsidy Festival Packet Regular physical examination Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
Pure package to eat and live in the fourth room

Jiangjin Shuangfu Pipe Factory, with monthly income of 6000+

Advantages: No one to pick, including qualified package, three meals, free 4-bedroom apartment accommodation, five insurances after six months, high salary of 7000-9000 yuan/month!!!

? Post salary:

PVC auxiliary workers: men and women aged 20-45, piece rate salary 5000-7000, one month, two shifts

Injection molding assistant worker: pipe cutting shift wage 5500-9000, female 22-42 years old

Quality inspector: female 20-40 years old, computer literate, basic salary+performance+overtime 4000-6000/month

Provide 105 sets of bedding

Luohuangneide's free transportation allowance of 1000 yuan for three meals with high salary RMB 5.5~7K/month Jiangjin District - Others Unlimited experience today

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Chongqing Sencai Human Resources Service

Luohuangneide's free transportation allowance of 1000 yuan for three meals with high salary

  • RMB 5.5~7K/month
  • Jiangjin District - Others
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 52
  • 100 people

day shift Five insurances Three meals included Contract workers for meals Free package High temperature subsidy Festival Packet Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
? High salary? Older workers? Three meals? Accommodation arrangement on the day of inclusion+interview? Provide oil supplement? If there is no accommodation, there is no accommodation subsidy

Jiangjin Luohuang - Naide Metalworking Shop?  

? Production of motorcycle engine cylinder block and head

Enterprise advantages: three meals, apartment accommodation, high salary, providing transportation near Banan, reimbursement of medical examination fees, and five insurances for becoming a full member!

? [Recruitment Position]:

one Pourer

Requirements: male 18-52 years old, female 20-48 years old with or without experience

Working hours: 7:00-19:00, 12 hour shift

Salary: the first month of piecework salary guarantees 150 yuan/day From the second month, the net piecework comprehensive salary is 5500-7000 yuan/month

Welfare benefits: five insurances, three meals, holiday gifts, reimbursement of medical examination fees, provision of fuel allowance+non accommodation allowance, etc

  Reimburse all medical examination fees after one month of employment!!!


Four person room allowance of Jiangjin Shuangfu air conditioning workshop 1500 RMB 5~6.5K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Chongqing Sencai Human Resources Service

Four person room allowance of Jiangjin Shuangfu air conditioning workshop 1500

  • RMB 5~6.5K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 50
  • 100 people

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Free shuttle bus High temperature subsidy Festival Packet Regular physical examination Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
Constant temperature air conditioning workshop? Don't wear clean clothes? Four room accommodation? Can you advance? Arrange accommodation on the interview day? Free application for husband and wife room?

Jiangjin Shuangfu Motorcycle Lamp Factory?

? Production of motorcycle lights and covers

? [Recruitment Position]:

one Injection molder

? Moulding trimming of motorcycle

[Requirement]: Male and female are not limited to 18-50 years old

Working hours: 8:00-20:00 day and night shift

[Salary]: 12 yuan/hour for 7 days before employment, net piecework comprehensive salary for 7 days: 5000 - 6500 yuan/month


After becoming a regular employee, purchase social security, 4-room accommodation (only electricity charges and electricity subsidies are deducted), reimbursement of medical examination fees, welfare canteen (food first and then deduction)

[Navigation address]: Jiangjin Shuangfu Parking Lot (Xiaokang Road)

Luohuang small factory 6000, factory car RMB 5~6K/month Others, Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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Nexter motorcycle parts (by Chongqing Xunbo Human Resources Management Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Luohuang small factory 6000, factory car

  • RMB 5~6K/month
  • Others, Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 50
  • 1 person

Five insurances and one fund Contract workers for meals Provide canteen Provide meal allowance

Job responsibilities:
Recruitment: 50 assembly workers, men and women aged 25-49

Simple, easy, easy to see


working hours:

8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and shift every half month

Wage: piecework system, 6500 yuan in total


1. Free working meal

2. Free accommodation

3. Mobile phones are available in the workshop

4. Advance 500 yuan in 15 days and 500 yuan in 15 days


Welcome to the company and visit the workshop

Small factory assembly 6000+short-term RMB 5~6K/month Luohuang, others Unlimited experience today

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Nexter motorcycle parts (by Chongqing Xunbo Human Resources Management Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Small factory assembly 6000+short-term

  • RMB 5~6K/month
  • Luohuang, others
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 48
  • 1 person

Five insurances and one fund Contract workers for meals Provide canteen Provide meal allowance

Job responsibilities:
Recruitment: 50 assembly workers, men and women aged 25-49

Simple, easy, easy to see


working hours:

8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and shift every half month

Wage: piecework system, 6500 yuan in total


1. Free working meal

2. Free accommodation

3. Mobile phones are available in the workshop

4. Advance 500 yuan in 15 days and 500 yuan in 15 days


Welcome to the company and visit the workshop

Jiangjin Luohuang machining monthly 7000+food and accommodation RMB 6~8K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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NEIDER Auto Parts (by Xunbo Human Resources Management Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Jiangjin Luohuang machining monthly 7000+food and accommodation

  • RMB 6~8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 50
  • 20 people

Five insurances and one fund Contract workers for meals Provide meal allowance Festival Packet Seniority pay

Job responsibilities:
Position: machining (responsible for loading and unloading parts, no experience required), summer work is acceptable

Requirements: 18~50, no experience, no one to take

Salary: piece rate, more pay for more work, comprehensive salary: 6000~8000

Food and accommodation: food and accommodation (food and accommodation are free at no cost)

Working time: two shifts, except meal break, about 10 hours

Work address: Luohuang, Jiangjin

Luohuang combination is easy to learn for 6000 months+ RMB 6~9K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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NEIDER Auto Parts (by Xunbo Human Resources Management Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Luohuang combination is easy to learn for 6000 months+

  • RMB 6~9K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • 20 people

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Provide canteen Provide meal allowance High temperature subsidy Seniority pay Inclusion

Job responsibilities:
The production line of the accessory factory urgently hires operators, men and women are not limited

Position: Assembling parts, producing, simple and quick

Salary: piece work, about 6500


employee welfare

1. In the factory canteen, five yuan for a meal, two meat and one vegetable

2. Four free rooms for accommodation

3. Mobile phones are available in the workshop

4. Advance 500 in 15 days and 500 in 15 days

5. Free transportation to Banan Fish Cave



Free dormitory in the factory, 4-room, equipped with toilet, water heater, air conditioner, fan, radiator and wardrobe

Five yuan for a meal, two meat and one vegetable

Luo Huangbao's monthly income of 7000+five insurances RMB 6~8K/month Jiangjin District Luohuang Unlimited experience today

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NEIDER Auto Parts (by Xunbo Human Resources Management Recruitment on behalf of, Human Resources License)

Luo Huangbao's monthly income of 7000+five insurances

  • RMB 6~8K/month
  • Jiangjin District Luohuang
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Auto parts
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • 20 people

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Provide canteen High temperature subsidy Inclusion

Job responsibilities:
Occupational physical examination

Position: machining

Salary: 6000-8000 yuan, payable in advance

Requirements: 18-49 years old, healthy

Time: two shifts, 7:00-19:00

Food and accommodation: three meals are included, 4-6 rooms are free, and water and electricity are shared equally.      

Welfare: filial piety subsidy, double employee subsidy, birthday gift, holiday gift, high temperature subsidy, children's school entrance bonus

There are 2 related positions Put away relevant positions ↑

Shuang Fuqun, Guangchang, Baiban, Baoaccommodation, Buying five insurances, 4-5K RMB 4-5K/month Jiangjin District Shuangfu Unlimited experience today

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Xinwu Human Resources Management

Shuang Fuqun, Guangchang, Baiban, Baoaccommodation, Buying five insurances, 4-5K

  • RMB 4-5K/month
  • Jiangjin District Shuangfu
  • unlimited
  • General worker/operator
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 40
  • 100 people

day shift Five insurances Contract workers for meals Free package Festival Packet

Job responsibilities:
Shuang Fu Qun Guang - Age adjustment for the long day shift, without checking the flow certificate, including food and housing, free physical examination

Job position: general worker,

Recruitment requirements: male or female, 23-40 years old, no case of infectious diseases, no extra large tattoos, long-term work.

Salary: basic salary: 2100 yuan+100 yuan for full attendance; overtime at ordinary times: 18 yuan/hour; overtime at weekends: 24 yuan/hour; overtime on statutory holidays: 36 yuan/hour; comprehensive salary: 4000-5000 yuan; night shift allowance: 50 yuan/day.

Recruitment instructions:

① Various post allowances and benefits are good

② Buy five insurances, including food and housing

③ On the same day, separate dormitory and check in with bags

④ The number of good enterprises is limited

Caster RMB 5~9K/month Jiulongpo District - Yangjiaping Experience ≥ 1 year today

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Arrival HR Service


  • RMB 5~9K/month
  • Jiulongpo District - Yangjiaping
  • 1 year and above
  • Smelter
  • Human resources services
  • unlimited
  • Below 45
  • 1 person

Five insurances Contract workers for meals Provide canteen Provide meal allowance Free shuttle bus High temperature subsidy Professional training Festival Packet

Job responsibilities:
Male restricted

Under 45 years old, two shifts in 12 hours

Wage Piece work comprehensive salary is about 4000-9000

Experience required

Eating: the minimum standard is 6 yuan/meal, one meat and two vegetables

Accommodation: 30 yuan/month, water and electricity sharing "salary deduction" requires 100 accommodation deposits to be refunded after one month

Physical examination fee: 120-214 physical examination fee for occupational health examination in the designated hospital

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